8 Things That You Should Never Ever Share!

Do you keep secrets or do you share with others every single details of your life?

Since childhood, we have a habit of sharing with others. We all know that sharing is caring and from that time we follow this ideology. Yes, it is good that you should follow these kinds of ideologies, in the correct places. Because sharing everything can leads to serious health problems.

Sometimes you can hurt yourself more than anyone can hurt you just by keeping all your felling secreted.  In this article you are obtainable to know the things that you should avoid sharing and suggest to keep it to yourself.

Following are the 8 things that you Should Never Share

8 Things That You Should Never Ever Share!

1 Lip Stick

Now a day we see most of the women contribute to their things outside. When it comes to lip stick it is most common one. But it is very important for you to be familiar that sharing lip stick is most dangerous to your health. As there is probability to that your friend might be carrying herpes which you can get through the lip stick.

2 Hair Accessories

This is most common thing we do every day at our house. We should not use some one’s hair accessories as there are probability that you might get dandruff and lice. Even if you use some one’s hair bands or clips you can find hair issues.

3 Towels

Most of the common skin infection is spread through using some one’s towels. By using others towels there are probability to get other peoples fungus and bacteria on your skin.

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4 Slippers

Mostly we see slippers are basic things that every one used to share at bathrooms. But you will be shocked to know that it is the breeding ground for fungus. So, it is always superior to provide your own belongings with you and a new pair of slippers that you don’t use.

5 Headphones

Mostly we share headphones with our friends and colleague. But it is not good as there are different kinds of bacteria breeding on earwax. By using some one’s headphones there are probability of getting ear infection.

6 Skincare Accessories

By using some one’s skin accessories there are probability to get infection and bacteria from the other person’s skin. So, make sure to purchase a new one and don’t use others.

7 Cosmetics

Mostly we see these types of sharing in the beauty parlor. You should also avoid sharing other cosmetics with someone as it can transmit bacteria to your skin, which makes your skin itching.

8 Roll- on & Deodorants

If you share these kinds of things with someone there are chances to get infection or bacteria on your skin.

Sharing something that’s been all up in another person’s armpit is gross to start with, but contaminated sticks can actually cause infections if germs get into nicks from shaving or ingrown hairs.

Some deodorants work by killing odor-causing bacteria, so the antibacterial ingredients provide added protection. But many deodorants, especially organic kinds, just mask the smell with fragrance, so it’s easy for underarm germs to grow on the stick.

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