This Is How The Brain Reacts When You Eat Turmeric Every Day

Turmeric is well known ingredient from centuries. This wonderful spice contains anti bacterial, anti viral and anti septic properties which helps us in healing and protecting from many health and skin problems.

Apart from the benefits of turmeric, the curcumin supplement in turmeric is more popular and this is considered as a miracle spice among all ingredients.

Well, we need to know what happens to your brain, if you consume turmeric on regular basis.

Link Between Your Brain And Turmeric

Turmerone a compound found in turmeric that helps in protecting and proper functioning of neurons in our body. However, if you are affected with a disease called Alzheimer’s which is related to neurons and make the neuron cells to die and prevents the production of new cells in your body.

Tumerone helps to revitalize neurons and start new cell production and it also allows cell differentiation to allow stem cells to become new neurons. Tumerone not only promotes the regeneration of neurons, it also acts as anti depressant agent.

Several studies have shown that consuming turmeric everyday helps in many ways especially for cancer patients to kill the production of cancer cells in their body and prevent the formation of tumors.

As we know, it is easy to get turmeric in market, try to get dried turmeric rather than powder one.Including the functionality of brain, turmeric has many health benefits. Some of them are shown below:

  • Reduces Inflammation

Turmeric is considered as a powerful anti inflammatory agent. The compound called curcumin in turmeric is best for its excellent anti inflammatory properties.

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Many researchers have shown that turmeric can effectively deal with variety of chronic and medical conditions without any side effects.

  • Promotes Heart Health

Curcumin found in turmeric is very good for heart health. curcumin also contains plaque removal properties, because plaque buildup in arteries can lead to heart attack or stroke.

This Is How The Brain Reacts When You Eat Turmeric Every Day

This compound also helps in reducing bad cholesterol from your body and increases good cholesterol called HDL. Turmeric is also involved in treating blood clot problems. Make sure to visit doctor before using turmeric supplement for this issue.

  • It Heals Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is very common problem faced by many people these days. This is often known as IBD (irritable bowel syndrome).

Even though studies have not approved that turmeric can heal it completely,but the compound curcumin in turmeric has anti bacterial and anti inflammatory and immune regulating properties will reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Improves Immunity

Anti microbial properties in turmeric fight against various viruses, bacteria and fungi and protects the immune system. Add a little amount of turmeric in a glass of milk and drink it every day, it will helps you to proper functioning of immune system.

  • It Aids Digestion

This amazing spice helps to increases the secretion of digestive juices, especially bile secretion by the gall bladder.If you experience stomach upset or discomfort, try to consume a table spoon of turmeric mixed with a table spoon of honey. It will give you instant relief and it also helps you to get relief from gas and bloating problems.Turmeric is safe to use without fearing about side effects.

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