Look 10 Years Younger Overnight Using Coconut Oil in 5 Different Ways

Many people around the world think that coconut oil is one of the best effective and beneficial ingredient oil. When it comes to our health and beauty, this article presents you a couple of instructions which will definitely convince you to start using coconut oil.

Today is your lucky day, because now we are discussing about the 5 different unique ways to use the coconut oil.

Let’s see what are the best ways to use Coconut Oil :

1 Chemical Free Shaving Cream

The conventional shaving cream contains high amount of many different harmful chemical. Other bad news about this shaving cream is that they can be very expensive. That’s why we highly recommended you to avoid these shaving creams for your legs and underarms, use coconut oil instead of other creams.

We should know that coconut oil works very good better than other creams.  This ingredient has natural, cheap and smells goods and has powerful antimicrobial effects.

By using these you can feel relax and you can keep your skin smooth.


  1. Take 1/3rd cup of coconut oil.
  2. Take 1/3rd cup of Shea or cocoa butter.
  3. Take 1/4th cup of olive oil & almond oil & jojoba oil.
  4. Take 20-30 drops of essential oil of your own choice.
  5. Take 2 (vitamin E) capsules.


  1. First melt these three oils in low heat temperature.
  2. Then transfer it into the bowl and stir in the olive oil.
  3. Place it in the refrigerator until it comes harden such as solid butter.
  4. Once hardened take it in a mixing bowl and mix with an electrical mixer for 3-5 mins.
  5. We have to notice that the content is whipped for at least 3 mins, so that the oil doesn’t gets hard when it is stored.
  6. Store it in airtight container in a dry and dark room.
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2 Overnight Skin Care

Have you ever used this coconut oil as night time skin care? If your answer is no, you should definitely try it. It’s very simple.

  1. Apply the coconut oil on your skin before going to bed.
  2. Next day morning you will notice that your skin is completely smooth and clear.
  3. This healthy oil has ability to penetrate deeply into the skin.
  4. Coconut oil will make your skin flexible.

Try this simple steps you will get satisfactory result.

3 Coconut Oil Hand Cream

We all know that harsh and cold weather will make our hands rough and dry. This is why we should pay attention towards using creams.

The best way to treat this problem is to use coconut oil hand cream. This homemade coconut oil cream will nourish your hands and they will make them smoother and softer.


  1. Take 5 table spoon of coconut oil.
  2. Take 1 ½ tablespoon of cold pressured sweet almond oil (or) 1 ½ table spoon of jojoba oil.
  3. Take 1-2 table spoon of grated beeswax.
  4. Take 5 drops of lemon essential oil.
  5. Take 5 drops of lavender oil.


  1. Take a boiler and fill it with water & add coconut oil & almond oil & beeswax, then allow it to melt and stir to combine.
  2. Next remove the boiler from the burner & stir it in the essential oil.
  3. Pour it in the heat proof container and make it to cool.


Once the mixture is cooled it should be placed in the container of hand cream in the fridge to become firmer.

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4 Whipped Coconut Oil Cellulite Cream

Many women are suffering from this aesthetic problem; they are searching for the best medicine to treat the problem. Today is yours lucky day that you are going to treat your problem by very simple steps; Now in this article we are going to show you a powerful remedy. It can solve your problem. All you need is 3 natural affordable and easy available ingredients.


  1. Take 1/4th cup of unrefined organic coconut oil.
  2. Take 1/2nd cup of unrefined organic Shea butter.
  3. Take 2 table spoon of grape seed oil.
  4. Take 1 table spoon of olive oil.
  5. Take 25-30 drops of orange essential oil.
  6. Take 10 drops of lavender oil.
  7. Take 20 drops of grape fruit essential oil.
  8. Take 10 drop of lemon essential oil.


  1. Add grape seed & olive oil, all other essential oil drops into a bowl.
  2. Take the bowl and keep it in the refrigerator for 20-30 mints.
  3. By using stand or electrical hand mixer, mix on high speed with a wire whisk for 5-7 mints.


Store this glass container with an airtight lid. Use this cream rub it on the affected area.

5 Homemade Liquid Hand Soap

Everyone should prepare their own homemade coconut oil liquid soap. Now you will ask why..? Here are 2 good reasons:

You can save money, and also can improve your skin including your family members also. It is much better to use something that is better than other products which are fully loaded with chemicals. This liquid soap will help you in moisturizing your hands instead of drying your hands.

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  1. Take some amount of water.
  2. 2 table spoon of castile soap
  3. 2 table spoon of fractionated coconut oil.
  4. Take 15-20 drops of clove essential oil.
  5. 10 drops of tea tree oil.
  6. Take 5 drops of each: cinnamon leaf, peppermint essential oil, and eucalyptus.


  1. Fill empty foaming soap of dispenser with water, approximately 4/5 part.
  2. Fill remaining space with a liquid soap of your own choice.
  3. Now add the remaining ingredients in the container.
  4. Shake gently to mix and use.


No need to add soap first, if you do so, the soap will foam up as you add water to fill the container. You should stop with a foaming, half filled container.

10 Years Younger Overnight Using Coconut Oil in 5 Different Ways


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