10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Onions You Never Knew

Onions will make you cry but on the other hand it gives you so many health benefits. It is one of the most common ingredients which make your dish not only delicious but also adds many nutritional values to your dish. If you peel onion, you will see layer of health benefits hidden in it.

These are cultivated and consumed around the world. This can be eaten raw as well as cooked and are used in salads and pickles. These onions have very strong and pungent smell.

Apart from using it in cooking this amazing ingredient is also loaded with number of health benefits. We are going to see 10 amazing health benefits of onions that you never knew.

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Onions

1. Maintains Healthy Heart

Regular consumption of onions will help you to maintain healthy heart. Raw onions will help to stimulate the production of good cholesterol in your body and prevent the formation or spreading of bad cholesterol. This often results in controlling your blood pressure and preventing certain types of heart issues.

2. Prevents Diabetes

Single serving of onion is loaded with 27% of required biotin to your body. Biotin is the important mineral required to maintain and regulate blood sugar levels and decrease the insulin resistance in your body. According to recent studies, it has been proved that onions have the capability to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent type 2 diabetes.

3. Healthy Digestion

Onions are rich source of dietary fibers that acts as natural laxative in your body and supports proper bowel movement. The fibers in onions will help to cleanse your intestine and remove waste from your body. Regular consumption of onions will also help to relieve you from stomach ache and cramps.

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4. Prevents Cancer

The phytonutrients called quercetin and other flavanoids in onions will fight against free radicals that enter your body and spreading the growth of cancer cells unknowingly. Sulphur components in onions will help to fight against the free radicals and prevents cancer.

5. Prevent Hypertension

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Onions You Never Knew

The compound called allicin in yellow onions will help to stabilize your blood pressure levels and prevent hypertension in your body. Consuming a bowl of onions regularly for more than 3 weeks will help to maintain your blood pressure levels.

6. Prevent Asthma

According to recent research the sulphur components in onions have the capability to reduce the symptoms of asthma by forming the chemical chains which lead to the cause of asthma.

7. Improved Immunity

A strong immune system is the key factor to prevent various attacks of diseases to your body. Consuming onions is beneficial to increase the body’s immune system and prevent inflammation.

8. Relieve Cold And Cough Symptoms

The first thing we prefer when we have cold and cough is to have a best herbal tea. While preparing tea add a slice of onion in it to enjoy the benefits of onion too. Onion juice will help to reduce swelling of your throat easily and give you relief from the pain.

9. Instant Pain Relief

Whether you believe it or not, onions are the great way to get relief from pain on any part of your body. You just need to rub a slice of onion on the affected area for few minutes to get instant relief.

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Onion juice also helps to reduce ear irritation and discomfort, you just need to apply few drops of onion juice to cotton ball and keep it in your ear.

10. Supports Hair Growth

Apart from maintaining healthy diet with protein rich foods, the hair mask made by onions will promote hair growth and acts as good remedy for dandruff too.Mix onion juice with little amount of yogurt and apply it as mask on your hair and leave it for more than 20 minutes. Wash it off with cool water; it results in strengthening your hair and cleansing your scalp.


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