How to Permanently Straighten Hair at Home?

Every girl likes to flaunt their hair and if the hair is perfectly straight then it feels like cherry on the cake. Straight hair is easy to manage and you can even try out N number of hair styles on them.

Permanent hair straightening at salons gives you satisfying results but that usually long only for a year or year and a half. But after that you will be dealing with split ends and worst conditions of hair.


Instead of spending huge amount on straightening at salons you can use natural methods to straight your hair without any side effects with the basic ingredients available at home.

  • Banana and papaya mask: take few bananas and half a papaya (depending on the length of your hair) mash them very well and add 2 teaspoon of honey and mix well. Apply this mixture to your hair and let it dry completely before washing off. After washing blow dry your hair.
  • Coconut cream: take some coconut cream and whip it along with lemon juice. Apply this mixture evenly to the hair, let it dry and then wash off with a natural shampoo.
  • Aloe Vera: this natural ingredient gives wonderful results on your hair as well as skin. Mix aloe Vera gel and hair oil in equal quantity and apply it thoroughly to your hair like a hair mask. Keep it for 30 minutes and then wash. This straightens your hair as well as gives shining affect.
  • Milk and honey: take a cup of milk and add 2-3 teaspoons of honey and mix well. Apply this mixture and keep it for an hour before washing with a mild or a natural shampoo.
  • Castor oil: castor oil is very helpful in straightening your hair naturally. Apply lukewarm castor oil to the scalp and gently give a massage. Soak a towel in warm water, drain the water and wrap it around your hair and keep it for 30 minutes to 1 hour and then wash off.
  • Banana hair mask: mash two bananas and add one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of yoghurt and make a fine paste out of it. Apply this mask to your hair; let it dry completely before washing.
  • Celery: make a juice from a bunch of celery, keep the juice overnight and apply it thoroughly from scalp to full length hair. Cover and keep it for half an hour and then wash off.
  • Vinegar: vinegar gives a shining affect to your hair, for this all you need to do is first wash your hair then take few drops of vinegar and mix in a mix full of water. Now slowly rinse your hair with this water. Later you can wash your hair with clean water.
  • Egg and olive oil: take two eggs, but if you can’t go along with the smell then just take egg white and mix it with 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil. Apply this mixture to your scalp and give a gently massage. Keep it for an hour and wash. This gives shining as well as straightens your hair.
  • Olive oil and rosemary leaves: heat half a cup of olive oil and switch off the flame now add half a cup of dries rosemary leaves to it, leave it for few minutes and strain the mixture. Apply it from scalp to tip of your hair and leaves for few minutes before washing.
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Note: Following the above mention methods only once does not give perfectly straight hair; you need to repeat the process twice or thrice a week till you get satisfactory result.


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