Salt, Pepper and Lemon Can Solve These 9 Problems Better Than Any Medicine

Salt, pepper and lemon are most common ingredients used in our kitchen, but don’t you know that these ingredients also have many medicinal properties?

I am pretty sure you will be shocked after knowing that these ingredients can treat 9 common problems better than any medicine.

Here are the 9 everyday problems which can be cured by salt, lemon and pepper.

1. Cold and Flu

Due to number of medicinal properties in lemon and salt, it can easily relieve you from cold and flu.

Take a cup of boiled water and squeeze half a lemon in it, then let the peel of lemon sit in for 10 minutes. Once the time is up remove the lemon and add some organic honey to it and consume it.

Repeat this process until you get relief with cold and flu.

2. Tooth Ache

To get rid of toothache, you may use black pepper mixed with clove oil or olive oil and form a paste and apply it on aching tooth to get instant relief.

Otherwise you can brush your teeth with this mixture to avoid toothache problems.

3. Nausea

You need to take a glass of warm water and add one teaspoon of black pepper and one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and mix it well. Consume this drink, you will get relief from nausea and other stomach disorders.

4. Weight loss

This is the best way to speed up your metabolism along with your weight loss. You need to add two table spoon of lemon juice, one table spoon of honey and ½ tea spoon of black pepper in a glass of water.

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Consume this drink every day, especially drinking this liquid in on empty stomach will give you beneficial results.

The component called polyphenols in lemon will help you to improve insulin levels in your body and burn your fat, pepper will prevent the formation of new fat cells in body.

5. Sore throat

Take a glass of warm water; add one table spoon of lemon juice, ½ tea spoon of pepper and a tea spoon of sea salt, then mix it well.

Gargle with this mixture few times every day, this will not only help you to get rid of throat pain, it also prevents cough.

6. Cancer Sores

To prevent mucous membrane in your mouth, you need to add one table spoon of Himalayan salt in a cup of warm water.

Gargle with this after every meal, it will heal you and removes the bacteria which is causing sores in mouth.

7. Stuffy Nose

Salt Pepper and Lemon Can Solve These 9 Problems Better Than

To get rid of stuffy nose, you need a powder which can relieve you from clogging nose.

Take equal amount of cinnamon, cumin, cardamom and black pepper and grind it until it forms powder. Then smell this powder slowly which helps you to sneeze and opens up clogged nose.

8. Remove Gallstones

Gallstones are very painful and clog up in your digestive system. Typically these stones can only be remove by medical surgery.

Instead of surgery we have a way to treat this issue, take three sections of olive oil, one section of lemon juice and black pepper and consume it to break the stones in gall bladder.

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9. Nose bleeding

Nose bleeding is quite common when you workout for longer hours, you can stop this bleeding by just dipping a cotton ball in lemon juice and put it in your nostril.

After few seconds, you can see your nose stops bleeding.


  • If any of the remedy cause you pain and discomfort then immediately stop using it and consult your doctor.
  • If you are already on some medication then do consult your doctor before using any such remedy.



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