Home Remedies for Gas Pain in the Chest

Most of us have a problem with gas pain in the chest which occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle and dietary patterns. Previously it was common in mid-forties but due to changing lifestyle it can progress at any age.

It is prominent for both males and females and makes them uncomfortable in doing their household works.

Do you know why it occurs and how it can be treated by including some home remedies for gas pain in the chest?

What is the cause of gas pain in the chest?

Actually, intestinal gas gets trapped inside, which getsaccumulated to chest level thus accounts for gas pain in the chest.I have seen many peoplewho getpalpation on the onset of the chest pain and thinks that this is arising due to heart problems.

But Let me tell you this is a type of temporary pain which lastsuntil gas is evacuated from the body.

But you have not to worry in this regard as I will provide you a list of Top 10 home remedies which will help you in getting relief from gas pain.

What is the best home remedies for gas pain in the chest?

But before sharing the home remedies doctors say that primary focus should be on the causative agents which if focussed can help in treating the disease.

So according to nutritionists, intestinal gas is generally formed due to incomplete digestion process, sometimes due to swallowing of air during eating. This is also said that fast eater also suffers from gas the air gets swallowed by them.

Other factors which attribute to gas pain in the chest is the hardening of stool i.e. constipation, intake of oily processed foods.

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Fibre is good for bowel movement but do you know highfibre diet also contributes to chest pain. Food allergies or intake of some beverages such as soda, colas, and beer may also trigger this problem.

Passing gas, pain or swelling in the abdomen, chest pain and loss of appetite are some of the symptoms of it.

What are the best home remedies for gas pain in the chest?

Home Remedies for Gas Pain in the Chest

Let’s have a look at some natural ways which helps for gas pain in the chest.

1. Drinking Hot Fluids

If we will move to our grandmother’s saying that has a glass of lukewarm water in the morning but we generally ignore it.

However, this is true lukewarm water or hot fluids such as tea and coffee aids in alleviating gases from the abdomen and chest a natural home remedy.

2. Papaya

If you are also a fruit lover then papaya will be the finest choice for you. You would be amazed to know that papaya helps in removing gas from the chest.

This fruit is not only for removing gas from the body, in fact, it is enriched with vitamins and minerals which help in preventing cardiovascular problems (heart problems).

Make a daily habit of eating papaya and prevent gas formation in the abdomen.

3. Peppermint Tea

This tea smells very nice and refreshing. I have seen many people around me who are fond of peppermint tea. Hope you will like it too. If we will talk about why this is suggested to have this tea.

Then, the scientific reason behind it is due to its carminative properties which eliminate gases from the abdomen.

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This also aids inthe digestion of food.  Due to its fragrance, it helps in preventing nausea and vomiting. Enjoy a cup of daily of this natural pepperminttea helps in easily passingof gaswhich is trapped in the chest.

4. Ginger or Chamomile Tea

I think most probably you will choose these herbal teas as it tastes good and smells better which gives a peaceful mind and also acts as a stress buster. So, if you are a tea person then ginger or chamomile tea is a perfect choice.

When you have to take this tea then it is better to take after meals to prevent the gasesformation and if already you are suffering from gas then surely consume it. Go for it and enjoy every sip of it.

5. Baking Soda

Our next remedies are baking soda. This gives relief from the gas as it makes the bubbles and let the gases out from your body.

  • Take a tsp of baking soda and mix it in warm water and stir it well and have it. It would remove gases from the abdomen and thus provides relief from the pain.

6. Try Sit Ups

Maybe you will feel you that what nonsense I’m talking about. But trust me this is the most effective remedies for the evacuation of gas.

Actually, the fact behind is that it makes pressure at your abdomen which pulls gas release from the body and you feel comfortable.

It aids in releaseof trapped gas from the abdomen and chest.  This provides immediate relief from pain.

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This activity is good for the stomach, and if you are a fitness freak then you would be happy to know that it willalso tone up your abdomen muscles.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the most preferred drink for the gas pain in the chest.

This increases the metabolism and helps in evacuation of gas.

  • Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and dilute with a glass of water and have it. This helps in the instant releaseof gases from the abdomen. This also helps in good digestionand preventthe formation of gases. This is the most brilliant home remedies for chest pain occurring due to gas.

8. Get moving

In most of the cases, lack of physical inactivity causes digestionproblems due to which gas build up and discomfort the people.

This is suggested, for an evening walk or you can simply do some physical activity which will surely provide relief

9. Cardamom

This is an awesome Indian spice which we all generally use in our home aids in eliminating gas from the body.

10. Cumin seeds

It aids in providing comfort to people who are suffering from gas. This helps in removal of flatulence or bloating.

  • You can take two tablespoons of powdered cumin and boil with the half glass of water.
  • Consume it early in the morning with an empty stomach.

Dear readers, if you have any suggestion or any remedies kindly send us.

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