Natural Remedy For Cleaning Your Eyes and Improving Vision in Only 3 Months

For all those who are blessed with sight should never take eye problems for granted. Eye sight is the most important gift of nature. Protecting and avoiding any kind of harm to eyes is very vital. Damage to eyes can cause cataract.

This problem is treated surgically and fortunately we have natural remedies for most of the medical problems.

Cataract is nothing but unable to see things clearly, this occurs in old age people, but this doesn’t mean it won’t affect the younger ones, it’s a clouding of lens which lies behind the iris and pupil and affects vision and even causes blindness.

The lens are the clear part of the eye which helps us to see a clear image, the image is focused on the retina and passes through the lens ,if the lens are cloudy from the cataract then the image will be blurred.

The lens are made of mostly water and protein, proteins are placed in the exact way which helps to see a clear image. But some of the proteins may clump together and makes the image blur and if it increases day by day it makes vision harder and difficult in seeing things.

Here is the solution to improve your vision without a surgery. This can be done simply by the consumption of vitamin A, which helps in improving vision and as well as intake of  vegetables like spinach,  carrot, beetroot.

These veggies contains irons and minerals which will keep your vision clear.

 Reasons for Cataract

There are certain reasons which leads to cataract, they are as follows

  • Depression
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight
  • Excess use of Tobacco
  • Ultra violet radiation
  • Trauma
  • Radiation theory
  • Overproduction of oxidation
  • Long term use of steroid medicines
  • Eye injury
  • Being born with cataract
  • Hormones replacement therapy
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Symptoms of cataract

cleaning eys remedy

  • Double vision in the effected eye.
  • Unable to see at night.
  • Frequent changes in eye glasses.
  • Haloes may be absorbed around lights.
  • Lost of contrast sensitivity.
  • Decrease in clarity of vision.
  • Pain in the eye.
  • Disturbing glare may be noted when light falls on an image.

Raspberries and rose petals help to improve your vision

Raspberries and rose petals also help us to improve our vision by making eye drops and cleaning our eyes every day. Let us see how to prepare eye drops with these things and how to use it which is as shown below:

Required ingredients

  • 4 cups of boiling water.
  • 4 teaspoons of raspberry leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of rose petals.


Improve your vision by using this amazing mixture which will help you to see things clearly. To prepare this first you need to place all the ingredients in boiling water and simmer the mixture for several minutes and leave it to cool for some time. Then take the water and clean your eyes daily with this water.

Continue this process for three months to improve your vision.

This often helps in the development of cataract and sharpens the eye and it protects from all other issues of eye.

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