How To Breath When Running In The Cold- Winter Exercise Tips

If you love running, then those cold mornings are sure to stop you from doing so. Most of you like to stay indoors and walk some miles just on treadmill but that doesn’t give the satisfaction of fresh air and feeling the wind against you.

These cold weathers stop you from getting out as you may often experience runny nose, restricted breathing, burning lungs and a dry throat. So, what you need to do to combat all these issues and step out outdoors in winter seasons?

You just need to follow the tips shown in this article, this will help you to breathe better throughout your outdoor winter workouts.

But, before that we just need to know what happens to our body when we do workout in outdoors in winter season.

Struggle Of Running In Winter

There are lots of myths regarding running in the cold. Some people think that icy whether might result in freezing their lungs while others can’t handle the burning sensation while breathing in cold weathers.

But the truth is running in winter is more uncomfortable than causing damage to you. Only in extreme temperature it results in severe lung damage. Your pulmonary system is responsible for regulating the required temperature and warming up the air that you breathe. No matter the temperature you inhale, you will exhale air matching to your body temperature.

Although, studies have shown that running in cold weathers will not damage your lungs, there are just short term negatives that are easily manageable and treatable. So there is no need to stop yourself from running.

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How To Breathe When Running In The Cold

Here are the tips to breathe right when running in cold weathers.

Use A Scarf Or Bandanna Around Your Neck


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You should wear scarf or bandanna to protect yourself from the cold weather while running. This will avoid giving you the feeling of burning lungs.

Why It Is Helpful

Scarf or bandanna around your neck will prevent the cold air from the atmosphere and acts as a barrier to the icy air and lungs.

This also makes the air you breathe little warmer which is easier on your lungs. Choose the best scarf or opt for merino wool balaclava that covers the mouth, nose, ears and head by offering full insulation. It will not only keep your face warm but also helps in preventing frost bites on your cheeks and lips.

Inhale Through Nose And Exhale Through Mouth


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You must inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth while running especially in colder temperatures. Because breathing through your nose will better warm up and humidify the air, nasal breathing not only helps to warm up the air, it also regulates body temperature.

The one drawback of this method is, it doesn’t allow you to take oxygen as it’s possible when you inhale through the mouth. This happens especially when you increase your running intensity.


Running in cold weather is not recommended for the people with following health conditions.

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Asthma
  • Exercised induced bronchitis

How to breath when running in the cold- Winter exercise tips

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