How To Remove Dry Skin From Feet With Vinegar


Every one of us hates dry and cranky feet. The solution to this problem is simply Vinegar. This is the simplest and easiest DIY tip. Vinegar is used not only for cooking purpose but it has been used to cure many pains and aches.

It helps in treating foot problems like foot odour, athlete’s foot, fungus, cracks etc. As we all know vinegar is acidic in nature and this property helps to deal with cracks and make foot softer and smoother.

Lack of moisture is one of the main reasons behind dry and dead skin on your feet. However there are few more reasons behind it and they are as follows.

Reasons behind Dead Skin on Feet

  1. Soaps : The soaps that you regularly use may contain harsh chemical that can turn out to be harmful on your foot. This can cause your skin to become more dull and dry.
  2. Footwear : Selecting right kind of footwear helps in keeping your foot away from some of the foot problems. If the footwear is not comfortable enough then it can give problems like cracks and dry skin.
  3. Overweight : Your feet are the one who carry your weight all day long and if you are overweight then the ones who suffer are your feet itself.
  4. Long Hours of Standing : Standing for long hours can puts more pressure on your foot; as a result the foot may become full and dry.

Note: if you are diabetes patient then do not follow the vinegar soak, it is advisable to consult your doctor for foot problems.

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How to make Vinegar Foot Soak?

Using vinegar directly may not harm foot but it is advisable to dilute it with water. Mix it in 1:2 ratio i.e.; one part of vinegar and two parts of water. The smell of vinegar may be annoying but it will vanish after the foot are dried up.

Vinegar Foot Soak

Vinegar deals with all sorts of foot problems listed below. The choice of vinegar is all yours. You can either use white vinegar or apple cedar vinegar.

  1. Athlete’s Foot: it is a type of fungal infection that mainly disturbs the toes. The toes develop redness and the skin starts peeling. Furthermore it can cause itchiness and burns on the foot.
    •  Take a tub and fill it with water and vinegar in 2:1 ratio that is two portions of water and one portion of vinegar.. Dip your foot in the tub for 10-15 minutes. Make sure your foot are completely soaked inside water. You need to do this either daily or at least every alternate day in order to get rid of the fungal infection.
  1. Smelly Foot: bacteria are the reason behind smelly foot and this foot odour can sometimes turn out to be very annoying and irritating.
    • To avoid smelly and itchy foot soak your foot in vinegar and water tub. You may either use white or apple cedar vinegar. You can even add one to two teaspoons of baking soda in it. Leave your foot for 10-15 minutes and then dry your foot thoroughly. Always wash your feet thoroughly with soap before soaking in vinegar.
  1. Overtired Foot: if you want to calm your foot after a long day at work then the vinegar soak is best. It relieves your foot from all sorts of pain and aches.
    • Fill the tub with warm or hot water, however you like it. Add in 2 cups of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt in it. Give it a mix and then leave your foot for relaxing. Leave it for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this daily to keep your feet calm and relaxed.
  1. Dry Foot: in order to get rid of dry and dull skin, leave your foot in vinegar soak for 15 minutes then after that gently rub it with soft brush or pumice stone on the dry areas. Later on use a moisturiser on your foot.
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