Natural Remedies to Treat Growing Pain

Does your child complain about immense pain in legs especially night? This is often called as growing pain in children.Growing pain is very common in children between 2-4 years of age group. This pain usually occurs in both legs and mostly it will affect your child during day; it may even disturb child’s sleep at night.

However, you cannot stop this natural occurrence of growing pains completely, but you can help your children to make him/her feel less pain when it does happen just by following some simple home remedies.

Before that, let’s check out symptoms associated with these growing pains in children.

Symptoms Of Growing Pain

The following are the symptoms of growing pains.

  • The pain can occur at any place on child’s body like in the shins, calves, thighs or at the back of the knee.
  • The pain can be mild or severe
  • It lasts from minutes to hours.
  • The pain comes in episodes with pain free elements lasting from days to months
  • Children become more moody and tired with the pain

Natural Remedies For Treating Growing Pain In Children

We have many ways to reduce pain in children while they are experience the conditions of growing pain.

  1. Massage The Area

Massaging is the best way to get relief from pain in the body. It helps to calm and relax your child. Massaging muscle is also a wonderful way to get relief from the discomfort caused by growing pain.

Take a little amount of any essential oil and massage the affected area, but not more than 5 minutes and leave it for some time.

  1. Stretching

The another way to get relief from growing pain is to stretch child arms and legs after they play. However, children often exercise heavily while they play without knowingly. So, stretch the legs few times in a day to prevent more pain from occurring.

  1. Warm Bath

As we know, heat can help to increase the blood circulation and reduces the inflammation on affected area; it also helps to ease the pain. While taking bath with warm water, just add a little amount of essential oil in it which can give you more relief than you expected.

  1. Relaxation Techniques

Natural remedies to treat growing pain

Relaxation techniques for children help them to heal faster and smoother. Most of the children love to enjoy relaxation visualization while massaging. This is one of the best ways for children to make them feel less pain.

  1. Vitamin D Supplements

In recent research it has been found that the children who experience growing pains often have less amount of vitamin D content in their body. It has been concluded that only 6% of children have normal vitamin D levels, the pain is obviously linked with level of vitamin D. Include vitamin D rich food in your child’s diet.

  1. Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt is rich in magnesium; this is an essential mineral which naturally works as a muscle relaxer in children body.Just sprinkle a little amount of Epsom salt in warm water and take bath, this helps to reduce night time growing pains. Warm water bath also helps to soothe the whole body and gives relief from the pain.

  1. Chiropractic Treatment


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Chiropractic treatment is increasingly finding place in medical field day by day. This treatment actually works with the central nervous system through spinal manipulation.It helps to get relief from the pinched nerves and naturally leads to improve the posture and movement of the body.However, national institute of health (NIH) concluded, this treatment is a successful alleviation of growing pains in child patients.

  1. Meditate

Meditating is another way to help the child to get control over the pain in his/her body. Teaching your child how to meditate to visualize peace and calm is a skill that will remain beneficial throughout their life.

Try to meditate along with your child for few minutes in a day, which will give them strength and peace and even good sleep at night.


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