10 Effective Home Remedies to Stop Nose Bleeding

Nose bleeding is one of the common problem faced by both adults and children. The inner nose is one of the sensitive part in body that consists of number of blood vessels. Nose bleeding happens when the blood vessels in nostrils are broken because of excess pressure and stress on them.

There are several factors that cause nose to bleed. Some of the factors are dry air, exposure to chemical particles, repeated sneezing, excessive heat, high altitudes, alcohol abuse, excessive smoking and taking high doses of aspirin.

It is not a serious issue and can be treated by following simple home remedies.

10 Effective Home Remedies to Stop Nose Bleeding:

Here are the top 10 home remedies for nose bleeding.

1. Pinch and Press

This method has been used from centuries, it can stop blood flow from the nose. When we pinch the nose it will pressure the bleeding point in the nasal septum and helps to stop the bleed flow  immediately.

What You Need to Do?

  • Sit straight and make your head tilted slightly forward.
  • Now, use your thumb and index finger to pinch your nose and apply pressure below the bony bridge of nose
  • During this time, breathe through your mouth and remain 5-10 minutes in this position.
  • Release the pressure gently and sit quiet for five minutes and repeat it as necessary until your bleeding stops

2. Cold Compress

Cold compress is another effective remedy to stop nose bleeding. The cold temperature constricts the blood vessels of the nose and slows down the bleeding in few minutes. It also reduces the inflammation, in case if your nose is injured.

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What You Need to Do?

  • Take small ice cubes in a cloth or towel and make it a small bag.
  • Then apply this compress on the bridge of the nose for 10 minutes by tilting your head back and seated in upright position.
  • Repeat this procedure, until bleeding is stopped.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a versatile product which is used in skin and hair care products and has huge number of health properties.

It also helps in stopping nose bleed and protects the body from excessive blood loss and also heels the broken blood vessels in the body.

What You need TO Do?

Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar solution and place it in your nostril. Leave it for 10 minutes and you can see that the bleeding is stopped.

4. Saline Water

10 Effective Home Remedies to Stop Nose Bleeding

If the nose bleeding is happening due to dryness of membrane in the nostril, then saline water is the best remedy to control the flow of blood from nose.

Saline water moisturizes and soothes the irritated nasal membrane.

What you Need to Do:

  • Take a half cup of water and add a pinch of salt in it, stir the solution well.
  • Dip a cotton ball in it and apply this in your nostril to moisture the inner lining of the nasal passages.

5. Cayenne Pepper:

This effective spice has numerous benefits like adding taste to delicious foods and it also helps in treatment for nose bleeds by adjusting blood flow to the vessels and promoting faster coagulation.

It also strengthens the blood capillaries and reduces the occurrence of nosebleeds in future.

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What you need to do?

Add a pinch of cayenne powder in a glass of warm water and drink it daily.

6. Steam

Steam is an amazing home remedy to reduce nose bleeds and it is also an effective remedy for chronic nose bleeds caused by low humidity levels.

It also helps to moisturize your nasal membrane all time.

What You Need to Do?

  • Boil 1 liter water in a large bowl.
  • Bring your face above the boiling water to take in the steam and cover your head with a towel to make sure the steam doesn’t escape from the sides.
  • Draw in the steam for 5-10 minutes by breathing gently, make sure you don’t lean too much to the boiling water.

7. Onions

Onions are loaded with essential nutrients and are used as natural remedies for hair loss. It also restricts the flow of blood in the nose because of vitamin C bio flavonoid which helps to strengthen the capillaries of the nose and make them less susceptible to bleeding.

What you Need to Do?

Take one onions and cut in to slices. Press one slide under your nostril and inhale the fumes of the onion for few minutes in order to stop bleeding immediately.

8. Coriander

Coriander is widely used in many dishes for garnishing and has many other uses because of its medicinal properties. These leaves contain anti oxidant and anti septic properties and also these leaves are loaded with essential nutrients and vitamins which make it an ayurvedic medicine and highly recommended for treating nose bleed as well.

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What you Need to Do?

  • Coat the inner walls of the nose with coriander oil or fresh coriander juice to stop bleeding of nose.
  • Alternatively, you can also use paste of coriander leaves to stop the blood flow inside the nose.

9. Nettle

The astringent properties in nettle will promote the clotting and stop nose bleeding. It also has ability to strengthen the capillaries of nose and treats the allergies that can cause nose bleeding.

What you Need to Do?

  • Take few leaves of nettle and extract the juice from it and apply few drops in each nostril. Soon it will stop bleeding.
  • Alternatively inhale dry and powdered nettle leaves to stop nose bleeding.

10. Petroleum Jelly

To prevent nose bleed during dry month, it is advisable to keep your nose in moisturize condition. So petroleum jelly is highly recommended for moisturizing without irritating your nasal membrane.

What you Need to Do?

  • Take some petroleum jelly on your index finger and apply inside your nostril and make sure do not smear too much.
  • Apply it several times a day to keep your nose moist.

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