Heal Cavities, Gum Disease and Whiten Teeth with Natural Homemade Toothpaste

Eating a healthy diet is one of the most important action through which you can maintain your oral health and avoid all the synthetic additives such as (flavors, preservatives, colors), pasteurized dairy and refined sugars.

The healthiest diet consists of whole untouched foods, 80% of which are uncooked, organic vegetables and fruits.

One should not chomp through foods which are weighed down with the herbicides and preservatives or animal protein (dairy or meat) from the factory raised animal or farm fish.

One of the most important parts of our body is our teeth, they are there forever with us and we can only get one pair of teeth.

With all the junk foods that we are eating daily these days, it is very important that one should keep our teeth healthy so that we don’t suffer from tooth decay or gum diseases.

One should try the natural homemade toothpaste for treating cavities and gum disease, then you will never buy any of the toothpaste from the stores.

You can also find some of the different Ayurvedic toothpaste which is present in the markets, but presently the most famous and most effective toothpaste’s contain neem (Azadirachta indica).

On a daily basis, more number of people are switching to all natural toothpaste. If you’ve eternally read the warning labels on your regular toothpaste, then you can hurriedly see why the people are switching to natural toothpaste.

Profit-making toothpaste is toxic. One can only avoid most of these toxic ingredients by using preposterously expensive natural toothpaste, but there are so many people who are still using the toothpaste which contains sodium laureth sulfate or other questionable ingredients such as glycerin, which prevents re mineralization of the teeth.

See also  Red Mandarin Essential Oil

Homemade Toothpaste Recipe

The basic homemade toothpaste can be be made by using one of the most basic things available at our home and that is coconut oil and baking soda. One should make sure that both are organic and the baking soda that you are going to use should be aluminum free.

The homemade toothpaste does not contain fluoride. The natural toothpaste is having antibacterial properties because of the presence of coconut oil, baking soda and xylitol. All the ingredients are easily available in the market and the preparation is also quite easy.



  • Take a small bowl and add 15 drops of mint essential oil.
  • Now add 3 tablespoons of baking soda in it.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of xylitol (for taste) in the same mixture.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of neem powder
  • After adding all this ingredients, stir it will to form a paste.
  • Now you can store this paste into the glass jar.
  • Your natural homemade toothpaste is ready and you can use it.
  • For good results use this toothpaste at least 3 times in a day.

Benefits of Natural Toothpaste

  • Using natural toothpaste will dissolve plaque.
  • It encourages the natural balance of the chemicals in your teeth.
  • Using natural toothpaste will whiten your teeth, treats gum diseases.
  • It also helps in healing the cavities.
  • Natural toothpaste doesn’t annoy sensitive mouths.
  • It contains only remedial grade natural essential oils.

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