How to Cure Bed Sores Fast at Home

Bed sores also known as pressure ulcers or pressure sores are caused due to the suffocation under the pressure of body weight in sleeping position.

It is also known as open wound on the skin which is common among people who are confined to their bed or a wheel chair for a long time.

People who are suffer with diabetes or paralysis, who having difficulty in moving from the bed due to illness, poor health, weakness and even who are in coma are at higher risk of getting bed sores.

Let’s see the symptoms and causes of bedsores. This article also helps you with the natural remedies which will help you to get rid of bed sores easily.

Symptoms of Bed Sores

It is easy to find the symptoms of bed sores in the early stage itself. Try to get better treatment and get rid of this problem, when it is in the early stage.

Symptoms of bed sores are as follows:

  • Itchiness
  • Appear lesions on the skin, especially over bone areas.
  • Redness of skin
  • It also forms pus in the sores and leads to bad smell
  • Sores or small craters begin to appear at later stages
  • Joints pains

Causes of Bed Sores

  • The most common cause of bedsores is constant pressure on skin tissues.Constant pressure will cause itchiness when you pressure or scratch against a hard or rough surface.
  • Nutrition plays a major role in maintaining good health. Poor nutrition is one of the causes for increasing bed sores. The body needs more nutrients such as proteins and vitamins to keep skin healthy and heal the damage and  fight with any infection.If our body has inadequate nutrients it will not have the ability to resist complications of pressure ulcers.
  • Overweight people are at higher risk of developing pressure ulcers because obese people have high pressure on the body  which leads to formation of pressure ulcers on skin.
  • In addition to the above there are certain other factors that can cause bed sores, they are loss of sensation in body parts, weight loss during prolonged illness, poor nutrition, dehydration and even excessive smoking.
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You can heal and reduce the infection by following strict hygiene methods in your regular routine. You can also use some natural remedies to promote healing and minimize discomfort of bed sores.

Natural Remedies for Bed Sores:

Some natural remedies need to be followed after seeing the symptoms of bed sores on the skin.

  1. Saline Water:

Saline water helps the bed sores to heal faster. Cleaning sores with saline water will reduce excess fluid and also removes dead skin cells under the skin.

Improper cleansing of the wound may lead to infection and inflammation.

What to Do?

  • Boil one glass of water by adding one table spoon of salt in it.
  • Allow it to cool, and then use this solution to clean the affected area.
  • Allow the area to dry thoroughly and then cover it with a bandage.
  • Repeat this process for several times in a day.

2. Turmeric:

Turmeric is known as an herbal product which helps in healing wounds as well as bed sores. Due to its anti inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant properties it help your body to deal with your symptoms and fights infection.

What to do?

  • Clean the wound with normal water and sprinkle some amount of turmeric on the wound and cover it with clean bandage.
  • Repeat this 3 times in a day.
  • Alternatively, you can drink warm water which is mixed with a table spoon of turmeric.

3. Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera can heal all skin conditions including bed sores. Due to its healing and soothing properties it promotes healing wound and helps the skin moisturized and helps in quick recovery.

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What to do?

  • Extract aloevera gel and apply this gel on affected area and rub gently for few minutes.
  • Let it dry and wipe it off with a clean damp cloth, repeat this process for three times in a day.
  • You can also use aloevera powder or cream to promote healing.

4. Coconut Oil:

How to Cure Bed Sores Fast at Home

Coconut oil is rich in anti oxidant and anti healing properties, which helps to keep your skin healthy and protect it from infections and damage caused by constant pressure.

What to do?

  • Massaging coconut oil on skin will help in good blood circulation of your body.
  • Take few drops of warm coconut oil and massage it over the affected area until the oil penetrates into your skin.
  • Repeat it for 3-4 times in a day to prevent bed sores as well as the occurrence of new sores on the skin.

5. Honey:

Honey helps to relieve pain and promote healing and decrease itching. Because of its antiseptic properties, it soothes the pain and reduces the formation of sore.

What to do?

  • Take equal amount of sugar and honey and mix them well in a bowl.
  • Apply this on affected area and cover it with a clean bandage, then wash it after few minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can also spread honey on bed sores and lie down on the banana leaves for some hours.
  • Regulate this process every day.

6. Petroleum Jelly:

Petroleum jelly speed up curing of bed sores. It helps in moisturizing skin and regenerating the tissues of the skin.

What to do?

  • Apply petroleum jelly on bed sores and on the affected area and massage it for few minutes. Then cover it with a fresh bandage.
  • Repeat this process to recover and get relief from the bed sores.
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7. Zinc:

Zinc is very important for maintaining good skin health and it also helps you to prevent damage of skin cells and tissues as well as improves the functionality of immune system.

This mineral reduces the growth of bed sores and improves the regrowth of skin cells.

What to do?

  • Take zinc supplements or foods which are rich in zinc mineral
  • You can also use zinc ointment to apply on the sores after consulting your doctor.
  • Make sure to consult your before taking supplements.

8. Maintain proper Position:

Changing the position of your body, then and now will help to reduce the pressure on skin that can irritate existing sores. It will also help you to reduce the formation of new sores.

  • You should not stand or sit in the same position for a long time, change the position every 30 minutes if possible.
  • If you are in a wheelchair, try to lift your weight every 30 minutes.

Note: Before using the above mentioned remedies it is advisable to consult your doctor.


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