How to Get Rid of Dry Scaly Skin on Legs

During the winter season dry skin on legs is predominantly a provisional problem. This may possibly be moderately a skin disorder which may results to redness, itching, deep cracks and slight severe flaking, peeling or scaling.

This are the problems of dry skin on the legs and this problems can occur on any part of the body such as the hands, arms and legs because they are the ones with the aim of for the most part exposed to the causing agents.

Dry skin is a widespread condition, there are several factors that can be cause your skin peeling such as hereditary tendency, aging, nutritional deficiencies, lifestyles etc.

Accordingly, readily available there are a lot of moisturizers and lotions on the current market to fight with the dry skin on the legs. You can use natural home remedy to eliminate the problem without generous a lot of money on the costly moisturizers.

Home Remedies to get rid of Dry Skin on Legs

If you have are the problems of the dry skin on your leg, you can option for the treatments as well as some simple home solutions, called as home remedies. The following are the home remedies for getting rid of dry skin on legs.

1 Apply Olive Oil

It is famously known as a good ingredient for treating the dry skin because it is having antioxidants and fatty acids which can be build up your skin well and also soothe it.


Method of using Olive Oil:

  • Mingle some olive oil and brown sugar as a good paste.
  • Massage the mixture on the legs and rub them for at least 5 minutes.
  • Leave this for 5 to 10 minutes or more and take a shower.
  • You can apply olive oil every day on your legs to have the needed result.

2 Use of Milk Cream

The milk cream is containing the lactic acid that is helping exfoliate dry skin. The milk cream is a very good and outstanding moisturizer. The comforting character of the milk cream is also helping to safeguard the skin tantalizing pH levels.

milk cream

Method of using Milk Cream:

  • Combine some tablespoons of gram flour with some milk cream to make a good paste.
  • Apply it on the legs for at least 15 minutes.
  • Rinse off this paste with the lukewarm water.
  • Do it once every day.

3 Use of Honey

One of the great ways to treat dry skin on the legs is honey, which is including antioxidants, antimicrobial and humectants properties to make softer the dry skin on the legs. Additionally, honey is containing the vital vitamins and minerals that can improve the skin health brilliantly.


Method of using Honey:

  • Firstly, you have to get ready some beeswax, olive oil and honey.
  • Now melt the measured beeswax in a pan.
  • Remove the heat and mix the honey and olive oil in it.
  • Now you can apply the paste on the legs, massage and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes wash off with the water.

4 Use of Yogurt

Your dry skin will be cured accurately with help of yogurt. Yogurt is having antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties to alleviate the rough skin. Yogurt is also having lactic acid that can also kill the bacteria’s that causes itchiness and dryness on the skin.


Method of using Yogurt:

  • Mix some mashed papaya with ½ cup of yogurt.
  • Add some honey and lemon juice to make a good paste.
  • Now you should apply the mixture on the skin for at least 10 minutes.
  • After the completion of 10 minutes you can rinse off with cold water.

5 Applying Coconut oil

Coconut oil is lofty in fatty acids, which is very essential for the treatment of the dry skin. So the coconut oil is very good for treating the dry skin on the legs. After having a bath, when the skin is still warm, you should apply a thin layer of the coconut oil on the dry skin on legs.

Coconut oil

Method of using coconut oil:

  • You can apply coconut oil on the dry skin on legs when the skin is warm.
  • You can also do this treatment to dry skin on face, forearms, hands etc.

6 Use of Avocado

Avocado is having the properties of antioxidants and it is also has fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that can improve the skin complexion from inside. Moreover, avocado is good in vitamin A that can restore the skin health faultlessly.


Method of using Avocado:

  • Mash an avocado to make a smooth mask.
  • Massage the paste on the dry for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water.

7 Use of Cucumber

You can use cucumber for moisturizing and also for the healing of the dryness on the leg skin, because cucumber is high in water and eating cucumber every day can supply enough water for the skin. Many women’s are using cucumber for whiten and soften the skin.


Method of using Cucumber:

  • You have to blend a cucumber with a little water.
  • Now Extract its juice and use it to massage the legs for 30 minutes.
  • Then after massaging you can rinse off with the water.

What Causes Scaly skin on legs?

According to the New York Times Health Guide, Scaly skin on the legs can be cause by a number of factors that are including the eczema or bathing too recurrently. There are also many other factors that are also including aging, living in a parched or freezing temperature and the time you fritter outdoors.

Scaly skin is prevalent during the winter months when the cold temperatures and the low humidity will reduce the amount of moisture for your skin.

Treatment for scaly skin on legs

If your scaly leg skin is gentle, then you can easily apply any moisturizer 2 to 3 times per day after getting out of the shower. This can also help to keep your legs moisturized. Your leg circulation can be affecting your ability to provide moisture to the skin. So massaging with the lotion is helps to boost the circulation.

If your leg skin doesn’t respond to over the counter treatments, then you should visit to your doctor.

how to get rid of scalpy skin on legs

Benefits of Squash for Health, Skin and Hair

Squash is a fruit which is belongs to the Cucurbitaceae or ground family and it is a relative of both the melon and the cucumber. It comes in many different shapes and colour. The fruit has a thick outer shell that is deep yellow in colour or in orange. On the other hand, some varieties may be green, grey or red in colour.

The internal part of this fruit has d deep orange colour. Plenty of edible seeds known as pepitas are found inside this fruit which is rich in nutrient and beneficial for health and skin. Summer squash has a tantalizing flavour and it is having a soft shell which is meant to be consumed quickly. It is actually available all throughout the year.

Winter squash are more mature and it can be stored over a period of time, it is mainly grow in the warm weather. They hard, chunky skins and seeds. They are also having a high content of vitamins A and C, iron and riboflavin. Mutually summer and Winter squashes have their possess diverse set of benefits.

If taken in a considerable amount in our food squash can be really work wonder for health, especially for hairs and skin. Squash is able to as well be used to make sandwiches or sprinkled on salads. Squash soup and squash pudding are other delicious varieties of food made from the squash.

Benefits of Squash for Health

One of the most important constituent of squash is lutein and zeaxanthin-the two pigments which are very essential in preventing cataract according to scientific studies.

Benefits of Squash for Health

Healthy Bones

Yellow squash contain plentiful amounts of manganese and vitamin C. Manganese helps to maintain healthy bone structure, calcium amalgamation, enzyme formation and bone building as well as improves the mineral compactness of the spinal column.

Vitamin C is concerned in the construction of collagen, which is very important for building bone mass. Magnesium furthermore contributes to the health of joints and bones. Thus it provides protection against osteoporosis.

Prevents Cancer

Summer squash has a high content of antioxidants which are helping in the elimination of free radicals from the body. The high levels of beta-carotene provide protection from pollutants and chemicals which can lead to cancer.

It is also a rich source of vitamin C, which will prevents premature aging and cancer as well as inhibits of the cell division. It is also containing vitamin A which is providing protection against lungs and oral cavity cancers.

Good For Weight loss

Summer squash for weight hammering is a very good choice, as it is fat-free and very low in calories. A mug of yellow squash contains concerning 36 calories, 1 gram protein, 7 grams carbohydrates and less than 1 gram fat besides individual cholesterol free.

It derives its few calories from its carbohydrate comfortable which is also moderately low. Hence, if you want to lose weight, you can easily higher calorie vegetables like potatoes and corn with yellow squash.

Good for Eye Health

Squash fruit contains very high amounts of beta-carotene; Summer squash contains high beta-carotene and lutein. Dietetic lutein plays an important role in prevent the beginning of cataracts and macular degeneration, which is often, leads to night blindness.

A mug of summer squash about 135 milligrams of beta-carotene and 2400 micrograms of lutein. Carotenoids found in winter squash and also it will reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Boosts the Immune System

Vitamin C in squash will be boosting the immune system in your body, in a way of preventing colds and fighting allergies. The rinds of few varieties of squash are a rich source of fiber, which aids in proper digestion and also it can prevent many types of diseases.

Thus, you should be considering of eating the peel or rind along with the squash to avail these health benefits.

Skin Benefits of Squash

We all wish to have a perfect gleaming skin. However, the pressures of modern life have their own effect on your skin, thereby causing different skin problems. This quandary can be accredited to a variety of factors such as exposure to UV rays and harmful chemicals.

Being rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, squash is quite beneficial for your skin.

Prevents Skin Aging

One of the crucial benefits of squash includes protection against the damaging effects of sun exposure and preventing dehydration. Moreover, it contains high levels of vitamins c, which fights free radicals within the body, thus preventing signs of aging like fine lines, pigmentation and wrinkles. Regular consumption of squash keeps your skin hydrated.

Maintains Healthy skin

Squash is an excellent source of vitamin A. It has beta-Carotene that gets converted into vitamin A within the body. Being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin A is required for maintaining proper health and integrity of skin.

Hair benefits of Squash

Hair problems are a common spectacle these days and they are caused by various factors. Some of these factors include exposure to harsh chemicals, deficiency of vital nutrients and prolonged illness. These can cause problems like hair loss, dandruff, thinning and untimely greying.

Certain vegetables are responsible for inspiring hair growth, and squash is one of them.

Promotes Hair Growth

Squash is a rich source of beta-carotene which is very safe, non-toxic form of vitamin A. This colour is vital for forming and maintaining healthy hair. It prevents hair breakage and promotes optimum growth. Thus one should make squash a part of your diet it is a great way for maintain a healthy tresses.

Including a considerable amount of Squash in the diet helps in maintaining a healthy and shiny hair as well. Squash helps in improving the health of hair. Beta carotene is a pigment which is crucial for promoting the hair to grow to its optimum length by preventing breakage. Therefore eating squash is essential for maintaining a healthy hair.

Benefits of Yams for Health, Skin and Hair

Yam is a rhizome and it is full of starch. There are about 200 varieties of this vegetable. It is long and cylindrical in shape and it is rough to touch. Yam is a rich source of energy and also Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Fiber, Minerals, Antioxidants and complex carbohydrates. Vitamin A is found in small quantities in this vegetable.

Yam is a good source of energy and each of 100 grams contain 118 calories. It is a rich source of minerals like copper, Iron, calcium and phosphorus. 100 grams of yam provides 816 mg of potassium.

Benefits of Yam for Health

Improves Bowel Habits and Aids Digestion

Yam is good for preventing constipation because of the occurrence of dietary in it. This fiber is also helping in decreasing the bad cholesterol in the body. It is being rich in potassium, Yam helps in appropriate digestion of food and improves muscle contractions of the stomach for the smooth movement of the bowel.

Energy and Anti-oxidant Source

Yam is being rich in compound of carbohydrates and fiber, Yam slows down the rate at which the sugars are absorbed by the body. The fiber present in yam makes it an ideal food for those on a weight loss diet. Yam makes your stomach full and prevents you from over eating.

Manganese present in this vegetable is important for carbohydrate metabolism and also provides you with increased energy. It is also having anti-oxidant properties.
Benefits of Yams for Health, Skin and Hair

Cancer deterrent

Yam is very good for preventing cancer, especially colon cancer. The dietary fiber present in the yam helps in preventing the toxins from getting accumulated on the colon mucosa and thus it prevent colon cancer. Yam is also containing Vitamin A, which will protect your body from oral cavity cancer and lung cancer.

Increases Nutrient absorption of the body

Consuming yam juice regularly helps the body to absorb the nutrients more efficiently. It is also helping in keeping the cells healthy by shielding the enzymes needed by them. Yam juice makes it easier for the body to absorb all the vitamins and nutrients.

Low Glycemic Index Healthy food

The low glycemic index of yam makes it an idyllic food for the diabetics. They can have it without any fear that the level of blood glucose may increase. Yam causes a rise in the level of blood sugar very slowly and therefore it is very safe for diabetic patients.

Source of antioxidants

Yam is rich in antioxidants, along with anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin C and beta carotene that is present in Yam is helping in destroying free radicals that cause cancer. It is also very advantageous for people suffering from arthritis and asthma.

Treats Tespiratory problems and Heals Skin Diseases

Yam contains allantion that has a healing property when applied topically on the skin. It can cure boils, ulcers and other diseases of the skin. A decoction made from yam is very helpful to get you relief from the cough, cold, respiratory problems and bronchial irritation.

Benefits of Yam for Skin

Delays Sings of Ageing

Yam is rich source of beta carotene, antioxidants, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C that are helping in preventing the signs of ageing like Fine lines, wrinkles and so on.

Stimulates Collagen production

Yam can protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun and other environmental problems, because of the presence of antioxidants in it. It will improve the production of collagen, thus retaining the electricity and smoothness of the skin. It is also help in repairing the damaged skin and improves the texture of the skin.

Benefits of Yam for Hairs

Stop Premature Hair Graying

Yam is being a rich source of Vitamin B6, Yam aids in increased production of melanin, which provides colour to the hair. Thus Yam is preventing premature graying of hairs.

Good for Hair Growth

The presence of beta carotene, Vitamin A and anthocyanins will make Yam an outstanding food for healthy hair. If your body is deficient in beta carotene, your hair will turn dull & dry and flakes may form on the scalp leading to the structure of dandruff.

Improves Blood Circulation in Scalp

Yam is rich in iron and this is helping the RBC’s in the blood to carry more oxygen to the scalp. This in turn increases the blood circulation in the scalp. This is resulting in healthy and strong hair. If your body may form on the scalp leading to the formation of dandruff.

Hydrates Scalp

Vitamin A present in the yam helps the scalp to produce natural oil and also prevents its loss from the scalp. As a consequence, the scalp will always remain hydrated and you will not suffer from hair fall or hair hairline fracture. It is also keeping your hair silky, shiny and smooth.

Benefits of Mulberries for Health, Skin and Hair

Mulberries are fruits that are cherished for its taste and dietary benefits. It is sweet and looks very analogous to the blackberry fruit. It is usually eaten in the dry form. The leaves of the mulberry tree are used for rearing silkworm. The leave of the mulberry tree have medicinal properties as well.

Mulberries are produced from Morus Alba Tree. It is a naturally sweet fruit that looks quite similar to blackberry. Its taste is like a grape fruit. Mulberry grows on the trees and it is cultivated in the warm regions of Asia, America and Africa. There are several varieties of mulberries which include black, red, and blue versions of the fruit.

Mulberry fruit is usually eaten in a dried form. It is a multitalented fruit and it can be easily incorporated in various recipes. following are the benefits of mulberries for health, skin and hair.

Mulberry Fruit Health Benefits

Benefits of mulberries for Health

Mulberry is considered an important remedy in Chinese medicines. The health benefits of mulberry can be derived from its juice which is full of Vitamins, anti-oxidants and minerals.

Cures Certain Diseases

The rich anthocyanin which is initiate in the fruits has curative properties for certain diseases and it is also used as natural food colorant. Eating Mulberries daily can prevent and treat these diseases. It also finds use as a natural food colorant.

Better Vision

A tumbler of mulberry consumed daily is very helpful to improve your vision. It contains Vitamin a in mulberries which makes your eyesight stronger and relieves the strain on your eyes. This is very advantageous for the people who need to spend hours working on the computer system.

The main cause of the retina degeneration and eye sight loss is the presence of free radicals. Mulberries save from harm to your eyes by hostility against these free radicals.

Better Immunity

The internal secretion is balanced and your immunity is increased if you eat mulberries. The production of fluid in your body is improved. People who are suffering from dehydration also benefit from this fruit. A person who suffers from the problem of body fluid deficiency will benefit by taking 10 mg of mulberry on a daily basis.

Blood Purifier

Mulberries are commonly used as a blood tonic in Chinese medicine. They are used for cleansing the blood, improving the circulation and also it will be strengthen the entire system. It has the property to enrich the blood and also to soothe and calm your nerves. It promotes the metabolism of alcohol as well.

Strokes and Blood Clots

Mulberry has got the property to get better the circulation of blood and also act as an anti-inflammatory agent to lower the blood pressure. This will lowers the risk of acquiring blood clots and strokes. Mulberry is positive in making you less predisposed to these issues.

If you have the problem of anaemia, mulberry juice can help you to alleviate the symptoms. Above all these, all your heart diseases are also prevented.

Recovery is speed-ed Up

Mulberry juice is very useful for the post operative patients. It is known to accelerate the process of the healing, improve the circulation of blood and even to prevent the attainment of any infection. It usually speeds up the recuperation after the birth and it is more frequently used after surgery as an inflammatory solution.

Prevention of Cold and Flu

Mulberry contains high amounts of Vitamin C and Flavonoids. These will make the fruit a natural immune booster. A better immunity helps will helps to put a stop to cold, cough, flu and several other ailments and diseases. Mulberry is also known to solve gastric issues and unceasing hepatitis.

Mulberry Fruit Skin Benefits

Similarly like all berries, mulberries are containing lots of anti-Oxidants. These are very advantageous for controlling ageing. They are famously known for very effective anti-ageing agents.

Skin Rejuvenation

The amalgamation of melanin is regulated by eating mulberries. By eating this fruit your skin gets clear and bright. Eating the fruit, and also drinking the juice of the fruit or having mulberry tea is very useful for rejuvenating your skin.

Dry and Sensitive Skin

Precipitous a few mulberry leaves on coconut or olive oil food for a few days and apply the oil on your skin. Enormously dry skin can be easily treated in this way. You can be also using this fruit with some lotion to treat dry skin and sensitive skin that is lying on your front to irritations.

Radiant and Soft Skin

Bath salts and Soaps made of mulberry make your skin radiant and soft. Using the leaves in hot baths and saunas open your pores and detoxify your body. Infused mulberry leaves are enclosed in this steam. This will make your body sweat and hence regulated the metabolism of your body.

Treats skin Problems

The leaves of the mulberry tree can be left in a hot pot of water for 30 minutes or so to treat skin problems as well as colds, fever, sore throat etc.

Mulberry Fruit Hair Benefits

Retains Hair’s Natural Colour

The production of melanin i your hair is enhanced by mulberries. This allows you to retain your hair’s natural colour. This is great news, especially for person who suffers from untimely greying of the hair. Drinking Mulberry juice on a regular basis can assistance you if you wish to have healthy hair, whether it is greying or not.

Rejuvenates Hair Follicles

Mulberries have properties which can be helping you to make your hair healthier. It is well-known that this berry promotes hair growth, thus preventing hair loss. It is especially good for cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy as the hair follicles are re-energized by the substance extracted from the fruity.

Promotes Hair Growth

If you suffer from hair loss, mulberry extracts are a safe and natural alternative to getting chemical or surgical treatments. You can be able to apply the juice onto your hair to promote its growth.

Benefits of Peaches for Health, Skin and Hair

The health reimbursements of peach fruit comprise relief from hypokalemia, obesity, melanoma, blood stasis, cholesterol and neurodegenerative diseases. It helps in maintaining healthy vision, skin care, healthy bones, nervous system and teeth.

It has anti-aging properties and also it helps in detoxification as well as in improving digestion and cellular health. It has wealth of essential nutrients and antioxidants which are valuable during pregnancy and it helps in strengthening the immune system.

Benefits of Peaches for Health, Skin and Hair

Peaches are juicy and resourceful summer fruits that are native to China and South Asia. Its Latin name is Prunus persica, and a peach are a product of a deciduous tree and grows in the temperate regions across the world. Peaches belong to the family of Rosaceae, which also includes fruits like cherries and plums.

Nutritional Value of Peaches

Peaches store a broad range of nutrients that are vital for the healthy functioning of the body. Peaches are a rich provider of vitamin A, beta-carotene, and Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). They are also a good source of Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), Vitamin K (phylloquinone). Peaches are low in calories, that to they contain no saturated fat or cholesterol and are a good source of dietary fiber.

Benefits of Peach for Health


Peaches are high in antioxidants, particularly chlorogenic acid which is concentrated in their skin and flesh and it is also known to have anti-cancer properties in it. Peaches are also good source of vitamin A which will provide protection against lung and oral cavity cancers.

Studies have supported the fact that chlorogenic acid and neochlorogenic acid present in peaches exert beneficial effects in inhibiting the growth of the breast cancer cells without affecting the normal cells, unlike cancer treatment with chemotherapy, that will negatively affects healthy cells as well.

Eye Health

Peaches are a good source of beta carotene, a compound that is converted to Vitamin a in the body. Vitamin A is very important for the health of retina and its shortage can cause weak eye sight. Therefore, overwhelming peaches is a great method of improving your beta carotene levels to maintain healthy eyes.

It also prevents night blindness and age connected macular degeneration. An analytical research study has exposed that the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin present in peaches have an optimistic effects associated with reduced prevalence of nuclear cataract.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Being rich in iron and vitamin K, peaches help in keeping your heart strong and healthy. Vitamin K prevents blood clotting, thus vitamin K providing protection against several heart diseases. Iron is required for the formation of red blood cells.

It keeps your blood strong and healthy and prevents anaemia which occurs due to iron deficiency. Lycopene and lutein in peaches also decrease the risk of heart syndrome. They also surround potassium, an electrolyte that regulates blood pressure and maintains fluid balance.

Detoxifies Your System

One of the benefits of the peaches is that, they will help in removing toxins your system. The high content of potassium and fiber reduces the risk of stomach ulcers, kidney related diseases and inflammation. Peaches are also advantageous in medicinal digestive problems like gastritis and colitis.

Peach tea is used in china as a natural remedy for kidney cleansing and detoxification. Peach can help to remove worms from the stomach and it will cure the stomach upsets.

Weight loss

Peaches are low in calories and fat free that, which will make them ideal for weight loss. Moreover they peaches contain natural sugars which do not raise the blood sugar or insulin levels in your body. Including this fruit in your meal can make you slim by burning extra fat deposits in the body.

Peach Fruit Benefits for Skin

Peaches plays an important role in the skincare, they are having rich variety of skin friendly nutrients and antioxidants. Peaches offer the following benefits for your skin.

Removes Dead Cells

Peaches are containing very high levels of Vitamin C which is very good for your skin. resistance a slice of peach fruit on your skin as a features facade sloughs away all dead cells and also the enzymes present in it make your skin nourish and refresh.

Great Moisturizer

Peach fruit is a very good moisturizer for your skin due to the presence of Vitamin A and C which are very good for the skin. If you are having a dry skin, then you can apply a mixture of peach paste and yoghurt for some time and rinse off with lukewarm water. Peach can also be used in oily skincare regimens as well as cosmetics. Vitamin A and C help to regenerate skin tissues.

Anti-Aging Benefits

Vitamin C in peaches is a very powerful antioxidant which will slows the ageing process, thus reducing the wrinkles, dark circles, blemishes and fine lines. Peach fruit is often used as an ingredient in anti-ageing face masks. It is tightens the skin’s pores and rejuvenate a tired skin.

To treat sunburns, you can boil the peach fruit, mash it with a fork and you can apply it on your face after returning from the outdoors. The peel of peach fruit can also cleanse your skin effectively.

Peach Fruit Benefits for Hair

Hair health is also depends upon the supply of very important nutrients to the hair follicles. Peaches are thus, beneficial for your hair due to the presence of these nutrients.

Prevents hair loss

Being weighed down with plenty of nutrients, Vitamins and antioxidants, peaches make your hair strong and silky. Their positive effects on your scalp include providing protection against hair loss. Peach fruit can be often use as shampoo, which will be preventing the hair loss.

Scalp Cleanser

Peach fruit is often used in the hair masks to treat scalp problems. A dirty scalp can also lead to the hair fall. The scalp can be clean with peach fruit cleanser. Topical application of peach in the form of hair mask cleanses your scalp and makes your hair very soft and shiny.

Coconut Oil for Eczema

Here you’ll come to know how Coconut Oil For Eczema is a bizarre treatment for everyone

Eczema is a skin condition where red, irritated and layered rashes show up on the skin. Individuals with asthma and different hypersensitivities are more inclined to it. Seen more regularly in babies and youthful youngsters, it is sure that influences the delicate skin on the cheek, wrist, elbow, knees, hands and feet.

In case, you experience the ill effects of skin inflammation you know great how awkward it can be. This condition is set apart by red, swollen, irritated and extremely sore skin that can sometimes bubble, break and bleed. Many individuals experience the ill effects of this condition on their elbows, wrists, lower legs, neck or behind the knees and the condition is regular in youthful youngsters, normally, however, not continually, enhancing with age.

Skin inflammation is not a life-debilitating condition, but rather it can bring about untold distress. Serious tingling can bring about irritability and restlessness. The skin in the region is normally dry and unpleasant, but the rashes may open up, overflowing and framing ugly crusts that frequently brings about social ostracism. Sharp contamination’s by microbes and parasites can worsen the condition further.

Motivations To Use Coconut Oil For Eczema


Coconut Oil is saturating

Eczema sufferers need to quite often manage patches of dry skin, despite, when there is no detectable rash. They are normally encouraged to utilize mineral oil or oil jam based creams since water-based items are of no help. Oil based goods do nothing but prevent water loss from the skin by shaping an inactive obstruction on the skin surface.

Coconut oil is a fabulous skin cream that does significantly something other than give a hindrance. It gets assimilated into the skin tissue, where it fills in as an emollient. It mellows the dry, weak skin normal for this disease, avoiding skin breakups that welcome astute microbes. It enhances the vibe of harsh, flaky skin and diminishes aggravation.

Coconut Oil is sustaining

Coconut oil is ingested into the skin layers effectively as a result of the unsaturated fats that make up the oil. Every vegetable oil and fats are comprised of littler parts called unsaturated fats, but what makes coconut oil extraordinary, it’smost part contains medium-chain unsaturated fats (MCFAs) or medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

Being considerably littler than the long-chain unsaturated fats (LCFAs) found in different oils, MCTs can pervade the cell films. They get utilized effectively without the contribution of stomach related proteins. At the point, when coconut oil is applied on the skin, its unsaturated fats are instantly utilized to reinforce the connective tissue, making the skin flexible and supple.

Coconut Oil For Eczema calms tingling

Tingling related with skin inflammation is a standout amongst the most upsetting parts of this condition. It similarly clears a path for skin breaks that welcome contaminations. Other than expelling the dryness and unpleasantness of skin which aggravates tingling, coconut oil has a calming activity on tingling itself. In fact, coconut oil is regularly used to alleviate tingling because of bug chomps and bother stings.

Applying warmed coconut oil just before sleep time is an ideal approach to get kids with Eczema to rest calmly. Similarly, it applies a thin layer of oil on uncovered Eczema fixes before wandering out of the house. This defensive layer avoids tidy and other natural contaminations from coming into direct contact with the delicate zone and trigger tingling.

Coconut Oil fights microscopic organisms

Studies have demonstrated the intense antimicrobial impact of coconut oil, which has been experimentally documented  frequently. Lauric corrosive, the unsaturated fat that structures the significant majority of coconut oil is responsible for this impact. Coconut oil is among the not very many regular natural sources of lauric corrosive, another one being human breast milk. That itself is verification enough for coconut oil’s useful impact on human wellbeing.

A significant number of these topical invulnerable balancing medications are known to have serious symptoms. Coconut oil has been appeared to have a comparable safe adjusting activity. It comes with no hazard as well, since the oil has been being used for a large number of years with no known sick impacts.

Coconut Oil is mitigating

Coconut oil has a characteristic mitigating activity that can prove to be useful while utilizing it for mild situation. Eczema inclined individuals create skin aggravations from any number of conditions, from abundance frosty to warmth and sweating. Contact with harsh surfaces, cleansers and cleansers, plastics and different chemicals additionally sets off provocative reactions that may rapidly develop into undeniable flare ups. Convenient use of coconut oil may capture the development.

Coconut Oil has a magnificent security profile

Coconut oil is to a great degree delicate on the skin that it can be securely utilized on babies and individuals with extremely touchy skin. It is one of the best infant rub oils and is frequently used to wipe the infant bottoms clean of sticky meconium in an initial couple of hours after birth. It alleviates diaper rashes as well.

Coconut Oil is effortlessly gotten and practical

Coconut oil, with all its phenomenal medical advantages, is not forbiddingly costly, or uncommon. You ought to dependably endeavor to get the most elevated quality oil for healthy skin; however, that doesn’t really mean the most costly brand. You can purchase in mass and store to beat the cost facilitate.

The most effective method to Use Coconut Oil For Eczema Relief

Topical application

Simply take a teaspoonful of coconut oil in the palm of one hand. It promptly dissolves into fluid engrossing the body warm when it interacts with skin. Once dissolved, you can apply it on the Eczema influenced skin precisely the way you apply creams. You can delicately rub it in without bothering the skin.

At the point, when connected in little amount, the oil gets totally assimilated into the skin, and you are left with non-oily skin sans dryness and harshness. Rehashed application might be done if required, but for mild situation, a solitary utilization of oil twice per day will keep the skin saturated.

 Coconut Oil wrap

In case, the skin is too harsh at spots and is inclined to separate, apply oil gauze on the spot to mollify the skin. Warm a tablespoon of coconut oil and dunk a cotton cushion in it. Put the oil-doused cushion over the unpleasant spot and permit it to stay for 15-20 minutes. A while later, soak up abundance oil with tissue paper. This is a fantastic treatment amid skin inflammation flare-ups. It gives huge help from evening time tingling as well, so it is particularly advantageous for kids who think that it’s difficult to drop off.

Coconut Oil rub

Warm 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil until it is hot, and after that let it cool until serenely warm. Apply all over, with special care for Eczema inclined ranges like cheeks, neck, tummy, elbows, knees, hands and feet. Massage in the oil tenderly with a roundabout movement. Permit some time, 20-30 minutes possibly, for the oil to assimilate. Wash the oil off with warm water and a coconut oil-based cleanser or other mellow cleanser.

Bath Oil

Across the board Eczema more in youngsters and grown-ups can be treated with an encouraging warm water shower to which 3-5 tablespoons of coconut oil can be included. You can similarly include a teaspoonful of skin-accommodating fundamental oil like lavender or tea tree for a fragrant shower with extra restorative esteem.

Give the shower a chance to water actually dry on the skin, or wipe it off with a delicate towel. This shower will leave the skin delicate and flexible, and give soothing rest free of tingling.

Dietary supplement

Skin inflammation has some connection to consume fewer calories. Despite the fact, that it’s somewhat hard to distinguish the nourishment things that prompt flare-ups, keeping away from known food allergens usually controls the condition. Individuals with egg hypersensitivity regularly encounter long-term reduction when eggs in all structures are maintained a strategic distance from. Actually, taking coconut oil appears to help, most likely because of its invulnerable activity.

Anybody, even youngsters, can take 1-3 teaspoonfuls of coconut oil day by day. Free or incessant movements might be experienced at first but will resolve once the body gets accustomed to it.

Safe Storage and use Coconut Oil For Eczema

Coconut oil can be securely put away for a year or two without refrigeration at temperatures underneath 75F. Utilize wide-mouthed glass jugs to store it, and dependably utilize a perfect, dry spoon. Test a drop of coconut oil on your internal wrist or in the elbow overlay before utilizing it for skin applications.

Turmeric for Melasma

turmeric for melasma

Important approaches and treatments to learn from Turmeric for Melasma

Melasma is used among pregnant women and those taking birth avoidance pills and using hormone substitution medications. Patches of melasma usually happen on the cheeks, nose, forehead and upper lip.

Studies have not affirmed the correct reason for melasma. A few components trigger the development of dim patches on the face. Some of these incorporate the accompanying:

  • Hormonal modification is the leading cause of melasma in many people. It occurs when the hormone estrogen stimulates the formation of pigmentation, causing dark, spotted and uneven patches on the face.
  • Long contact with the sunlight can trigger melasma.
  • Hereditary inclination is another cause behind melasma to turn up on the skin.
  • Utilization of oral contraceptives, medications, for example, antibiotic medication and quinine may equally trigger the development of pigmentation on the skin.

Turmeric has been deductively demonstrated to help and even help to put off spots on your skin.

The truth is out! Eating and applying Turmeric to your skin focuses on the dull spots on your skin from sun harm and different causes and helps lessen them, as well as keeps them away from happening in the future.

Melasma is the term for those dark spots that show up in irregular shapes and in many places on your body; particularly all over and hands.

Melasma is originated from:

  • Over-introduction to the Sun- this is the main source of Melasma!
  • Hormonal changes
  • Hormonal medicines
  • Thyroid Disease
  • Vitamin D absence
  • Anxiety

These dull spots happen significantly the older you get. You can tell that by all of the anti-aging skin items that are being sold that particularly target dull spots and offer distinctive approaches to lessen them; despite the fact that they utilize chemicals!

More, there are poisonous additives in most skin helping cures that cause a wide range of different issues for your skin; including unfavorable susceptible rashes, skin inflammation breakouts, and clogged pores.

Additionally, retains the greater part of that through your skin, into your internal framework.

There is a greatly improved approach to handle Melasma, with proved outcomes, and no reactions… Turmeric!

Turmeric for Melasma is the most regular and successful approach to treat.

Before getting a start, let’s see what Turmeric accomplishes for your skins’ health commonly is:

  • Evacuate dead skin cells.
  • Clear pores and diminish aggravation.
  • Clears skin break out.
  • Diminishes the development of facial hair.
  • Enhances skin flexibility.
  • Diminishes skin break out scars.
  • Helps lessen spots.
  • Diminishes Melanin generation- this is the thing that causes the dull spots.

Exactly How Does Turmeric Lighten Melasma?

Curcumin, the primary dynamic feature in Turmeric, is liable for decreasing and preventing the generation of Melanin, the substance that causes our dull spots.

Turmeric was tried in 2 unique reviews and on 80 distinct patients that were being dealt with for Melasma.

A couple of patients got a cream with Hydroquinone in it, and the others got a cream with Turmeric blends in it. (Hydroquinone is an aggravate that has been prohibited by the FDA in the U.S. since it can’t be discounted as a cancer-causing. It is utilized as a part of skin helping creams and treatments).

The primary review demonstrated utilizing the Turmeric and the Hydroquinone had similar outcomes, but the Turmeric results were accomplished without the reactions of the substance poisons in the Hydroquinone.

The second review demonstrated that utilizing Turmeric significantly lessened Melanin levels and that these levels kept on diminishing all through the study.

Yet another review demonstrated that Turmeric/Curcumin particularly prevent the generation of Melanin:

it does this by fundamentally avoiding messages getting to the proteins that make the pigmentation in your skin.

Turmeric used purposely to your skin brings about:

  • No symptoms.
  • A decrease in the Melanin in our sun/dull marks that we already may have.
  • The prevention of Melanin creation in your bodies, which averts growth of future dim spots.

What’s the Best Way to Apply Turmeric for Melasma to Glow Your Skin?

  • One of the most ideal routes is to blend a ¼ teaspoon of turmeric with some coconut oil and apply to your face as a purging lotion. Simply abandon it on for around 10 – 15 minutes, then wash off.
  • Different features that are awesome for your skin and blend well with Turmeric are; milk, nectar, egg whites, French mud, avocados, bananas, or some other regular and natural thing you use for face covers
  • The key is, to blend in a little quantity, (beginning with ¼ teaspoon is immaculate) with your most loved different goodies into an impeccable glue (you’ll have to test a bit to discover what suits your very own choices here) that you pat on clean dry skin, and leave on somewhere for about 5 – 15 minutes.
  • Take a stab at doing this few times each week, and give it no less than 30 – 60 days to see a distinction in your dull spots.

Keep incorporating Organic Turmeric in your eating regimen also when you are utilizing it topically on your face!

Be Aware: Do take note of, that on the off chance, you abandon it on longer than 15 minutes, it can recolor your skin somewhat yellowish shading! In case, this happens, you can utilize a delicate sugar scour to expel the remaining shading from your skin. This is the reason it’s great to begin utilizing it for brief timeframes to begin with and increment your amount as your skin tone levels out and goes to its new sparkle.

A time when you’re all eating better, caring more for our Earth, and cherishing yourselves and each other more, Turmeric for your skin is an incredible additive to support your Living! 

Not solely does Turmeric help dull spots without any responses and envision future Melanin advancement; it similarly diminishes redness and puffiness, battles off microbes and infections, wipes out skin break out and decreases scarring, and in addition making a more young and lively sparkle in your skin.

With such a large number of extraordinary motivations to utilize Turmeric for Melasma regularly that you are familiar already, this is one is particularly significant and helpful to those that love the Sun and being outside and need to prevent any conceivable conditions or infections that could show later on because of overexposure to the sun’s bright beams.

So collect your sunscreen and your Turmeric, head on outside and have a great time!

Lavender Oil for Psoriasis


This is how Lavender Oil for Psoriasis is accountable and boon to a number of manifestations

Psoriasis is a skin situation which causes vast marked textured fixes on the skin. The condition can be expanded to a particular range of the body or the entire body might be influenced. Psoriasis can happen on pretty much anyplace on the body and makes a lot of enthusiastic anguish to the sufferer.

Lavender oil goes under the class of crucial oils. Crucial oils are extricated from different parts of the plants – leaves, stems, blossoms, roots and bark-utilizing steam refining technique. The crucial oil contains the embodiment of the plant it has been gotten from. Pure crucial oils are intense in nature and just a couple drops would be utilized for the desirable impact. Utilization of these crucial oils for healing reasons is in practice since ages. Alongside aromatherapy, different items for healthy skin, magnificence and family unit cleaning contain crucial oils for upgraded outcomes.

Lavender oil is a standout amongst the most concentrated crucial oils. It’s as often as possible utilized for an assortment of conditions, including abrasions, cerebral pains, and muscle torment. Lavender oil has even been seemed to have productive antibacterial and antifungal properties against different microorganisms when conventional meds have failed.

In case you’re under anxiety, consider applying diluted lavender oil to your temples. This may help facilitate your psyche, conceivably easing certain emotional triggers. Lavender oil may similarly diminish tingling on the skin when blended with a lotion and used to the skin.

Pregnant and breast-feeding ladies, and also individuals who have diabetes, ought to abstain from utilizing lavender oil. Excess use of this oil may bring about sickness, vomiting, or cerebral pains.

Likewise, with other crucial oils, you may take an attempt at applying a couple drops of lavender oil to your skin when diluted with a bearer like a coconut oil. A few people include drops of this oil specifically to bath water.

How Lavender Oil Works to Treat Psoriasis?

Lavender Oil can ease the torment and tingle and give some anxiety relief which supports the safe immune system improving the injuries. The reason for the condition is to a great extent unclear and generally numerous solid creams, lotions and pills are recommended to treat the issue. UV light medicines are utilized also.

Lavender Oil for Psoriasis with the best technique

You may apply the oil specifically to littler injuries. For bigger applications utilize a hydrosol spray a couple times for the duration of the day. Attempt a back rub utilizing Lavender crucial oil and additional virgin olive oil as the carrier both of which have many skin recuperating properties. Continuously chat with your specialist before utilizing home grown arrangements or changing your solution quantity.

Search out those medical experts who are educated and caring of holistic ways to deal with health care. Numerous standard medical experts are either unknowledgeable of common cures or think everything that the medication organizations tout about their remedy items.

Numerous normal medications are better for your body when accessible; however, on the other hand, present day pharmaceutical has similarly been in charge of numerous a health miracle cure as well. Clear out the upsides and downsides of both choices as both can help in effecting a diminishment of side effects while treating psoriasis.

Why Lavender Oil

Regardless of whether it is hereditary or not, stress is absolutely a standout amongst the most unmistakable triggers for every one of us. When you get focused on, your psoriasis erupts and the other way around. In such a situation, you can concern crucial oil which is generally utilized as a part of aromatherapy for a relaxed mind and body backed with research confirmations it positively works well.

Yes, one thing is going to refer that is lavender oil. Among all the crucial oils, lavender oil is surely the most famous and flexible one as much as helpful benefits is concerned. Lavender oil is prevalent for its soothing properties to diminish stress. It quiets your psyche and enhances the rest quality.

Different reviews demonstrate that inward breath of lavender oil slow down the mind to lessen uneasiness and stress which thus advance rest quality.

There are two essential constituents of lavender oil-linalyl aldehyde and linalool-diminish the torment, shivering, and irritation.

According to the International Federation of Aromatherapists, it is a better than average practice to incorporate two or three drops of lavender oil to warm water shower for women after childbirth. The nervousness gets lessened and anti-bacterial properties of lavender oil help decrease the torment, uneasiness and stay away from ailment.

Tell us how lavender oil for psoriasis is crucial

The plant, Lavender is in the Mint family and found over the world, especially in the USA, Australia and southern parts of Europe. Lavender oil is extricated from the blossoms (and leaves) of this plant. According to Wikipedia, Bulgaria is the greatest maker of Lavender oil on the planet. It is clear in color with slight yellowness. Not thick, simple to stream. It has mellow, camphor like smell.

Instructions to utilize Lavender oil for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an immune system issue where the defective immune system brings about fast development of skin cells to create silvery white (or red) fixes on different parts of the body. The correct cause is as still unclear. The likely list of culprits is a significant huge one:

  • Faulty qualities.
  • Faulty stomach related tract (Impaired liver, endless blockage, and heartburn, nourishment bigotry, irritated gut vegetation).
  • Nutritional lack (Vitamin D, Omega 3 fats, Vitamin B12, Zinc, Selenium).
  • Faulty Lifestyle (Chronic anxiety, unfortunate eating routine, sporadic supper timings, weight, an excess of utilization of liquor and tobacco, stationary way of life, disgraceful rest).

There is no “once forever” treatment of psoriasis is accessible, but, it can be supervised up to a degree that it doesn’t drive your life any longer. The long-term, successful mending of psoriasis would dependably address the interior body matters with the assistance of a limited psoriasis diet, positive way of life, utilization of dietary supplements and stress dealing measures.

Utilization of normal topical treatment arrangements oils, creams, and shampoos without a doubt assumes a fundamental part in this long-term adventure of psoriasis healing. When you include a couple drops of lavender basic oil in this stuff, it just builds the recovering impact an intense anxiety buster with antibacterial properties.

Lavender oil relieves your brain, decrease the tingling sensations and irritation and supports unwinding.

There are three unmistakable ways to deal with use lavender oil for psoriasis:

  1. Using Lavender oil in bath (drenching shower).
  2. Mixing lavender oil in your topical oil/skin cream.
  3. Mixing lavender oil in your scalp cleanser/hair oil.

Warm water shower with included lavender oil

Drenching warm water showers are utilized worldwide by psoriatic patients to lessen aggravation and tingling. Similarly, it mollifies the psoriasis injuries for their simple expulsion. Drench for 20 to 25 minutes after a short wash. At that point, pat your skin dry and quickly apply a characteristic cream (or saturating oil, for example, virgin coconut oil) to keep your skin hydrated and clammy for a more extended time. You need to give it a try once as lavender oil for psoriasis is quite beneficial.

6 Awesome Home Remedies for Melasma

home remedies for melasma

Here’s a bucket list to get victory from spots with the Home Remedies for Melasma

Melasma, which implies skin hyperpigmentation, is an exceptionally normal skin condition. As per the American Academy of Dermatology, Melasma influences an expected six million individuals in the United States and is more typical among ladies than men.

Melasma intervenes with the common color of the skin and prompts to the development of cocoa patches on the face.

The primary driver of melasma is overabundance melanin creation in skin cells because of excessive sunlight production. However, different elements additionally add to this issue, incorporating hormonal changes in the body, over the top anxiety, poisons, thyroid issues and utilization of birth prevention pills.

Regularly Melasma is confused for spots or age spots. Despite that, cocoa spots on the face because of Melasma usually will be bigger, darker and have irregular shapes.

As chestnut spots on the face are a beauty concern toward many, there are many pharmaceuticals and treatment choices accessible in the market. Before deciding on such medications, remember they may have reactions.

Rather, you can check your kitchen cupboards, zest cupboard and fridge can be utilized at home to treat Melasma. These regular cures will help you reestablish your skin color without symptoms.

#1 Turmeric

Turmeric, regularly known as the holy powder has powerful healing properties which make it a well-known fixing in ayurvedic prescription. It is particularly powerful to cure skin infections and issues identified with skin. Curcumin, the dynamic fixing element in turmeric has solid cancer prevention agent and skin helping properties, and it additionally helps in decreasing melanin pigmentation. It additionally flushes out poisons from the skin and cures skin break out and pimples.

Make thick glue by blending 5 tablespoons of turmeric with 10 tablespoons of milk. You can equally include 1 teaspoon of gram flour to thicken the glue. Apply this glue on the skin influenced by hyperpigmentation and let it dry out totally. At that point, wash your skin with warm water while rubbing delicately utilizing a roundabout movement. Repeat again this cure day by day for best outcomes.

#2 Horseradish

We know about the advantages of eating products of the soil for weight reduction, but certain vegetables are similarly successful for skin also. Horseradish is generally utilized for common healthy skin in view of its ability to lessen a wide range of skin stains, flaws, and scars, and it is a standout amongst the best Melasma home cures moreover. This cure works by bleaching the skin and helping undesired staining and hyperpigmentation of the skin. Horseradish aids in peeling off the injured skin and exposes the solid skin that is presented underneath the top layer.

Include 2 tablespoons of horseradish powder to 1 measure of acrid curd; blend well and apply to influenced regions. Sit tight for 30 minutes and swab off with warm water. Reapply this treatment once consistently till you get required outcomes.

#3 Lemon Juice

With regards to enhancing skin appearance normally, there is no other cure like crude lemon juice. The blend of lemon squeeze and warm water is likewise one of the regular home solutions for weight reduction. Topical utilization of lemon juice is viewed as an intense Melasma regular healing that helps in peeling off the harmed external coating of the skin, in this manner expelling the Melasma pigmentation.

Lemon juices fill in as common bleach that helps the dim cocoa patches that show up on cheeks, forehead, and nose. Squash out the juice from one lemon and apply it completely everywhere throughout the influenced zones rubbing delicately for 2 minutes. Leave it like that for 20 minutes and you need to wash off with warm water. Rework this cure 2 times each day for 3 weeks to see awesome outcomes.

#4 Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple juice vinegar is to a great degree well-known treatment for different sorts of skin and hair issues. It is utilized as a mainstream ingredient in characteristic hair veil for dull and harmed hair and is equally viewed as one of the useful home solutions for Melasma. The acidic corrosive found in apple juice vinegar makes it a characteristic bleaching operator that evacuates skin spots and makes the skin brilliant and smoother. Similarly, it additionally expels poisons from the skin.

Blend equivalent shares of apple juice vinegar and water and apply a liberal measure of the answer for the Melasma patches and permit it to air dry. At that point, wash the regions with warm water and pat dry utilizing a spotless towel. Use this treatment 1 time each day for required outcomes.

#5 Papaya

Papaya is an enormously organic product that has various utilizations for the skin. Both crude and ready papayas are utilized for utilizing a few skin issues, and ready papaya is generally utilized as a part of fruit facial covers. Papaya is similarly an effective one of the home remedies for Melasma treatment at home that is promptly accessible in the kitchen. The characteristic dynamic chemical papain introduces in papaya acts as an exfoliant that expels the harmed and dead skin cells and aides in reestablishing a smooth and even skin tone.

Crush a couple bits of ripe papaya to convey it to glue like consistency and add 2 teaspoons of nectar to it. Blend well and apply the covering everywhere throughout the influenced skin. Sit tight for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water. Use this normal cure 1 time each week for 2 to 3 months to expel Melasma totally.

#6 Almond

The advantages of almonds and almond milk for skin require no new prominence. A supporting and peeling scour made of almonds and nectar is without a doubt the best treatment for Melasma. The high protein content in almonds has the ability to lighten skin composition. Almonds additionally contain vitamin E that remedies skin staining as well as supports the skin.

Crush 8 to 10 almonds to make coarse glue and add enough nectar to make thick glue. Spread this blend on the influenced skin, rub for 5 minutes and abandon it on for an additional 20 minutes. Clean off with humid water. Use this cure 3 to 4 times each week till the Melasma is gone totally.

Tips to Prevent and Control Melasma

Counting a couple of basic tips and achieving some minor changes in your way of life can help a ton in anticipating and controlling Melasma.

Wear Outdoor Hats: Wear wide-overflowed and defensive caps amid your visit to the shoreline, pool or park, keeping in mind the end goal to give additional security to the fragile facial skin alongside sunscreen. Facial skin is to a great degree sensitive and powerless against unforgiving daylight and high temperature.

Gentle Skin Care: Skin care items that contain cruel chemicals can trigger Melasma or make it worse if it already exists. Along these lines, it is best to settle on delicate and smooth healthy skin items that don’t aggravate the skin or cause stinging or burning sensation.

Abstain from Waxing: Waxing causes skin irritation which can worsen Melasma. Consequently, it is best to abstain from waxing those zones of the body influenced by Melasma. You can decide on some other hair expulsion methodology.

Complete Diet: Having a reasonable and nutritious eating routine comprising of a wide range of products of the soil in vital to protect general health, as well as to keep up sound skin, hair, and nails. You ought to similarly incorporate amazing proteins and omega 3 unsaturated fats into your day by day eating routine.

Along these lines, at this moment you recognize the compelling home remedies for melasma.  Utilize them as coordinated and get free from monstrous Melasma spots, pigmentation, age marks and skin inflammation scars actually.

How to Get Rid of Dark Knees and Elbows

dark knees and elbows
Have you ever liked a short dress but didn’t buy it only because of your dark knees? Or did you ever liked to flaunt a sleeve dress but could not do so just because you have dark elbows? Now here is the permanent solution to your problem. This can be done by using basic home remedies.

The reason behind dark skin of elbow n knees is that the skin of these two areas is thicker when compared to other parts and these areas do not have oil glands so the skin tend to become dry, rough and dark. But if you do take proper care then it can turn out in your normal skin tone.

Apart from this there are also other reasons that can cause your knees and elbow to become dark like, dry skin, hormonal imbalance, genetic factors, exposing too much to sun. However if you follow the below remedies then you can get rid of dark knees and elbows.

Home Remedies for Dark Knees and Elbows

1. Gram Flour and Lemon: Gram flour is one of the age old remedy used for skin lightening and lemon on the other hand contains citric acid which helps in reducing dark spots and dark skin. Lemon is also known for its bleaching, anti oxidant and exfoliating properties and when combined with gram flour it gives spot less elbow and knees. All you need to do is in a bowl mix 2 teaspoon of gram flour and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this paste on the affected areas and let it dry and then wash off. Repeat this 3-4 times a week for better results.

2. Yoghurt and Vinegar: Vinegar also contains bleaching agents which eliminates dark skin and yoghurt moisturises the skin as the skin area of elbow and knees are dry.

In a small bowl take 1 tablespoon of yoghurt and 2-3 teaspoons of vinegar and mix them together to form a smooth consistency. Now apply this on the knees and elbow and give a massage for few minutes in circular motion. Allow this to sit for 10-15 minutes and then wash with cold water.

3. Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub: This remedy helps in moisturising as well as exfoliating the affected parts of the skin.For using this method you need to mix sugar and olive oil in equal proportion to form a scrub. Now rub this scrub on the knees and elbow for good 10-15 minutes. Then wash off with normal water.

4. Milk, Honey and Turmeric: Now these three ingredients when combined all together will give best results by eliminating the dark skin. This is one of the best remedy as all the ingredients have different properties which can scale down the dark skin. Honey gently moisturise the skin, milk acts as a bleaching agent and turmeric has got antiseptic properties.

If you wish to use this remedy in order to lighten the skin then you need to mix in a bowl 1-2 tablespoons of milk, 1 teaspoon full honey and half a teaspoon of turmeric. Apply this paste on your knees and elbow and give a massage by rotating your hand in circular motion. Leave this for some time and then wash with normal water.

5. Baking Soda and Milk: Baking soda is also considered one of the bleaching agents and milk can give many favourable changes to your skin.To a tablespoon of milk add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and mix well. Now apply this on the darker areas of the skin and leave it for few minutes.

6. Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice: This method moisturises the skin as well as reduces the darkness of the skin.Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and mix it along with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Now give a massage on the knees and elbow. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash with warm water.

7. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera can do wonders to your skin; it is age long remedy which helps in treating multiple kinds of skin problems. It has the ability to lighten the skin as well as it acts as a moisturising agent. It not only reduces the darkness of the skin but also helps in preventing from further damage to the skin.

• If you want the best results then do repeat the desired method daily.
• If you have cracks or bruises in your knees and elbow then avoid applying vinegar and lemon.
• If your skin is too dry then the lemon strings may lead to burning sensations which sometimes can me unbearable. In this case use moisturising lotion.