Causes And Ways To Prevent Bad Breath

If you are out for a party or to meet a friend, suddenly if you sense bad breath from your mouth, this makes you embarrassed. We tend to become self conscious and may not laugh out freely on a joke and may even hesitate to speak.

The immediate solution for preventing bad breath is obviously mouth wash or mint. But this will only give you temporary solution but not the permanent one. So what you need to do now? How we can get rid of ugly bad breath?

Let’s see the possible things we can do to prevent bad breath in our lives.

What Is bad Breath?

Bad breath is generally called as halitosis in medical terms. This is a common and simple problem faced by many people and can be easily preventable.

The main cause for bad breath is poor oral hygiene and excessive addiction of alcohol, smoking and certain health issues like infection in your lungs and even sinus can also cause bad breath due to the presence of nasal secretion that may drain in to your mouth.

Causes of Bad Breath

Here are some more causes of bad breath shown below:

  • Food

Food is the primary source of bad breath from our mouth. Certain foods like garlic, meat, cheese, and fish will leave lingering smell in your mouth. Sometimes, the food can stuck in your teeth and lead to growth of bacteria and dental plaques, often leads to cause of bad odor.

  • Poor Oral Health

Poor dental care will lead to buildup of plaque in your mouth and cause odor on its own. The plaque buildup on teeth is also called as tartar that can irritate the gums and also lead to gum diseases.

  • Dry Mouth

Dry mouth  is also called as xerostomia, is one of the cause for bad breath. When the required amount of saliva is not produced in your mouth, then it causes salivary gland problems and tissue disorders that causes bad odor.

  • Mouth Infections

Even certain mouth infections such as gingivitis, cavities cause bad breath.

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Causes And Ways To Prevent Bad Breath

  • Medications

Medications such as antihistamines will lead to cause of bad breath because of its diuretics properties.

How To Prevent Bad Breath

One of the best solution to prevent this simple problem is by brushing your teeth by following constant pattern,it will automatically helps to remove plaque thoroughly.

Here are some more simple ways to get rid of bad breath:

  • Visit your dentist regularly to know whether your braces are cleaned regularly and thoroughly.
  • Drink lots of water, so that you can avoid dry mouth to stimulate the production of saliva.
  • Reduce regular consumption of alcohol and quit smoking.
  • Don’t chew sugar or candy gums for longer time, they can also make the mouth to drying out.
  • Regular use of mouth wash will also help you to get rid of bad odor from your mouth.
  • For more severe cases of bad breath, dentist will suggest you toothpaste and mouthwash along with tooth brush to improve of bad breath.

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