How to Increase Breast Milk Supply Naturally

Every mother plays a crucial part in their child’s life and every mother strives their best to provide best to their children in each and every aspect of their life.

First time mothers worry about the supply of breast milk for their child. Well, every mother produces enough milk for their children but some mothers don’t. So here are the simple ways to produce breast milk supply naturally.

You can just simply increase your breast milk supply by taking care of the food you take and by maintaining a healthy diet.

Causes of low milk Supply:

There are various causes for low milk while breast feeding which are follows:

  • Waiting too long to start breast feeding
  • Not feeding your child often
  • An infective latch and use of certain medications
  • Sometimes previous breast surgery effects milk production.
  • If the pregnancy has induced high blood pressure and poorly controlled insulin dependent diabetes, then it also affects milk production.

But we also need to know about the importance of breast milk for children

Importance of Breast Milk

  • Breastfeeding is the connection and a loving bond between mother and child, it is not only good for your baby,but also keeps you healthy.
  • It is easily digested and provides all the nutrition’s to you baby for first six months.
  • Breastfeeding also helps your baby to have better mental development and emotional security.
  • Breast feeding speedup the post parturm recovery of mother.
  • It is also beneficial for mothers and reduces her risk of developing breast cancer and heart disease.
  • It lowers the risk of developing asthma and illness.
  • Antibodies present in breast milk will promote sleep in babies and calmness in mothers.
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How to Increase Breast Milk Supply Naturally:

There are certain foods which will help you to increase the supply of breast milk.

  1. Barley

Barley is actually a component of beer that isalso called lactogenic. It is richest dietary source of beta glucon ,a polysaccharide which helps to increase the production of prolactin levels in the human body.

How to Use It?

Use barley in regular products like soups, stews, salads and add barley flakes to make milk and homemade bread recipes.

2. Oats

Oats also have high concentration of beta glucon compared to other foods. They are considered to control the occurrence of diabetes post pregnancy. Even the fiber in oats is good for digestion.

How to Use It?

Oats are easy to work out in your diet. You can have oatmeal as your breakfast and you can cook and topped with fruits, muffins and in cookies.

3. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is considered as an effective remedy for stimulating milk producing glands. Due to phytoestrogen in fenugreeks it increases the breast milk production and stimulates sweat gland activity, mammary glands and modified sweat glands.

How to Use It?

Soak one table spoon of fenugreek in one glass of water and leave it overnight. In morning boil this water along with fenugreek and strain this solution and take this solution as tea every day morning.

Continue this process, until you get better results.

4. Fennel Seeds:

Fennel seeds boost the productivity of breast milk. It consists of a herb which acts as a galactogogue which is a substance which helps to increase breast milk, fennel seeds also prevent colic pain in babies and promotes good digestion.

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How to Use It?

Take a glass of boiling water and add one table spoon of fennel seeds and cover it with a lid. Let it steep for 30 minutes to absorb the nutrients completely in the solution.

Strain the solution and drink it twice in a day for one month.

5. Garlic

Garlic is an ancient herb and an excellent kitchen ingredient which can be used in many ways. It is excellent galactogogue stores lactation. It has been found that, nursing mothers who are consume garlic in their regular diet will have good production of milk.

Even the babies like the flavour of the milk.

How to Use It?

Take 2 or 3 cloves of garlic and boil them in a cup of water, wait until the water reduces about one quarter of water.

Then add one cup of milk and boil the solution again for few minutes.

Remove it from the heat and now strain this solution and add one table spoon of honey.

Drink this solution daily in the morning of breast feeding period.

6. Spinach and beet leaves:

How to Increase Breast Milk Supply Naturally

Iron, calcium and folic acid are rich in spinach and beet root leaves and these are essential for recouping anaemic mothers. As it contains detoxifying agents, it helps the baby to be strong and the chemicals in spinach could prevent breast cancer.

How to Use It?

Mix them with dough and make paratha or chapathis for a meal.


Don’t take heavy amount of spinach in your diet because, it may also lead to a condition of diarrhoea in your babies.

7. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is also useful to increase secretion of breast milk. Including cinnamon in your diet will help to improve the flavour of breast milk. It also helps to delay the occurrence of menstruation after childbirth and even prevents the condition of early conception.

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How to Use It?

Take one cup of warm milk and add a pinch of cinnamon powder in it.

Add half table spoon of honey in it.

Drink this milk before going to bed every day for at least two months.

8. Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds also boost milk supply. These seeds improves digestion and provide relief from constipation, acidity and bloating. It also gives strength to the mothers after the child birth.

How to Use It?

Add one table spoon of cumin seeds in cup of water and boil this solution.

Strain this solution add milk and one table spoon of honey to it.

Mix the solution well and drink this solution every day before going to bed. Repeat this for several weeks.

9. Warm Compress:

In very few cases, low circulation of blood may also be the reason for low production of breast milk. In those cases warm compress will help to increase breast milk supply.

Warm compress on your breasts before feeding sessions will help to increase the blood supply.

How to Do It?

Use any of the essential oil to massage your breasts for better option.

Use a towel which was dipped in warm water, excess the water from it and massage breasts with towel for 5-10 minutes and gently massage the area around the nipples.

After 10 minutes, lead forward and breast feed your baby.





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