Health Benefits Of Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa is a remarkable plant used for medicinal purposes from centuries. No wonder it is called “father of all foods” because of its versatility and high content of bioactive plant compounds.

In china alfalfa is used to treat kidney stones, gastrointestinal problems etc. It is also used as medicine for people, who suffer from arthritis as well as gastrointestinal diseases. It has been widely used in ayurveda too.

What Are Alfalfa Sprouts?

Alfalfa sprouts are immature seedling of alfalfa packed with beneficial nutrients, vitamins and anti oxidants. These sprouts are white and thread like with green tops and also tender which can be used in salads, soups and sandwiches.

Alfalfa is considered as a strong dietary protein. Eating sprouts not only boosts the antioxidant vitamin C content, but also increases the chlorophyll content that helps to create a hostile environment for harmful bacteria and detoxifies your body.

Nutritional Benefits Of Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa sprouts are rich in number of vitamins and proteins such as calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium including with vitamin A, K, C, E and numerous B vitamins such as riboflavin and Pantothenic acid.

Nutritional Info

Protein: 4g

Niacin: 0.481 mg

Riboflavin: 0.126 mg

Vitamin C: 8.2 mg

Vitamin K: 30.5 micro grams

Potassium: 79 mg

Magnesium: 27 mg

Manganese: 0.188 mg

Carbohydrates: 2.1 g

Dietary Fiber: 1.9 g

Folate: 36 micro grams

Zinc: 0.092 mg

Pantothenic Acid: 0.563 mg

Thiamin: 0.076 mg

Calories: 23

Absolutely with no fat

Health Benefits Of Alfalfa Sprouts

  1. Helps To Maintain Healthy Skin

The content of chlorophyll in alfalfa sprouts are loaded with number of healing and cleansing properties. It also has capability to detoxify the body and eliminate impurities which are brought by pollution.

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The vitamin A and enzymes found in alfalfa sprouts helps to improve skin complexion and hydrates your skin by keeping it smooth and clean. Regular consumption of alfalfa will help to maintain healthy skin and increase the collagen synthesis.

  1. Supports Weight Loss

Majority of people include sprouts in their diet for maintaining healthy weight. Alfalfa sprouts are ideal for weight consciousness individuals. These sprouts are rich in fiber and low in sugar, calories and fat.

The fiber content in alfalfa sprouts inhibits the release of ghrelin, a hormone which triggers hunger. Eating sprouts will make you feel full and prevent you from snacking.

  1. Boosts Immune System

As these sprouts are rich in vitamin C, it will help to boost your immune system. A single serving of alfalfa sprouts contains required amount of vitamin C and other essential vitamins. It stimulates the production of white blood cells and protects the body from infections and inflammations.

However, it plays a crucial role in providing vitamin C to our body which helps to improve collagen synthesis in our body.

  1. Heals Open Wounds


Adding alfalfa sprouts to your regular diet will also help to improve healing process for open wounds in your body. As it is rich in vitamin K it speeds up blood clotting in the body and makes it easier to heal the wounds faster.

Even though too much intake of vitamin K may lead to several health issues like cardiovascular problems and excessive blood clots, but moderate serving of alfalfa sprouts results in several health benefits and avoid all these negative side effects.

  1. Aids In Proper Digestion

Health Benefits Of Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa sprouts are loaded with several digestive enzymes such as invertase, amylase, coagulase, pectinase and proteases. Each enzyme has its own function but combining all enzymes has high impact on proper functioning of digestive system.

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Eating alfalfa sprouts prevents indigestion and excess gas by supporting the proper digestion of food. The digestive enzymes in alfalfa sprouts makes it easier to breakdown carbohydrates, fats and proteins which often lead to stomach upset.

The potassium content in alfalfa sprouts also helps to reduce water retention in all the parts of the body and serves as diuretic and reduces swelling caused by water retention.

The initial function of potassium in our body is to promote digestive regularity which would be helpful for people who are suffering with chronic constipation.

  1. Strengthens Hair And Prevents Hair Loss

Another important health benefit of having sprouts in your regular diet is that, it helps in protecting and strengthening your hair. Alfalfa sprouts are rich in amino acids and proteins that are helpful for healthy growth of your hair.

Similarly, these are also rich in Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B6 that supports the hair growth and vitamin C in alfalfa sprouts improves the blood circulation in the scalp and antioxidants in hair follicles, boosting collagen synthesis in the process.

It also contains omega 3 fatty acids that helps to provide nourishment to hair follicles and reduces dry and brittle hair and reverses hair loss.

  1. Prevent Osteoporosis

Vitamin K plays major role in building strong bones in your body and beneficial for the blood production. For the circulation of blood, our body needs a protein called oesteocalcin requires vitamin K.

Alfalfa sprouts are rich in vitamin K, magnesium, Manganese that helps to prevent osteoporosis. Regular consumption of alfalfa sprouts will also help to prevent weakening of bones, which exponentially increases the risk of bone fractures.

  1. Helps To Prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron is very essential to maintain proper blood circulation in our body. When the body doesn’t have enough iron it reduces the count of red blood cells and leads to iron deficiency anemia.

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There might be many reasons for iron deficiency in your body which includes heavy menstrual flows and insufficient intake of iron rich foods in your diet that may also lead to another health issues like nausea, absent mindedness and general lethargic states.

Well, significant amounts of iron, chlorophyll and vitamin K in alfalfa sprouts helps to improve the production of blood and also helps in treating and healing nose bleeds and bleeding gums.

 Side Effects Of Alfalfa Sprouts

You need to be more careful while taking alfalfa sprouts in your diet. Some of them are shown below:

Consuming excess amount of sprouts in your regular diet may lead to increase the risk of certain cancers, worsens auto immune diseases, dangerously falling down of blood sugar levels and bleeding problems.


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