How To Remove a Mole Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Moles are treated as beauty spots for some people while some may feel ugly with the appearance of mole, especially if it is on the face. It not harmful to the body, but in most cases,people want to remove it because some moles grow in size which ruins their appearance.

There are many ways to remove it like cosmetics creams, surgical methods like laser treatments etc… But it can damage your skin around a mole, so it is better to try home remedy that is apple cider vinegar which is acidic in nature and is very helpful in removing the unwanted moles.

Apple cider vinegar is made through fermentation of apples. By using this we can easily remove the moles and it won’t damage the skin. It is very easy to use, it requires very common thing which is easily available i.e., cotton and bandage.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • It helps in reducing body weight.
  • It kills the unwanted bacteria from our body.
  • It is a natural conditioner to make hair shine.
  • Apple cider vinegar can be used as a teeth whitener.
  • Balances blood sugar and treats diabetes.
  • It can lower blood pressure.
  • It can remove moles without harming the skin.
  • Apple cider vinegar is used to get rid of bad breath.
  • It is also used for allergies like sinuses.
  • It can lower the heart disease.
  • It will balance the body pH value.


  1. Cotton
  2. Bandage
  3. Coconut oil


  • Before applying apple cider vinegar, first, we need to wash the effected part and then pat dry with a cloth.
  • Now, cut the cotton balls to the size of mole.
  • Then take the vinegar in a bowl.
  • Then dip the cotton ball into the vinegar and apply it on the mole.
  • After applying cotton ball wrap with a bandage to hold the cotton ball for few hours.
  • Repeat the process for 4 to 5 days and you can see the result.
  • If you experience burning sensation after applying this remedy then apply coconut oil.
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Like this you need to repeat the process until a mole gets disappear, it may take more time but it is a natural and effective treatment.

  • It is time taken process but dosen’t harm

    the skin.


In between the process if you get any irritation stop the process for some days and you can continue the process later.


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