Why You Should Drink Water on an Empty Stomach Immediately After Waking Up

We appreciate the things when it comes to taking care of our own health. Simple steps may go long way in taking care of our health one of the easy way is drinking water on an empty stomach which not only clears your stomach but also helps in removing toxins and reduces the number of risk of the diseases.

Human body is comprised with almost 70% of water and the benefits are indefinable. Water is essential for smooth functioning of organs in our body.

Many people will not like to drink water in the morning instead they prefer to take tea or coffee but it’s more helpful compared to coffee or tea.

While you sleep, your body is filtering out all the toxins and the water you take in the night before you go to bed will not be sufficient to clear this waste from your body.

So drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach may help you in eliminating the toxins and clogging of your system.

Why you need to drink more water?

Your body relies on water for everything from temperature control to keeping your joints lubricated.When you wake up after a long sleep your body is naturally dehydrated, drinking more water helps you from dehydration.

They are many reasons to drink water on an empty stomach, in this article we will see the top most  reasons why we need to drink water on an empty stomach:

10 Reasons for drinking water on an empty stomach

Water is essential for life and we have many benefits of water so, we need to take advantage of this natural and healthy element which is at our disposal.

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Release toxins from the body

Drinking more water helps you in releasing toxins and cleanses your body. Whenever you pee, your body releases toxins and flush out all the waste from your body.

Boosts your immunity

Water is essential to maintain the fluid balance in our body, so drinking more water regularly will help you to boost up your immune system.

Improves metabolism

Drinking 8 glasses of water per day will raise your metabolic rate at least up to 24% and energize you.

Clears your bowels

Drinking water in an empty stomach will help you in digestive track. It removes all the waste and flushes out the bowels from your body.

Prevents headaches

Why You Should Drink Water on an Empty Stomach Immediately After Waking Up

If your body has very less amount of water then it leads to dehydration which causes mild headaches and migraines, this can be reduced by drinking lots of water at regular intervals

Cleans the colon

Drinking water will clean the colon and remove the accumulated sludge. This will help you in absorbing nutrients faster and in a better way.

Increasing energy

If you have less water in your body then the red blood cells in the body will not produce sufficient amount of oxygen to the body. Drinking water in an empty stomach stimulates your red blood cells to grow faster and gives you energy.

Increases hunger

Drinking water on an empty stomach clears the colon and makes you hungry in the morning so you will have your breakfast in time.

Clears complexion

Drinking plenty of water may also help to maintain  glowing and a clear skin. It helps in removing toxins from the body which causes dark patches and wrinkles on the body.

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Regular bowel movement will also help you in achieving clear skin and drinking plenty of water on an empty stomach may also help in speeding up the process.

Kidney stone and bladder infection

Drinking water regularly throughout the day is an easy task and an effective step to keep our body healthy and fit. Water dilutes the acid which triggers stone form in the kidneys. The more water you drink the more you get protected from the kidney and bladder infections.


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