How To Reverse Diabetes- Remedies And Diet Chart

Diabetes is one of the most wide spread disease all over the world. It is a complex condition which affects entire body. While there is no cure for diabetes currently, you can lead your life by learning about the condition and effectively managing it.

This article helps you to know complete details about diabetes and how to treat them effectively by following a diet chart and by simple home remedies.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition where your body cannot produce insulin or cannot properly use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone which produces and controls sugar levels in the blood and our body needs to use insulin as a energy source.

Diabetes can lead to cause of many other health issues like, it increases blood sugar levels, which can damage organs, blood vessels and nerves. There are mainly three types of diabetes known as type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.

Types Of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes

In type 1 diabetes, the immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. It is also known as insulin dependent diabetes and easily diagnosed in children and young adults.

Type 2 Diabetes

When your body loses its ability to produce and absorb insulin then this condition is known as type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes is most often seen in middle aged and older people, this is one of the common types of diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes most often develops in pregnant women. This type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. This type of diabetes doesn’t allow body to produce required insulin in blood to transport all the glucose into the cells. This condition eventually leads to rise of glucose levels in blood.

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Symptoms Of Diabetes

The following are the symptoms of diabetes:

  • Excessive thirst and hunger
  • Blurry vision
  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Low healing of wounds
  • Frequent urination
  • Type 2 diabetes can cause dark patches in the folds of the skin and armpits
  • Type 1 diabetes will lead to complete weight loss.

Complications Of Diabetes

Having high blood sugar can lead to some complications which are as follows:

  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Foot problems
  • Eye diseases that can lead to darkness
  • Anxiety
  • Nerve damage
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke

Diabetes related with these complication sometimes are life threatening. Try to manage the levels of blood sugar in your body to avoid these complications. Here we showing you the diet chart that you need to follow to maintain proper blood sugar levels.

Diabetes Diet Chart

Best Foods To Eat For Diabetes

  • Fruits such as kale, oranges, and grapes are great source of nutrition for diabetes. But ripe fruits have opposite effect and they must be avoided.
  • Orange pulp is a good source of fiber
  • Eggs are high in protein and help to slow down the absorption of glucose in your blood.
  • Green tea helps to regulate glucose and prevents diabetes easily.
  • Fenugreek is an excellent ingredient which helps to lower your blood sugar levels.
  • Kiwi fruit are low in calories and high in fiber, which can easily prevent diabetes.

Foods To Avoid For Diabetes

Below are the major cause for increasing diabetes in your body. So these foods should be avoided from your regular diet.

  • Processed and fried foods
  • Sugary products
  • Ripe fruits
  • Honey
  • Dry fruits
  • White bread, pasta and rice
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Home Remedies For Diabetes

  1. Milk

How To Reverse Diabetes Remedies And Diet Chart

The diary product milk is loaded with number of nutrients and minerals which helps to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes to a large extent. Try to take one glass low fat milk daily, it is one of the easiest ways to treat diabetes and prevent diabetes.

  1. Ginger

Intake of ginger regularly helps to reduce blood sugar levels and regulate insulin response. Due to its anti diabetic nature it gives great relief for the people who are suffering with diabetes.

  • Take a small slice of ginger and add it in one cup of boiling water. Simmer for 5 minutes and strain the solution and allow it to cool and drink it immediately.
  • Consume it thrice in a day to see beneficial results.
  1. Garlic

Garlic is considered as powerhouse with number of nutrients and minerals. Crushed garlic releases an antioxidant enzyme called allicin which exhibits diabetic activities that helps in managing diabetes effectively.

  • Take two cloves of raw garlic and chew it directly every morning or you can add it to your favorite dishes.
  1. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves have the capability to reduce blood glucose levels in your body. It also helps to regulate the insulin activity in your body.

  • Take few curry leaves and chew it directly and swallow them or alternatively you can also add curry leaves to your favorite dishes on regular basis.
  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a rich source of fiber which helps to manage insulin levels in your body. It also contains high content of carbohydrates and low cholesterol levels.

  • Consume a bowl of oatmeal every day.
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