Benefits of Copper for Skin, Hair and Health

Copper is one of the essential mineral that plays a major role in several important processes of the body. If copper is insufficient than our bodies wouldn’t last long. It is not only useful for daily purpose but also for maintaining good health.

Well iron and copper together form red blood cells in your body. Usually a person requires 100-200 mg of copper to strengthen the immune system and to make different types of enzymes in your body.

Here are some of the benefits of copper are shown below:

Benefits of Copper for Health

We find copper in small quantity in our diet and it is considered as a small group of metals that shows various benefits pertaining to our health.Intake of copper in right quantity will lead to a healthy living.

  • Improves Growth

Copper is essential to pertain proper growth of your body. When copper is included with nutrients and minerals in your diet, it gives you strength to your bones and muscles.It sends the signals to the brain for the formation of growth hormones.

  • Brain Stimulation

Copper is an effective ingredient for maintaining proper functioning of the brain. It is also known as brain food. Proper amount of copper should be taken to avoid brain problems and even memory loss.

  • Remedy for Arthritis

Copper contain anti carcigenoic properties, which alleviates the pain due to arthritis. Most copper in our body is stored in bones and muscles. So if we intake required amount of copper in our diet, we can get rid of arthritis as well as osteoporosis.

  • Maintain Cholesterol Levels in The Body

Copper has number of properties, which helps in decreasing bad cholesterol and enhances HDL cholesterol. It also protects heart from strokes and avoids clot formation in the body.

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Benefits of Copper for Skin

Apart from health benefits of copper, this wonderful element has many benefits for skin too.

Some of them are shown below:

  • Copper Peptides

Benefits of Copper for Skin Hair and Health

If copper is mixed with other proteins, it results in the formation of peptides. These peptides are very useful for maintaining skin health and for rejuvenating of skin.Many beauty products and cosmetics use copper as an important ingredient for making peptides.

It also helps in reversing the damage to the skin barrier and get rid of scars and pores on skin.It also helps in regulating the rate of growth and migration in many cells of the skin that avoid the release of oxidation.

  • Copper Gluconate

This is a white crystalline odorless powder used in many cosmetics like skin cleansing and skin care products. The glucolic acid in gluconate is gentle on skin and useful in treating skin aging problems and also helps to get rid of dangerous micro organisms.

  • Collagen

Copper produces collagen in our body, which actually helps to maintain our skin brightness. If our body produces required amount of collagen then we can be aware of almost every skin problems.

Benefits Of Copper For Hair

  • Good For Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a treatment for cancer which leads to killing of hair cells. But, copper helps us in retaining the strength of the hair and prevents, itching, redness, inflammation and fungus to the scalp of the hair.

  • Treatment Of Scalps

Copper peptides are usually used for treatment of scalps. Copper strengthens the scalp and removes dandruff and other hair problems. It also gives black color to the hair by avoiding graying of hair.

  • Best for Hair Transplantation

In transplantation of hair, copper gives strength to the scalp and removes the dead skin cells on the scalp. It also promotes further growth of the hair.

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