DIY Mustard Face Mask

mustard face mask

Homemade face mask always come handy to make your skin supple and wrinkle free. Not just that, you can wipe the impurities off the face using mustard face mask.

Impurities around you are increasing rapidly and by default all of them get settled over your sensitive face. Along with this, your skin alone sheds millions of dead cells that get piled over the skin blocking its pores.

Applaud marketing campaigns of cosmetic industries. Whenever someone speaks about clear and fairer skin first thing strikes our brain is beauty products. Though they claim to give you spotless skin whitening product, facts are far away.

It’s a known fact that these industries use chemicals for fragrance and to increase the shelf-life of their products. Apart from doing well, sometimes these chemical ingredients may trigger allergic reaction on the skin.

How to Use Mustard Face Mask?

mustard and honey face mask

Mustard is prominent condiment in delicious food. You can use this homemade face mask to exfoliate dead cells and hydrate your skin. Like any other natural ingredient, mustard face mask has vitamin E, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and fatty acids.

  • Initially wash your face with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Topically apply grainy mustard over the face and massage in circular motion.
  • Alternatively, mix gram flour, lemon juice with mustard oil to make thick paste like consistency. Apply the mask evenly all over the face and leave it to dry naturally.

You can also blend coconut oil and mustard oil in equal proportions and apply it over the face. This application hydrates your skin and treats infectious ailments.

See also  Cornmeal Face Scrub

Exceptional nutrients in this mask help to shed dead cells and tighten the skin. Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity thwarts infectious bacteria.

Note: Don’t use ingredients that irritate your skin.

Image source: 1, 2

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