How to Treat Hormonal Acne Naturally

Hormonal acne is nothing but the acne caused by the changes  in hormones. Whatever our life style or age would be, hormonal changes have a way of fiddling with your skin too.

However, acne often occurs due to puberty- even adults experience it as well like monthly explosions or chronic patches and occasional breakouts. Acne is very common in people and can be treated, but severe acne may effect self image and self esteem that affects people psychologically.

This article will help you to know more information about the causes and natural remedies to treat hormonal acne.

What Are The Causes Of Acne?

There are many factors which lead to the formation of acne on your face. We will just see the main 4 factors behind the formation of acne lesions. Well, hormones play a crucial role in the formation of acne, that’s the reason many people call it as hormonal acne.

  1. The hormone called testosterone rises during puberty. It leads to formation of greasy skin by increasing the sebum production. Sebum is nothing but a oily gland on skin which is secreted at the base of hair to protect and lubricate the skin.
  2. If the androgen levels in your body are too high, then your skin starts to produce more sebum that can clog pores when combines with dead skin cells. These clogged pores lead to the formation of acne. The over production of skin cells is also one cause in this process.
  3. If any bacteria reacts with immune system then it results in formation of inflammation in your body. Not all acne are inflammatory, pimples called papules, nodules and pustules may lead to inflammation.
  4. The comedones which are related to skin are made worse by bacterial infections. Even higher insulin levels also triggers inflammation which can also cause acne.
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Role Of Hormones For Acne

As I said earlier, hormones play a major role in the formation of acne. Especially a hormone called testosterone whose levels rises in teenage years as a part of puberty, this helps in muscle development of boys and bone strength in girls.

This hormone also has the ability to effect and increases sebum production at base of the hair on skin. Because the glands that secrete the oil are sensitive to testosterone.

For women, the hormonal changes during pregnancy and menstrual cycle will also cause acne.

Home Remedies For Hormonal Acne

Before the acne turns into serious issue, we need to get rid of this hormonal acne naturally by following these home remedies which are given below.

Follow these remedies to see beneficial results.

  • Honey

The anti septic and anti bacterial properties in honey can treat hormone acne easily. You just need to take a little bit of honey in your hand and massage it over your face for 2-3 minutes. Wait until it gets dry and wash your face with lukewarm water.

Regular application of honey on your face will prevent accumulation of oil and reduces hormone acne.

  • Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the best ingredients to treat skin and hair problems. This is also helpful in treating hormonal acne too.

How to Treat Hormonal Acne Naturally

It also contains, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and antiseptic properties, which are proved to be an excellent remedy for hormonal acne. It easily treats scars and heals the skin on your face.

You just need to take a little amount of coconut oil in your hand and massage it over acne prone areas and leave it for some time. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. Regulate this process until you see good results.

  • Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is one of the best essential oil to treat acne easily. The anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties in tea tree oil not only prevents the hormonal acne, it also helps to fight against bacteria and virus which cause acne.

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Dilute tea tree oil by adding a little amount of olive oil and mix it well. Then apply it on acne prone area and wash it with lukewarm water after some time. Repeat it daily to prevent hormonal acne in your body.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

As we know apple cider vinegar has been used from centuries. This wonderful ingredient is also used to treat hormonal acne easily. Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium, magnesium and acetic acid which can effortlessly treat and remove acne.If hormonal acne is not treated soon, then it results in bacteria and fungal accumulation on the skin.

Dilute apple cider vinegar by adding carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil and apply it on your face. Leave it for some time and wash it with normal water.

  • Dietary Changes

A proper diet not only keeps us healthy, it also avoids several diseases and health issues. Hormonal acne generally occurs due to an excessive intake of processed foods.

Consuming processed foods like fried items, fats, sugars may often result in hormonal acne. Cut down processed foods in your diet and replace them with fresh vegetables and fruits which are rich in minerals and vitamins.

  • Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is generally used in many skin products and creams. It is extremely good for treating acne, because it controls the production of oil on the skin and prevents breakouts.Apart from treating hormonal acne, it also helps in treating and preventing severe zits on your face.

  • Drink Green Tea

Drinking green tea helps us in many ways. Green tea is known for decreasing inflammation in your body. Try to take 2 glasses of green tea everyday to get rid of hormonal acne.

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It also helps in weight loss, proper functioning of immunes system and removing of toxins from your body and many more.

  • Limit Your Sugar Intake

You may wonder how sugar is related to acne problem. But if the sugar intake in your body is high then body starts producing more insulin and insulin factor.

Because of insulin factor, it increases the sebum production which clogs up enlarged pores and promotes acne formation.So it’s better to cut down or limit the intake of sugar in your diet.

  • Mint For Hormonal Acne

Mint is perfect for treating hormonal acne easily. It helps to remove pore clogging oil. It also contains anti inflammatory properties that helps to reduce inflammation.

You just need to take 2 table spoons of freshly chopped mint leaves and mix it with a table spoon of yogurt and oatmeal. Apply this on your face and leave it for few minutes and then rinse it off with water.


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