These 14 Foods Will Improve Your Kidney’s Ability To Detox Like Never Before!

Most of us take back pain lightly, it cannot be ignored as the pain can be cause of kidney function disorder. Many a times it may lead to several other severe problem.

In United States, kidney infection executes a greater number of individuals, research study of national kidney foundation have concluded that more than 26 million Americans have kidney infection and 1 in 3 American develop kidney infections every day.

Major risk factors of kidneys includ high blood pressure, family history, smoking, drinking and cardiovascular diseases.

Importance Of Kidneys

Kidneys are one of the vital organs which are located back. Kidneys are responsible for filtering and removing waste products from the body, keeps bones healthy and maintains good blood pressure.

The foods we eat daily plays a major role in maintaining good health and functioning of organs properly in our body.

Here are the 14 foods which will help your kidney to detox like never before!

14 Kidney Boosting Foods

1. Apples

This is the best fruit to reduce kidney disease especially when the disease is in initial stage. This fruit is great for maintaining health of the kidneys,consume apples regularly to get rid of kidney diseases.

2. Cranberries

Cranberries are often used in preventing urinary tract infections, which try to reach the kidneys and bladder.

Cranberry juice also helps in fighting with the bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder and tissues within the kidneys.

3. Grapes

Grapes contain anti oxidants properties which help in protecting the kidneys from damage and free from radicals and toxins.

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These are used as preventive measures against kidney disease in high risk or obese individuals.

Eating 15 grapes daily can help the kidneys to function properly and keep the blood alkaline at bay.

4. Lemon

Lemon is a citrus fruit which contains citric acid that helps in treating kidney stones and lowers the body temperature.

It reduces stones that have already formed and prevents small stones by getting bigger by coating them and preventing materials which are attached and build unto them.

5. Ginger

The main help ginger do to the body is, it heals back pain which is the indication of a kidney disease. Because of its anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties, it is mostly known as digestive tonic that relieves vomiting and nausea affect.

It also helps in blood circulation and detoxes the bloodstream toxins.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric relieves inflammatory disease, because of its inflammatory properties it helps in treating chronic kidney disease.

Chronic kidney disease can lead to end stage renal disease resulting in dialysis and transplant.

7. Parsley

These 14 Foods Will Improve Your Kidney’s Ability To Detox Like Never Before

Parsley should be consumed everyday to treat kidney stones and urinary tract infection. It is better to be taken along with tea which eases constipation as well.

8. Celery Seeds

Celery seeds are used as a diuretic as it contains anti inflammatory and anti stress substance which helps in proper functioning of kidneys. It also helps in healing liver and spleen disorders.

9. Hydrangea Root

Hydrangea root has many beneficial effects, it is used for urinary track problems such as infections of  bladder, urethra and kidney stones.

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10. Marsh Mallow Root

It helps in promoting the elimination of toxins that are in kidneys, liver and colon as well as helps in healing and cleansing body.

11. Gravel Root

Gravel root helps in treating urinary tact problems like painful urination or burning sensation in urine. It also helps in removing infections from kidneys, urethra and bladder.

12. Nettle

It is believed that consumption of nettle tea may dissolves kidney stones as well as treat urinary infections and kidney inflammations.

It also helps in preventing water retention and efficiently cleanses the blood to get rid of harmful toxins.

13. Yarrow

This plant is a roadside weed in many areas, but the anti inflammatory properties in this plant helps in preventing kidney infections and calm down the nerves and lower down liver infections.

14. Dandelion

Dandelion root is diuretic, which helps in relieving digestive problems, PMS and edema. Consume the roots of ginger tea and get relief from kidney infections.

While the above foods will help you to decrease kidney issues but the first and foremost thing to be done is to consume lots of water. Drink atleast 2-3 litres of water daily to keep kidney infections at bay.


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