Blue Tansy Essential Oil For Skin

Blue tansy is a flower that comes from chamomile family. You might not have heard about blue tansy essential oil which is used in many skin products. Blue tansy essential oil do wonders in everyone’s life, it is mostly used in aromatherapy. The interesting fact about this oil is that this oil doesn’t come from blue flowers, it is extracted from yellow flowers that turns into blue oil after diffusion.

Blue tansy is a great moisturizer for skin. It can be used as a soothing agent for tired and puffy eyes. It has got natural anti oxidant and is highly anti inflammatory, this way it helps to relax nervous system.

What Is Blue Tansy Essential Oil?

It is essential oil extracted from morocco chamomile by undergoing a process called steam distillation. In ancient days, this essential oil has been used by combining it with frankincense and rose essential oil for spiritual purposes.

This oil is rich in blue hue, sweet and fresh scent. Even though this herb is very poisonous, it was very famous and still popular among the people of villagers.

Properties And Composition

The compounds which can be found in blue tansy essential oil include:

  • Camphor
  • A phenaldrene
  • Beta mercyne
  • Beta pinene
  • Beta Eudesmol
  • Sabinine
  • Chamazuline

Blue tansy essential oil is heavily loaded with therapeutic properties and widely used in medicinal field.This oil can deal with problems ranging from wound healing to arthritis and even some of the chronic diseases due to its anti inflammatory, anti allergenic, analgesic, anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti viral and expectorant qualities.

Blue Tansy Facts

  • Blue tansy essential oil contains high level of chamazuelene which makes the oil to acquire rich dark blue color.
  • Blue tansy essential oil is very cheaper when compared with other essential oils.
  • Tansy contains number of active components which might help plants to protect from certain insecticides.
  • If this essential oil is taken internally, then it can break down easily in the body.
  • It is extremely toxic to many insecticides and parasites and has been used from centuries to expel worms and parasites from the system.
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Health Benefits Blue Tansy Essential Oil

  1. Treats Skin Allergies
  2. For Anxiety And Stress
  3. Prevent Respiratory Problems
  4. It Is Antimicrobial
  5. Supports Proper Functioning Of Digestion
  6. Promotes Better Sleep

Depending on its properties this essential oil has numerous health benefits. Some of them include:

1. Treats Skin Allergies

Millions of people get affected with seasonal allergies every year, number of essential oils has been used to treat these allergies and blue tansy essential oil is one of them.

Compared with other essential oils, this oil is loaded with powerful anti histamine properties that reduces the body’s natural histamine response to an allergen. However, the other medications which have been prescribed to treat seasonal allergies will have side effects.

Many people have recovered from seasonal allergies by using number of essential oil; you may also include blue tansy essential oil to treat them easily.

2. For Anxiety And Stress

The modern lifestyle or hectic work life might lead us to face anxiety and stress at some point in your lives. Blue tansy essential oil is loaded with herbaceous aroma which can relief our mind within seconds.This essential oil is not only used to treat number of physical conditions, it will also help you to treat emotional issues like stress, anxiety and even mild depressions.

This can be inhaled directly or can be diffused which have wonderful effect on your mind. It will help to calm your fears of anxiety and keep you at the right place. If you have used number of medications to get rid of anxiety and stress, then give a try of blue tansy essential oil once and enjoy its benefits.

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3. Prevent Respiratory Problems

The expectorant properties in this wonderful essential oil will help to get rid of sinuses and mucus problems which are related to lungs.

The anti inflammatory, anti viral and anti bacterial properties of blue tansy essential oil will fight against the harmful bacteria which lead to cause of illness and also helps to calm down any inflammation in the system.The best way to use it is mix few drops of this essential oil with peppermint essential oil and try to have a steam inhalation.

4. It Is Antimicrobial

This essential oil is effective in treating injuries and other skin infections due to its anti microbial and anti fungal properties. It also helps to treat the infections and prevent them from spreading all over your body.

5. Supports Proper Functioning Of Digestion

Blue Tansy Essential Oil For Skin

Digestive system is one of the important organs to maintain overall health of your body. It is very important to absorb essential nutrients from the food we take to maintain good health.

Blue tansy essential oil is great in supporting the functioning of digestive system. It can stimulate better digestion and make you get relief from gas, constipation, indigestion and cramping.

6. Promotes Better Sleep

Like other essential oils, the aromatic properties of this wonderful essential oil will allow you to sleep more, releasing all your stress. You just need to apply few drops of essential oil to your pillow, which will help you to sleep more.

Blue Tansy Essential Oil Benefits For Skin

Blue tansy essential oil will help to treat all types of skin infections including dermatitis, dry and itchy skin due to its number of beneficial properties.

Here are some benefits of blue tansy for skin.:

  • The nourishing compounds in blue tansy essential oil will help to provide essential nutrients to maintain healthy and glowing skin.
  • The anti fungal and anti microbial properties of tansy essential oil will also help to reduce or prevent skin infections and prevent spreading of infection on your skin.
  • It works as a perfect home remedy for bruises,dry and flaky skin.
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How To Use It?

This essential oil can be used in different ways, some of them include:

  • Dilute

Mix blue tansy essential oil with little amount of carrier oil to make it diluted. This diluted oil can be used as a massage oil to reduce aching of muscles and joints.

  • Steam Inhaler

Mix few drops of blue tansy essential oil with few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil in a bowl of hot water.  Now inhale the vapors to get rid of sinus congestion.

  • Diffuse

Diffuse blue tansy essential oil by using a diffuser machine, it will do wonders in your home. It will relax your mind and smells fresh every time in your home.

Safety Precautions

  • Even though it is safe to use for everyone, pregnant women should consult your physician before using it.
  • Before applying it topically, essential oil should always be diluted with appropriate amount of carrier oil, or else it may result in sensitivity and irritation of skin.
  • Avoid exposure of sun light after applying it on your skin; it might result in skin redness and itchiness for some people.
  • This oil should not be ingested directly, until unless you are under guidance of a trained professional.
  • If you are taking any medication, then it’s better to take doctors advice before you use it in. Because, the chemical compounds in essential oil will affect the way of drug intake.
  • It can potentially stain your skin and clothes, due to its dark and strong color.

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