Argan Oil for Hair Loss


The worst nightmare any could have is losing their hair and becoming bald. Both men and women experience hair loss regardless of age, which is very natural thing. But if the hair fall continues for a longer period of time and in larger numbers then you must be serious about it.

There are many reasons for hair loss like lack of nutritious diet, heredity, stress, tension, pollution etc. Argan oil used on a regular basis has shown positive results to help hair growth. Whatever might be the reason of hair loss, consider applying argan oil. It is wonder- working hair oil which not only stops hair fall but also improves hair growth as well as improves scalp health. If you apply argan oil on a regular basis then you will see less hair on hair brush and more on your head. This works both for men and women.

Scalp Exfoliation

Before you start using argan oil you need to exfoliate your scalp to unblock each hair follicle so that the oil penetrates deep into the scalp. Argan oil is not capable of unblocking follicle; you need an exfoliating product which is especially designed to unclog hair follicle which helps in eliminating pollutants from environment, excess sebum, build up of styling products etc.

Always follow the instructions and do as mentioned on the label of exfoliating products. Wash your hair, you can use argan oil based shampoo and then towel dry hair.

How to apply Argan Oil

Now take few drops of argan oil on your palm and dip the finger tips of another hand and start giving a massage on your scalp. Always use a circular motion to apply oil. Cover the entire scalp, front to back and sideways as well. Make sure you apply oil to all the hair in a right manner and for right amount of time, preferably 15-20 minutes. This stimulates the flow of blood from scalp to each hair follicle. Make it a point to apply argan oil at least 3 times a week for faster hair growth and to stop hair fall.

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Argan Oil is helpful in the following ways

  • Promotes hair growth:
    Research have shown that Argan oil helps in the promotion of hair growth. Argan oil helps in the production of keratin which is a must for new hair growth.
  • Balances hormone levels:
    Argan Oil is enabling of maintaining the hormone levels between the skin and the scalp.
  • Improve blood circulation to the scalp:
    Argan Oil is very helpful in improving blood circulation to the scalp. If the circulation of blood is proper then the hair follicles will get the essential nutrients for hair growth.
  • Moisturises the scalp:
    Argan Oil helps in eliminating dandruff, build up of styling products, pollutants etc that damages the hair follicle growth and this in turn will lead to proper skin moisture.
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