Home Remedies for Urinary Incontinence

The reproductive system is also a vital system of the body which perform various functions but if it is impaired or inflamed can cause Urinary incontinence.Generally, people find uncomfortable in sharing and even talking about bladder problems. This occurs in both males and femalesbut women are most prone to it.

Do you know what the cause of its occurrence is and how it can be treated by including some home remedies for urinary incontinence?

But before discussing its etiology and treatment let’s try to understand the types of incontinence. There are three main types of Urinaryincontinence i.e. stress, urge, and overflow incontinence. So let’s know about it briefly.

  • Stress incontinence – This type of incontinence is very commonoccurs even on simple physical activities such as laughing, sneezing, coughing, or jumping as pressure is applied on the bladder, stimulates the release of urine involuntarily.
  • Urge incontinence – This condition arises due to overactive bladder often leads to the release of urine immediately after the urge or when urge hits.
  • Overflow incontinence – A type of medical condition characterized by an inability to empty the bladder completely, can lead to frequent urination or sometimes constant dribbling of urine mostly seen in men.

What are the causes of Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence can be caused due to aging, an enlarged prostate sometimes menopause can also be the reason of it.  Nerve damage, urinary stones, and chronic constipation can also aggravate the condition. Weakened pelvic muscles due to childbirth or surgery, overweight, some drugs may also overstimulate the bladder.

What is the best home remedies for urinary incontinence?

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If you are suffering from bladder problem then you should first visit your doctor and follow their advice. Although, there are most people which by some changes in their lifestyle and dietary changes can get rid of urinary incontinence. If you havethe minor type of urinary incontinence can follow some home remedies and get rid of it.

What are the best home remedies for Urinary incontinence?

Home Remedies for Urinary Incontinence

Here are 10 home remedies which you can follow and can get the benefit of it. So, let’s discuss one by one.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

You would be surprised to know that Apple cider vinegar great for combating bladder infections. This is also an excellent health tonic.According to Studies, drinking apple cider vinegar can help you to lose weight, and since obesity is a contributing factor for urinary incontinence,

  • Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and dilute in a glass of water and drink twice a day. You can also add a half teaspoon of honey to enhance the taste.

2. Yoga

Yoga helps in toning and tightening up the muscles which control the urethral sphincter. This also helps in eliminating feelings of depression and anxiety.

According to the Journalof Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, 2014, females who had participated in the study, stated that there is 70% reduction in episodes of urine leakage by performing yoga regularly.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D obtained from sunlight helps inabsorption of calcium and makes the bone stronger. But do you know higher levels of Vit D lowers the risk of Urinary incontinence?

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In a recent study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2010, females who had higher levels of vitamin D in their blood have a lower risk of developing urinary incontinence problems. Foods which are rich in vitamin D, such as eggs, oysters, fish, cheese, and other dairy products. If you are living a place where there is less exposure to sunlight then you can take Vitamin D supplement.

4. Meditation

For concentration meditation is advised, but do you know it also helps in smooth functioning of urinary bladder muscles. According to a 2009 study from Loyola Health System, scientists have found that cognitive therapy which involves imagery exercises and deep breathing techniques helps the brain to control the bladder problems which reduce urge of urination 30 episodes to 3-4 times a day. Quite amazing isn’t?

So do meditation, relaxation, and visualization exercises for almost few weeks and you will definitely observe some positive changes in yourselves.

5. Magnesium

In most of the cases, urinary incontinence can lead to leg cramps, amajor sign and symptom of magnesium deficiency. Do you know Magnesium is important for the relaxation of muscle? Sufficient levels of magnesium in the body can minimise the bladder muscle spasms and aids in emptying the bladder completely.

6. Cut the caffeine

Do you know the caffeine is known to excite the brain as control of the bladder is managed by frontal lobe of the brain?Caffeine is known to act as a diuretic which increases urine formation in the body, and hence doctors suggest to reduce the intake of caffeine if you are suffering from urge incontinence. This can irritate the bladder and stimulate muscle contractions.

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 7. Drink lots of water

If a patient is suffering from incontinence then tea, coffee, alcohol are strictly prohibited as it can act as irritants for the bladder. So, stay hydratedand drink lots of water as it helps in detoxification which can remove toxic materials from the body. Fluid can be taken in every forms whether it is soup, juices, etc. to prevent urinary incontinence.

8. Manage ideal body weight

As excess belly fat can puts pressure on the bladder and pelvic muscles can attribute to urinary incontinence.  Thus, try to manage ideal body weight.

9. Quit smoking

According to researchers smoking can irritate the bladder and increase the severity of the disease. So, if you are a victim of urinary incontinence then try to avoid smoking for well being.

10. Pumpkin seeds

Do you know these yellow vegetable seeds are beneficial for your health?

Yes, pumpkin seeds are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acid has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in abnormal function of urinary bladder i.e. overactive bladder. So try to include pumpkin seeds in your evening snack by roasting or just dried seeds.


Urinary incontinence is a bladder problem which can be fatal if not taken care. Apple cider vinegar, yoga, weight management, magnesium, vitamin D can be used for the prevention of Urinary incontinence.

Dear readers, if you also have any home remedy which can help in the management of urinary incontinence then kindly share with us. We are waiting for your valuable advice and suggestion.


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