10 Warning Signs of Dehydration You Should Know About

Dehydration happens when your body doesn’t get much water as it needs, without enough water your body cannot work or function properly.

Human body contains 75% of water and your body uses water in all its cells, organs and tissues to maintain other bodily functions and regulate the temperature.

Keeping your body hydrated helps in retaining optimum levels of moisture in the sensitive areas as well as in the blood, bones and brain. It also helps in protecting spinal cord and acts as a lubricant and cushion for your joints.

While you engage in vigorous exercise, sweat in high heat or sweat coming due to fever and illness causes to loose fluids in the body.

So by increasing fluid intake you can restore body hydration levels. Many of the people don’t realize how much water they lose every day, they end chronically dehydrated.

Here are the 10 Signs of Dehydration you should be aware of:

1 Diarrhea

Lots of fluid from the body goes out due to diarrhea and thisb can cause dehydration .Diarrhea is caused due to the increase in number or volume of bowler movements.

When you have diarrhea the large intestine isn’t able to absorb the fluid or more than the usual amount of fluid.

2 Headache

Human brain sits inside the fluid sack which prevents it from bumping out of the skull, if the fluid sack has less amount of fluid then it causes dehydration and produce mild headache.

Even the brain needs oxygen which flows through the blood in the body. Drinking more water has more chances to relieve from headaches.

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3 Dizziness

Feeling dizzy is one of the causes of dehydration. When your body doesn’t gets enough fluid it makes your blood pressure low and have lower volume of blood which leads to lower artery walls pressure. It makes you feel the rush in your head.

When the fluid and the blood pressure of the body is low, then your heart works harder and faster to pump blood to the brain.

4 Heart Palpitations

Dehydration may increase in heart rate and palpitation, palpitation happens because of low potassium and low sugar level in the blood.

When your body has low content of water it unbalances the minerals which affects the functioning of the body.

5 Bad Breath

10 Warning Signs of Dehydration You Should Know About

One of the major causes for bad breath is dehydration; your mouth produces enough saliva to not letting it dry. Decrease in Saliva provides fertile ground for bacteria to grow and cause bad breath.

Dehydration in your body can prevent from producing enough saliva in the mouth and cause increase in the growth of bacteria.

6 Food Carvings

If you’re experiencing carvings for sweets to salts then it’s a sign that your body is experiencing difficulty with glycogen production. Instead of taking junk food prefer taking fluids and water dense foods which helps in reducing carvings.

7 Painful Joints and Muscles

Adequate hydration and electrolyte balance is essential for proper muscle contraction. The cartilage in your joints is made of about 80% of water, if they aren’t getting hydrated, bones connected by them to grind and leads to pain and inflammation.

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If you have low level of magnesium in your bones it leads to muscle cramps and pain in the legs.

8 Fatigue and Lethargy

Fluid loss causes your blood volume to drop and blood pressure to increase. This leads to functioning of heart faster and to pump the blood to the brain skin and all other parts of the body.This makes you feel tired and sleepy and experiences more fatigue and confusion than properly hydrated.

9 Dark Urine

Kidneys help you to store fluid balance in the body. If you’re fully hydrated there’s a higher ratio of water to waste and urine will be in light color.

When urine is dark then it’s a sign of dehydration, it means the kidneys redirects water into your body to maintain blood pressure and minerals.

10 Dry Skin and Lips

We have 30% of water in our skin; if the blood volume drops the skin loses its elasticity and becomes dry. Skin cells are also losing their fluid content because of internal dehydration.

Drinking more water regularly helps you to be hydrated and it is good for healthy skin.


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