Home Remedies For Poison Ivy, Oak And Sumac

Instead of waking up in peace in the morning, do you find your skin with red patches and itching sensation even in odd places of your body? The itchiness may not be bearable and you may want to scratch off your skin to get relief.

This may happen if you come in contact with certain allergic plants unknowingly. This article is especially for you,we are here to help you to get rid of this condition with simple and natural home remedies.

Have you ever heard about poison ivy, oak and sumac? No, let me tell you these are nothings but simple plants which are grown mostly in Asia and North America in all season mostly in summer season.

We will just see brief about these simple plants.

What Is Poison Ivy, Oak And Sumac?

As I said earlier poison ivy, poison oak  and poison sumac are nothing but plants, when touched leads to red rashes on your body.

What Makes These Plant Such Rash Triggers On your Body?

Well, these plants are loaded with oil called urushiol oil, which is allergic to 85% of people in this world especially in America.

  • Poison Ivy

Poison ivy grows on the ground as a shrub, it has three leaves which are in green color and turns red in fall.

  • Poison Oak

Poison Oak also grows both on ground and is a shrub same as poison ivy, this tree also contains 3 leaves along with flowers and berries.

  • Poison Sumac

This plant grows like shrub with 7-14 leaves as a pair on its stems. The leaves of this plant have black and brown spots which later turns into red, yellow and pinkish when the season changes.

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Poison ivy, oak and sumac aren’t only plants that contain urushiol oil, even plants like mango, cashew nut trees, Malaysian rengas tree and gingko trees also contain urushiol oil.

So, to get rid of these skin rashes which look exactly like  allergy and lasts more than years if it is not treated properly with perfect medicine. Before jumping to medication, give a try to below remedies which give you instant relief without any side effects.

Home Remedies For Poison Ivy, Oak And Sumac

Here are the best home remedies for poison ivy, oak and sumac as follows:

1. Banana Peel

Banana peel is one of the effective remedy to treat skin infections and rashes. The banana peel help up to dry a patch of the skin infected with urushiol oil and sooth the urge to scratch.

What You Need To Do

Take one banana peel and rub it one the affected area and leave it over skin for about 15 minutes and wash it off with normal water. Repeat this process for 2-3 times in a day which gives your instant relief from itchiness and red pale skin.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is best ayurvedic treatment for many skin and health issues. The white extract from aloe Vera leaf is loaded with number of anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and anti biotic properties which help you to get rid of skin itchiness and redness easily.

What You Need To Do

Take fresh aloe Vera and extract the juice from it. Now, directly apply this juice on the affected area and rub it for few minutes. Rinse it off with cool water after few minutes. Repeat this process for 2-3 times in a week.

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3. Baking Soda

Home Remedies For Poison Ivy Oak And Sumac

Easily found in your kitchen, baking soda is a great remedy for itchiness caused by poison ivy, oak and sumac.

What You Need To Do

Mix a table spoon of baking soda in little amount of water until it forms as paste. Now apply this paste on affected area and let it dry.

Now rinse it off with normal water and repeat this process for 2 times in a day.

You can also mix two table spoons in your bathing tub to get relief from itchiness caused by poison ivy.

4. Potato Or Oatmeal Paste

Apart from potatoes, oatmeal is also a great way to get rid of skin conditions caused by poison ivy, oak and sumac. Potato is generally used for treating inflammatory conditions and oatmeal for healing purpose because of its inflammatory and anti bacterial properties.

What You Need To Do

Make potato paste by boiling potatoes and smashing them in a bowl like a paste and then apply this paste on the affected area and leave it for few minutes. For oatmeal, cook it according to the instructions shown on the packet and let it cool down to room temperature. Then apply it on affected area and leave it for few minutes then rinse it off with normal water.

5. Coffee

Having coffee is the best way to get relief after a stressful day in office. Coffee is also helpful to get rid of skin infections caused by poison ivy, oak and sumac. The chlorogenic acid found in coffee beans helps to sooth the urge to scratch rashes and gives you relief.

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What You Need To Do

Just pour cold coffee on the infected area and let it remain for few minutes and then wash it off. Otherwise you can also soak a cloth in the coffee and apply it on the affected area.

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