7 Foods That Improve Breast Milk Supply

Every nursing mother probably has tons of questions of what to eat and what not to eat to produce sufficient amount of milk to their baby. This is the crucial phase in women’s life, where you need to take good care of food and body to make baby grow healthy.

Whatever you eat in this period is directly effect for the production of milk to your baby. The feeling of giving your baby all the nutrition she/he needs is incredibly satisfying. However, there are many factors that effects breast milk production and you may find yourself running low sometimes.

Breast milk changes in volume and composition according to the frequency of nursing and age of the baby and time of the day. So it’s important for all nursing mothers to take good care of their diet.

And that’s the reason we came here with 7 best foods that will helps to improve breast milk supply for your babies to get complete nutrition and stay healthy.

7 Best Foods To Boost The Supply Of Breast Milk

If you are one of them who want to increase the supply of breast milk to your bay, then you must include the following foods in your diet.

1. Oatmeal


(Image Source: www.healthline.com)

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest foods especially for breakfast during breastfeeding. Oatmeal can help nursing mothers to increase quantity and quality of breast milk. It helps to stimulate the hormones called oxytocin which helps with birthing process which bonds with the baby and milk production.

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It also helps in preventing iron deficiency, which is very common in new moms.

A warm bowl of cooked oatmeal also helps in reducing stress and depression after child birth in many women.

Top your cooked oatmeal with little amount of honey, chopped nuts to improve the taste as well as nutritional profile. You can even have oat cookies or biscuits as snacks in your snack time.

2. Eggs


(Image Source: www.faysbook.com)

The cheapest and one of the inexpensive foods which is loaded with lots of nutrients and proteins that works great for nursing mothers is nothing but eggs.

Eggs contain high amount of vitamin B12, D, riboflavin, folate, choline and lutein. Vitamin D found in egg yolks is obviously important for new born babies and good quality of egg contain all 8 amino essential acids that help your baby to be healthy.

According to a study in 2013 by American journal of psychiatry found that increasing intake of choline through eggs during pregnancy and breastfeeding will protect infants from future illness by promoting normal brain development.

So, try to include couple of eggs in your regular diet and do prepare them in different varieties.

3. Brown Rice


(Image Source: www.alibaba.com)

When compared with white rice, brown is far better and have many health benefits for nursing mother and baby.

Brown rice is rich in complex carbohydrates that make you feel full for longer periods and necessary calories to your body to produce sufficient amount of breast milk to support your baby’s growth and development.

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It even helps in enhancing maternal mental health and immunity during lactation. Intake one cup of cooked brown rice for lunch or dinner sounds safe and make sure to soak grain for few hours before cooking.

4. Carrots


(Image Source: www.indiatoday.com)

During pregnancy and breast feeding period women needs more amount of vitamin A rich foods for the healthy development of baby. Carrot is one of those foods which contain high amount of vitamin A and beta carotene that promote breast tissue health and lactation.

Include carrots in your salads, soups or else just start your day with fresh carrot juice in the morning as a healthy start. Plus, applying raw carrots to the breast can treat uncomplicated breast engorgement during breastfeeding.

5. Spinach


(Image Source: www.allthatgrows.com)

Spinach and other green leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli and Swiss chards are must for breast feeding mothers.

All green leafy vegetables including spinach are rich in many vitamins and nutrients. Especially the vitamin A found in spinach ensures the healthy development of your baby and anti oxidants boosts your baby’s immunity.

It also contains folate which helps to prevent all birth defects when you consume it during pregnancy.

It is recommended to eat cooked spinach during delivery and breastfeeding stage and avoid eating it raw in sand witches and salads.

6. Oranges

Close up view of orange on white background.
(Image Source: www.coopstrongertogether.com)

Oranges are rich in vitamin C which is very important while breastfeeding. They are also packed with other nutrients and minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and vitamins like B and A.

All these minerals help in strengthen the immune system and reduces the weight gain due to pregnancy.

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While nursing, drink 2 glasses of fresh orange juice regularly to improve the supply of breast milk. Often try to drink lots of water and other liquids to keep your body hydrated.

7. Nuts


(Image Source: www.organicfacts.com)

Nuts like almonds, walnuts and cashews are super healthy for nursing mothers. Especially almonds are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants that help mother as well as baby to be healthy.

In addition, the mono saturated fats found in almonds increases the quantity of breast milk and it also acts as perfect healthy snacks in between your meals.

Enjoy having 5 or 6 almonds everyday and do avoid roasted almonds or nuts.
7 Foods that improves breast milk supply


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