Do You Love Watermelon? If You See These Split Inside Watermelon Throw It Right Away

Watermelon is one of the richest fruits which is loved by the people all over the world. This fruit contains 92% of water and high number of nutrients, proteins, anti-oxidants and amino acids.

This includes vitamin E, vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium and large amount of potassium. . Beta carotene and lycopene are in high quantities when watermelon is completely ripe.

This is a popular fruit which grows on the ground in different sizes. This can range from round to elongated and a thick rind surrounded by flesh which is from pink to dark red.

It contains citrulline which is metabolized into arginine in our body. Arginine is an amino acid which is synthesized into nitric acid and helps us to produce widening of blood vessels.

Are watermelons healthy? Yes, this is a good medicine for our health and its very cheap and available fruit in any season. Especially during summer it helps us to gain refreshment in sunny days and acts as a good anti-oxidant for our body. It keeps us hydrated where sodium and potassium in watermelon helps us to be strong.

We know watermelon is healthy! But, how many of us know watermelon seeds are also healthy and it cures many diseases like hypertension, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and even cancer. So, instead of throwing seeds away, consuming the seeds also shows beneficial results.

How do we know the Watermelon is original or artificial?

It’s so simple if you see a watermelon with cracks inside it then it clearly shows that the watermelon is artificial and unhealthy. Artificial watermelons just look like the original one.

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Chemicals which are added to artificial watermelon are methanol yellow red chromate and Sudan red. Sudan red is a color which is harmful for stomach and digestive system, Methanol yellow causes cancer and carbide which is use for riping of fruits causes kidney damage and liver damage.

Consuming artificial watermelon causes tumor and it’s very hard to treat. Experts advise us to eat fresh fruits and avoid watermelon which is synthetically made. This leads us to many diseases and even kills us!

So, whenever you see a watermelon with cracks throw it away.

Here are some tips to buy a good Watermelon


  • Select an average size fruit, neither small nor big.
  • Ripe watermelons have yellow or orange spots, but not white.
  • Ripe watermelon should be dark in color.
  • The skin of the watermelon should not be shiny, it should be dull.
  • Odd bumps may indicate it was grown with insufficient water and sunlight.
  • If the tail of the watermelon is dry, then it indicates ripe.
  • Ripe watermelons have deep hollow sound when we tap underbelly of watermelon.
  • A ripe watermelon has slight fragrance and should be fairly heavy.
  • Round and stout watermelons are sweeter.
  • Select the watermelon that is fresh, juicy and bright in color.
  • See whether the watermelon is free from cracks or not.

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