Is It Safe To Eat Avocado Seeds?

We all know that avocados are one of the nutritious foods and its delicious pulp can do wonders when you add this fruit in your diet. But, what about avocado seeds? It is certainly believed that these seeds are used medicinally for many purposes in some parts of the world. Is it really safe to eat avocado seeds?

Well, we are going to see the potential health benefits of avocado seeds in this article.

Before knowing whether is it safe to eat avocado seeds or not just check out the benefits of these wonderful seeds of this delicious fruit.

Health Benefits Of Avocado Seeds:

Like most seeds, avocado seeds are also rich source of vitamins, nutrients and fibers concluded according to recent research.

Here are some more benefits of avocado seeds include:

  1. Rich Source Of Anti Oxidants:

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According to a research in national university of Singapore, it has been concluded that avocado seeds contain rich content of anti oxidants and phenolic content than edible portions.

It is believed that the seed contain 70% of fruits total antioxidant content and that’s the reason it has many health benefits.

  1. Reduce Cholesterol Levels:


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Not only the pulp of avocado helps in reducing cholesterol, even the seeds of avocado contains high amount of fiber and anti oxidants that helps in reducing LDL cholesterol and improving HDL cholesterol in the body.

  1. Improves Digestive Health:


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Avocado is considered good in traditional American medicine, particularly in maintaining digestive health. The seeds of avocado are effective in treating ulcers, gastrointestinal problems, constipation and diarrhea.

  1. Anti Inflammatory Properties:

Antioxidants present in avocado seeds acts effectively in reducing chronic inflammation and reduce pain and swelling.

  1. Anti Fungal Properties:

According to recent study on avocado seeds, they are effective in inhibiting the growth of fungal and Candida Alba cans, a yeast that causes problem in guts.

Is It Safe To Eat Avocado Seeds?

However, the test tube studies and animal studies have proven the health benefits of avocado seeds but there are no human studies clinical benefits.

As for safety, occasionally eating small amount of seeds is probably fine. But consuming them in larger amounts will results in rising risks in your health.

A mouse study of scientific world journal found that high doses of avocado seeds extract are toxic to the animals but didn’t cause genetic damage.

Currently, there is no evidence to be assured that avocado seed is healthy for human consumption.

How To Eat An Avocado Seed:

If you want to eat avocado seeds, you must prepare them as they are very hard.

First you need to put them in oven at high temperature until it gets dried completely and dehydrated. Then put them in blender by cutting them into small pieces and make it fine smooth powder.

You can add this powder to smoothies, salads and sauces. However, drying out the seed will reduce the antioxidants in it. So you may not reap the benefits expected.

Bottom Line:

Avocado seeds may contain some health benefits, unfortunately the research to support these benefits are weak. So it is harmful to eat avocado seeds .

If you re taking it, then remember to have it in minimum amount.

Is It Safe To Eat Avocado Seeds-

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