How Being an Empath can Lead to Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia, and Exhaustion

If you are blessed with a gift called empathy, then you can view the world in unique and different way.

Well empathy is defined as “the ability to read and understand the people and to be in resonant with others” while being empathetic means experiencing others feelings physically and emotionally.

It is also called an ability to live in chaotic world with an extremely open mind.

You go through many peoples colorful energies, sense their happiness, sorrows and their pain ,after a while it feels like you are the sponge who absorbs all the emotions physically and emotionally of others.

Many people will plug-in all the emotions in to you. But at some times these emotions may lead to serious issues in your life such as adrenaline fatigue.

After socializing and empathizing things, the em paths need time to take rest and recharge their energy in a quiet environment. Even when they get chance to take rest and sleep it’s actually impossible to fall asleep.

It makes the day exhausted and can quickly become a cruel. When the human body experience stress more than they handle, the adrenal glands release hormones to lessen the anxiety. In em paths these glands are stimulated and get hyperactivity and makes sleeping more difficult.

Well we experience both good and bad emotions, and many of us are able to process them very quickly when we go to bed.

But in case of em paths they store the feelings and thoughts from the past which makes them feel worried. All these unpleasant feelings send signals to the brain and body starts producing hormones and releases energy.

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To make up with this lack of energy many em paths end up with overeating, especially pertaining to sugar and salt. But this is short term energy boost leads to long term energy crash. They will come back to the same position where they started.

How Being an Empath can Lead to Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia, and Exhaustion

Sleep is crucial for everyone, especially for em paths, because that’s the time when the body deals with releasing of hormones most actively. If we go through a stressful period it’s hard for us to fall asleep when we woke up in middle of the night.

Maintaining the hormonal balance cannot be done overnight but if you put effort then it is possible.

A certain way to reduce these problems is by consuming healthy food, maintaining active lifestyle and a positive attitude.

Some of the activities are shown below that will help you to improve the work of your adrenal glands

  • Apart from maintaining good sleep have positive thoughts throughout the day.
  • Meditation
  • Listening to music
  • Spending time with the people you love
  • Going for a walk

The most important thing is to maintain balance between the things you want to do, don’t overdo things because it can worsen things.

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