How to Use Baking Soda to Whiten Underarms

Do you feel embarrassed to wear sleeveless outfits because of dark underarms? No worries. Here is the best solution for your embarrassment. By the end of this article you’ll learn how to use baking soda to whiten underarms.

We all have a versatile product in our kitchen named baking soda. Yes, baking soda is the solution of your problem.  It will help you to whiten your underarms. Let us explore how.

Baking soda works great for the purpose of removing stain and eliminating dandruff. The property of whitening in baking soda is the reason of its use in skin cosmetics to lighten the skin. It can be used for the skin which is more prone to darken like the skin of armpits.

The skin in underarm area is too sensitive in the whole body. Hence shaving this area is never recommendable which can cause discomfort and irritation. Using a razor is the most common alternative for underarm hair removal. But this process results in darkening your armpits just after use of razor.

It is very embarrassing to expose such area without proper shave. We are here with the best homemade solution which includes use of baking soda to lighten your dark underarms. Baking soda will surely whiten your underarms and improve their appearance.

Lemon is also a good lightening agent. Using baking soda with lemon can also be good whitening mixture for your teeth as well.

How to Use Baking Soda for Underarms?

  1. It is very easy to prepare this mixture. You will need ten grams of baking soda and juice of half lemon. Mix these both ingredients to make a thick paste.
  2. First of all you must clean your armpits with soap thoroughly. There should not be traces of deodorants. Dry your underarms with clean towel after washing it off.
  3. Apply the prepared paste evenly on your both armpits. Leave the paste like this for about ten minutes. You can wash it with warm water and mild soap.
  4. Repeat the above process daily continuing for minimum two weeks. You can keep using the paste until you get lightened skin of your underarms.
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To get best result you must exfoliate your underarm skin twice a week with a scrub. You can also use your facial scrub for the purpose.

Scrub will remove dead skin cells. It will also help improving the appearance and the skin tone of your armpits. Use the scrub having fine grain. The scrub must be gentle to avoid irritation.

Does and Don’t for Preventing the Darkening of Armpits


  • Avoid shaving your armpits with razor. It results into dark spots. Hot wax is the best process for hair removal in underarm area. Waxing also removes the dead skin cells.
  • Hair removal creams contain chemicals which may be harmful for sensitive skin.
  • It is necessary to moisturize your armpits daily. The skin is too sensitive which need to be cared specially.
  • Scrub your armpits once in a week. You can notice improvement in texture and appearance.
  • Do not use deodorants or antiperspirants when you are at home. Let your underarm skin breathe.


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