How to Remove Dental Plaque in 5 Minutes Naturally, Without Going to the Dentist!

What is Plaque?

It is a soft, sticky film that builds up on your teeth & contains millions of bacteria. The bacteria in plaque can cause tooth decay & gum disease if they are not removed regularly through brushing & flossing.

When you eat, the bacteria in plaque use the sugar in your food to produce acids that eat away the tooth enamel.

Plaque that is not removed daily by brushing & flossing between teeth can eventually harden into tartar. Brushing and flossing becomes more difficult as tartar collects at the gum line. As the tartar, plaque and bacteria continues to increase, the gum tissues can become red, swollen and possibly bleed when you brush your teeth.

What causes Dental Plaque?

Plaque is a sticky, colourless film of bacteria that constantly form on our teeth and along the gum line. It contains bacteria that causes cavities and gum diseases.

Dental plaque isn’t removed when it’s soft; it hardens and becomes difficulty to remove. It can damage your tooth & leads to tooth decay or tooth loss.

The person who smokes has dark yellow teeth, due to the accumulation of nicotine in the teeth. People who drink a lot of coffee & chew snuff also face the same problem.

We recommend for normal person to visit  dentist every 5-6 months for a procedure known as deep prophylaxis, this procedure is not expensive.  In this article we will show you some amazing remedy to remove plaque without having to go to dentist.

Things to be done to keep your teeth clean

  • Brush regularly, twice a day for at least 2 mints.
  • Choose tartar control toothpaste with fluoride.
  • Rinse daily.
  • Watch your diet.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Floss, floss, floss.
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How to get rid off Plaque on your Teeth?

How to Remove Dental Plaque in 5 Minutes Naturally, Without Going to the Dentist!

There are some home remedies that you can perform  to reduce the accumulation of the residues in the mouth, & prevent the progress of the diseases.

Home Remedy #1


  • Take 60 grams of flour nutshell.
  • Take ½ litre of water.


  • Mix both the ingredients in a pot & bring it to boil.
  • Simmer for 10 mints over low heat.
  • Remove it from heat and make it to cool.
  • You should get paste like mixture just like toothpaste.
  • Use these toothpaste 5 mins twice a week.

Home Remedy #2


  • Take 2 table spoon of sunflower seed flour.
  • Take 2 table spoons of lime juice.
  • Take ½ litre of water.


  • Take an aluminium container & add all the ingredients in it.
  • Let them simmer at low temperature for an hour.
  • Use this mixture to brush your teeth for 5 mins twice a week.
  • It will remove the plaque & tartar from your teeth.


  • Don’t forget to brush your teeth after having your meals.
  • You are recommended to use dental threads & floss your teeth every night before going to bed.
  • Use mouth wash regularly. The natural varieties which you can make at home such as thymes, mint infusion are the best one.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for dental cleaning.
  • Eat a balanced diet & limit between meals & snacks, which can provide more sugar for the bacteria in plaque to convert into decay causing acids.

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