Lavender Oil for Migraine Headaches


Migraine is a common and serious headache resulting in moderate to severe pain. About 12 percent of U.S population suffers from migraine headache. Reports show that women are affected three times more than men.

Depending on intensity of the pain, different medication is suggested. Anyhow, for a quick relief from migraine and other types of headache experts suggest trying lavender oil. Excellent aroma of lavender oil soothes headache and lifts your mood.

In a study scientist says that the migraine pain is due to physiologic changes in brain. Migraine is often associated with sensitivity to light; sound and you may also experience vomiting. Factors like stress, loud noise and diet can trigger migraine headache.

Lavender Oil and Headache

All types of headaches have one thing in common, that is pain. You may experience moderate to severe pain in head. Though not all headaches are same, but fortunately you can use same innate remedy for different headaches. As mentioned, lavender oil has mood stabilizing effect it can effectively reduce pain.

Topically apply this essential oil over affected part or inhale; you’ll be find instant relief from pain. Coumarin, a compound present in lavender oil dilates or opens up blood vessels to reduce headache.

There is no medical data to back the benefits of lavender oil for headache, anyhow in a study carried out in 1994, H. Gobel documented that topical application of essential oil relaxed mind and muscle vessels. Mostly, people place cold compress or warm compress to relief from headaches, but if you’re looking for instant relief dab essential oil over temples.

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How to use lavender oil for headache and migraine?

As mentioned above you can either inhale or topically massage over forehead and around the neck. If you’re allergic to lavender oil, you may experience severe headache, so patch test before trying this home remedy.

  • Take pure lavender oil from local drug store and drop 2-4 drops in 2-3 cups of boiling water to inhale.
  • Another method is to pour 2 drops of lavender oil in cold water and drop wash cloth in it.
  • Wring the cloth and place it over forehead.
  • You can do the same with warm water, if you want warm compress.

If you don’t have time, then directly apply 1-2 drops of lavender oil on temples and neck to relief.

Note: Lavender oil is toxic, so avoid its internal use. Pregnant and breast feeding women are advised to stay away from lavender oil.

Comparing lavender oil to pain killers

Effectiveness of high dose pain killers for migraine patients is 70%. Anyhow, side-effects associated with these powerful drugs are server. Tylenol drug may cause vomiting, swelling and stomach pain. (source) Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug. Overdose of this drug may cause indigestion, pale skin and weight gain. (source)

Unlike these drugs, lavender oil for migraine headache has no or less side-effects. Those who’re using it for the first time need to patch test to confirm that they are not allergic to this oil.


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