How to Use Coconut Oil for Psoriasis and Scalp Psoriasis?


Psoriasis is a common, genetic, chronic, systemic inflammation of the skin, characterized by the signs and symptoms like raised and elevated skin patches with thick scales. Psoriasis usually affects elbows, knees, and scalps, but can also affect the nails, legs, and trunks, etc.

There are a lot of treatment options depending on the severity of the condition, but natural treatment is suitable due to a lot of reasons. And when it comes to natural treatment, coconut oil becomes a very effective choice. Here is more on how and why to use coconut oil for psoriasis.

Why use coconut oil for psoriasis?

As dryness is the most common symptom of psoriasis, coconut oil works wonderfully as a natural moisturizer. It holds the moisture in the skin as well as in hair and heals the burning and itching of psoriasis.

Besides, thanks to its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, coconut oil can stop the spread of infection to other body parts. Coconut oil is full of nourishing fatty acids and gives the skin perfect nourishment, which can be effective to improve the psoriasis condition. It is also a great source of vitamin E, which makes the skin smooth and soft.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Psoriasis and Scalp Psoriasis--min

 Tips to Use Coconut Oil for Skin Psoriasis:

  • Buy high quality, extra virgin coconut oil.
  • Fill a large bowl with warm water and put the place the glass jar in it.
  • Now, put some coconut oil so that it can melt quickly.
  • Keep the oil aside for a few minutes to make sure it gets a little colder.
  • Now, take enough coconut oil in your palm and apply thoroughly on the affected part(s). Make sure; you use a lot of oil, especially where you have bad plaque psoriasis patches.
  • You can use an old but clean cloth to dab out the excess oil.
  • Repeat the procedure daily until you get rid of psoriasis.
See also  Top 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Also Read: How to Use Turmeric for Psoriasis

Tips to Use Coconut Oil for Scalp Psoriasis:

  • Virgin cold-compressed coconut oil (VCO) is very suitable for problems like psoriasis.
  • Massage the coconut oil gently into the psoriasis scales.
  • Wrap your scalp properly in a shower cap or a towel.
  • Keep it on for about an hour.
  • Wash your hair gently with a mild shampoo.
  • Try to remove the scales while the scalp is still damp, and the scales are moist as well as soft.
  • Now, put a plastic comb on the scalp and rub in a circle.
  • Try to comb your hair as scales loosen.
  • Rewash your hair to get rid of any leftover scales.
  • Avoid pulling the hair too hard or too quickly, as doing it can hurt your scalp.
  • You can now apply your prescription treatment (if you have any).

Psoriasis is a common but very annoying and painful condition. If not treated properly, it can make you very uncomfortable. Coconut oil, specifically the organic cold-compressed coconut oil, is very effective for psoriasis. But you should also think about proper treatment from a dermatologist. Yes, you can always use coconut oil as an additional remedy along with your prescription treatment.

Also Read: Home Remedies To Treat Psoriasis

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