Green Tea for Blackheads


One of the prevailing problems which almost every adult face are the blackheads. The reason behind the blackheads is the dry and dead skin cells. When there is obstruction in skin pores due to surplus flow of sebum blackheads tend to rise. Usually blackheads occur on nose as well on chin.

Dirt and dust are not the reason behind blackheads, it’s all internal. When the skin pores are open and dead skin cells comes in contact with the air, blackheads will occur. This is known as oxidisation and it will make your skin turn black. Using any scrubbing creams will not help you to eliminate blackheads, instead they may become worse.

In addition to green tea there are some of the home remedies that can be used in order to eliminate blackheads.

How to Use Green Tea for Blackheads

  • Boil one cup of water
  • Remove the water from heat and put two green tea bags into it
  • Leave it in hot water for some time and then refrigerate it for almost an hour.
  • Now wash your face with a face wash n dry par your skin thoroughly.
  • With the help of a cotton ball apply green tea on your face, especially on blackheads.
  • Allow it to rest until water gets dried and then wash with cold water.
  • Repeat this process daily for better results.

In Addition to Applying Green Tea

  • Consume green tea regularly to avoid blackheads.
  • Make sure you drink fresh green tea
  • You can even add few drops of green tea to your regular lotion and apply on your skin.
  • Apart from treating blackheads green tea has got various health benefits. It is best to include green tea in your daily diet.
See also  Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching and Burning

Check this post for other Home Remedies to Remove Blackheads

Note: In order to get best results apply the desired pack regularly.

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