Top 10 Memory Tricks To Remember Anything

We know memorizing things for an event like dates, places and time would be critical for some people. It not only happens with you, there are several people out there, because memorization doesn’t come easily or naturally to anyone. In fact for some people information goes in by one ear and out by the other ear as quickly as they hear them.

Are you one of them who often forget thing within seconds? If you fall in to this group never fear.So, to avoid these struggling we are here to tell you some memory tricks to hold on the information what you hear or see.

10 Memory Tricks To Remember Anything

  1. Concentrate Or Pay Attention

The best way to improve your memory is by concentrating. If you do not concentrate on the things going on, you initially fail to form functional memories in your brain and it’s hard to retrieve the information. The more you concentrate on the things and work, the more you can retain.

  1. Repeat It For Three Times

This is the best technique in remembering. Anything you want to remember just repeats it three times. For examples if you want to remember someone’s name try to repeat and spell it three times.This works well to remember places, things, names try to repeat it again and again until it gets implanted in your memory.

  1. Visualize It:

This is another effective way to remember things. Just make sure to visualize the things you see, it helps the better chance of being able to recall everything.

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We do have two memories in our brain verbal memory and visual memory. Compare to verbal memory visual memory is stronger and it helps to build a story and try to tap it to all senses as well.

  1. Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking may be hallmark in modern days but it doesn’t help you anyways. Several studies have shown that 90% of people cannot do multitask; they can pay attention only in one activity at a time.

Multitasking may lead you to forget things and it’s difficult to recall the things in order to get back the information what you lost. The more you switch to activities, the more you lose.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Several researchers have shown that sleep improves memory and insight. It helps to form new memories, enough sleep is essential to consolidate memories.During sleep, the brain basically weeds out and stores important information in long term memory.A good sleep also strengthens newly acquired memories and restores our capacity to learn. Aim for 7 hours sleep a day to build your memory.

  1. Move Your Body

Top 10 Memory Tricks To Remember Anything

Your body plays a major role in memorizing things. Using your body is one of the most powerful secret to improve memory. Move your body while learning or memorizing something, iy will help to turn short term memory into long term memory.Movements include just writing on the paper, dancing and even walking.

  1. Relax

Chronic stress or constant stress actually kill neurons in hippocampus, a brain area which is important for memory. If stress becomes intensive it inhibits the formation of new memories and recall information we already know.Try to avoid stress by simply going for a walk or doing yoga or meditation.

  1. Learn Chunking Technique

With this technique we can not only store limited number of things in our short term memory but it also helps to remember the things ridiculously like long sequences of numbers, pages and even poems.

  1. Use Memory Palace Technique

This is another technique to memorize things, try to build a memory palace where you visualize the things you want to remember and associate with a place so that it can implant in your memory.

  1. Proper Blood Flow And Oxygen To Your Brain

Because of our rapid lifestyle changes for addiction of certain things or food, it make decisions harder to the brain. Our brain and body have not yet become accustomed for our sedentary lifestyle.Good blood flow and required amount of oxygen is important for proper functioning of brain. Include exercises in your regular routine which improves your blood flow, domoderate aerobic exercises.

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