The Amazing Fruits That Slows Aging

How do you slow down the Aging process?

A fruit that slows down the aging process sounds too good to be true, but research has discovered that there are some fruits which doesn’t just look beautiful but has amazing taste too, they contains a unique substance when eaten, slows the aging process.These fruits help you in many ways which are listed below.

  • Protect your skin from sun.
  • Reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  • Get your beauty sleep.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Avoid stress.

Below is the list of some Amazing Fruits that Slows Aging:

The Amazing Fruits That Slows Aging

  • Blueberries.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Avocado.
  • Water melon.
  • Papaya.
  • Carrot.
  • Grapes.

1 Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in anti-oxidants which can slow down the aging process. These are loaded with powerful anti oxidants, these prevent from long term cell damage occurring.

The high doses of vitamin C are found in blueberries, these  helps in keeping your skin smooth & clean. You can include some berries to your breakfast cereals, oatmeal, yogurts, and cottage cheese or just eat them plain.

Antioxidants also help to stop free radicals from forming in your body.Blueberries are anti inflammatory in nature that keeps your skin cells healthy.

2 Pomegranate

Pomegranate contains high amount of vitamin C, phosphorus & other vitamins and minerals essential to keep your skin looking young and plump for longer.

Drinking a full glass of pomegranate juice a day, can prevent wrinkles from appearing. Pomegranate has ellagic acid & punicalgin that fight against free radicals & increases the body capacity to preserve collagen.

3 Avocado


Avocado is great source of vitamin E and B complex vitamins. They also contain potassium that keeps your skin moisturized and hydrated.  The vitamin present in the natural oils of avocado,helps to keep your skin fully nourished and rejuvenated. They also flush harmful toxins from the body & act as a natural acne treatment.

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4 Water Melon

We all know that water melon contain high amount of water, minerals, vitamins, anti oxidants that helps to keep your skin nourished & prevent wrinkles or skin discoloration that comes with aging skin. Water melon can prevent & can also reverse the effects of aging.

5 Papaya

We all know that papaya contains  vitamin A; C & E, that helps nourish the skin & also fight against wrinkles. Papaya is known for its skin beautifier. It keeps your skin glowing when you apply it on your skin.

6 Carrot

carrot face mask for skin whitening

Carrot contains high amount of vitamin A, and also known as beta carotene, which promotes clear skin, & prevent those unwanted creases on your face. Carrots can also aid in the production of collagen, blocking the harmful free radicals from attacking your cells.

7 Grapes

We all know that grapes are rich source of both manganese & vitamin C. These components can prevent damage to UV radiation while their anti oxidants properties can fight against the aging process.

When you are willing to have something sweet, make a fruit salad with some delicious fruits listed above. Not only healthier but also it keeps your skin young and firm because of the wonderful properties of these fruits.

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