How to Use Henna to get Rid of Grey Hair – DIY Method

Grey hair is well thought-out a sign of grown older. But a number of other factors are also contributing in the graying of hairs like smoking, stress, excessive use of shampoo, gel and conditioner. While the gray hair appears people try to dye them. Henna is a naturally light, red-orange highlighted dye.

To achieve different shades of brown with henna, we come together it with Indigo, which is another plant based dye possessing a natural, dark blue tone. Our method of using Indigo with Henna allows for a wider range of colour options.

It is also important to know that the henna can’t lighten hair, it can only darken or maintain your current colour. Henna has enormous properties and is very advantageous for hair. If it is used daily it can make wonders to your hairs.

Black Henna for Grey Hair

The best type of henna for covering your great hair coverage is “black henna” which is in India, is famously known as ‘black mehendi’. It gives a solid colour to hairs and it is usually mixed with natural henna for silky and more natural black hair. Pure and natural black mehendi provides particular colour change.

Largely depending on your original hair colour tone before the application, after that the results will vary, ranging from lighter to darker, basically any shade of red. Try the mixing herbs into black mehendi paste and experiment twice or thrice to get the desired shade.

One needs to be careful in protecting the skin against staining due to black mehendi. Applying black mehendi on hair takes simply5 to 15 minutes and then you only need to cover your hair with cap or towel for an hour.  Henna powder should be stored only in a dark and cool place, such as cupboard.

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Because natural light might deteriorate the power of the plant. You might have stumbled on other articles on the internet, advising you to sore henna in the refrigerator. But it is not at all advisable. As told by science, powders develop their nutrients by fermentation and by refrigerating them.

They will end up absorbing the humidity, which will decrease the effectiveness of the powder. In an order to get rid from the grey hairs strands, one should apply henna mixture in every three to four weeks. If you want naturally beautiful hair, then should turn to henna.

There are many side effects conventional hair dyes. One more great merit of henna mehendi is that, it is extremely nourishing for the hair. Like a moisturizer works for your skin, in a similar way henna works for the hair.

A woman who uses hair colours often experience dry, itchy and flaky scalp, where as henna conditions your hair and leaves them soft, beautiful and silky.

How to Use Henna to get Rid of Grey Hair?

The following are the steps that will teach you how to apply henna for grey hair the right way. They are very easy to follow and do not need much effort.

1 Boil Black Tea Leaves


The preliminary and most momentous thing you dictate to do is to boil black tea leaves in the water. Then after that take a bowl and pour water into it. Let it boil and fizz for a while. Simmer it until the water becomes half. The water must be in fraction to the amount of henna powder you use.

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2 Prepare a Henna Mask

The next obsession you should do is to organize a henna mask. Take a quantity of henna powder depending upon the absorption of grey hair. Then soak it in water for approximately 8 hours, if possible during the night. On one occasion this is completed, pour black tea keen on it along with some lemon juice.

3 Apply the Mask

Now, take that the particular part of your grey hair. If it is a whole section, you can make a plait out of the other, so that they don’t stick to one another. Apply the mask with the help of a brush. Your fingers will be also doing the work. But choose something that is comfortable for you. Apply it all above your hair. Observe to it that you envelop all your grey hair.

4 Do Not Forget to Wait

You cannot wash your hair off precise resting on that spot. You will have to wait for about 30 minutes. In the signify time, take a cascade cap and cover your hair with it. Relax for a while now. Get yourself physically a good massage or even a relaxing pedicure works well.

5 Wash it off

At last once 30 minutes waiting is completed, you can wash your hair. Compose sure you clean it scrupulously to clean the mehndi. This might take up a slight time. But you should be sure to wash your hair well. Cold water would do wonders in washing off it. It will communicate a healthy shine to your hair.

You be capable of also applying a good amount of conditioner to your hair exhausting the gloves. Massage it well on the hair and wash it off. Repeat the washing process.
henna for grey hair

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