How to Get Rid of Chlorine Itch

Swimming is one of the fun and exciting things any age people can enjoy, Right? It is also beneficial for many people who are suffering with asthma and lung diseases.

Do you experience any itching after swimming? If yes, then that is called chlorine itch. Learn about how to get rid of chlorine itch in an easy way and protect yourself from several bacteria and fungus.

What Is Chlorine Itch?

Chlorine itch develops on your body when you take bath in chlorinated pool or hot tub and it affects more if you have sensitive skin. The itchiness occurs due to sensitivity of skin to chlorine or just by exposing to chlorine.

Chlorine has the ability to contribute certain allergies by irritating and sensitizing the respiratory track. It has been found out that frequent swimming in chlorinated pools as well as several cleaning products containing chlorine, which will increase the risk of developing respiratory allergies.

Causes Of chlorine Itch

There are several factors which develop chlorine itches on your body. Some of them are as follows:

  • Frequent relaxation in hot tub
  • Regular visit to recreational water parks
  • Usage of cleansers and insecticides in high amount
  • Staying in swimming pool for longer hours
  • Working in bleaching industry

Chlorine is the hardest chemical and not gets easily washed away from your body, even when you are out of the pool. The best way to get rid of itchiness of chlorine is to use high concentrated Ph level vitamin C spray.

Symptoms Of Chlorine Itch

The following are  the symptoms when you are affected with chlorine itches on your body.

  • Skin redness/ tenderness
  • Inflammation of skin
  • Itchiness at the site of contact
  • Scales or crust on the skin
  • Skin lesions or rash
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The people with asthma and with allergic reactions in their body might have the symptoms as follows:

  • Trouble in breathing
  • A tight feeling in the chest
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing, especially high during night
  • Whistling sound
  • Eye irritation or swelling
  • Swelling on irritated patches
  • Hair follicles full of pus
  • Digestive issues such as abdominal cramps, vomiting along with burning sensation
  • Irritated skin and the affected area will peel in the end
  • Irritation in the air ways and inflammation of bronchi

Let’s see how to get rid of these chlorine itches easily. If you have severe pain and itchiness over your skin for long time, then you need to consult your doctor for proper medication.

Always take doctors advice before following any home remedy or any medicines.

How To Get Rid Of Chlorine Itches

Here are some easy things you need to follow in your regular life to get out of this condition. The first and foremost thing you need to do is avoid swimming pools, water parks or hot water as much as you can. Or else keep your visit and contact limited.

Lets start with the remedies you need to follow

1. Anti Bacterial Soaps

It is very important and crucial to clean the affected area with anti bacterial soap. This will help you to avoid spreading of infection on your body. Wash your irritated skin for about twice or thrice in a day.

2. Cream And Ointments

Cream and ointments literally help you to get rid of rashes and itchiness easily. These are very effective as these creams contain corticosteroids that help you to reduce itching, inflammation and redness over your skin and which gives you instant relief.

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Do not use cream or ointment without doctor’s prescription.

3. Warm Or Cold Compress

How to Get Rid of Chlorine Itch

Warm or cold compress is another effective way to treat skin infections. Even though it is very itchy try to put some ice cubes in a towel and press it over affected area for about 10 minutes.

Then apply the ointment as per the prescription, repeat this process once in a day until you see appropriate results.

4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the best remedies to treat chlorine associated issues. Apart from killing bacteria and preventing spreading of infection on the body, tea tree oil also helps to reduce itchiness, inflammation and redness on skin. It even suppresses the production of certain bacteria in your immune system and keeps you healthy.

Apply little amount of diluted tea tree oil on affected area and leave it for few minutes then wash it off with normal water. Repeat this process for few days until you get beneficial results.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is highly recommended for treating any type of skin infections both internally and externally. This is an excellent ancient herb with many essential properties. The anti inflammatory, anti microbial and anti septic properties in aloe Vera soothe the pain of itchiness and promote healing.

Take fresh leaf of aloe Vera and extract juice from it and apply directly on the affected area and leave it for few minutes. Rinse it off with normal water. The best thing you will observe is, it gives you immense relief instantly and doesn’t give any side effects.

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Precautions To Avoid Chlorine Itches

Simply avoiding swimming is not only the way to avoid or prevent chlorine itches. There are some safety measures you need to follow to get rid of this condition.

  • Take bath before and after swimming
  • Remove your swimsuit immediately after coming out of swimming
  • Try to use a lotion before and after swimming which is recommended by your doctor
  • Apply vitamin C spray to avoid any type of skin irritation
  • Always check the chlorine level in the pool.
  • Ensure your swim suit isn’t too tight
  • Make a habit of washing your swimsuit after swimming

Final Words

Skin is the most sensitive part and foremost layer of our body, as it protects from many things.

If you are one of them who have sensitive skin, then you are at highest risk and more prone to skin infections. Be more careful to take care of your skin by following those simple steps which are shown above.


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