Homemade Spinach Face Mask


This dark green leaf is prominent for its vitamins and nutrients. My dad always extols its benefits for health and eyes. Today, when I myself did research found that not just for health, but its exceptional nutrients can rejuvenate your skin.

Spinach face mask is not renowned, as many are unaware of its cosmetic use.

Your skin is most exposed and largest organ of the body. Repeatedly many impurities and pollutants accumulate over it resulting in ailments. Beauty products claim to cleanse these impurities and give you a glowing skin.

But, according to dermatologist you must limit excess use of these chemical filled creams. Preservatives that are packed in the cream strip natural moisture and affect elasticity of the skin.

Natural ingredients, on other hand are safe and inexpensive, lets checkout the nutritional benefits of spinach.

Benefits of Spinach Face Mask

Beta-carotene and antioxidant activity of spinach repairs skin cells and thwart free radicals. Vitamin K, A, C, E, manganese, folate, magnesium, omega fatty acids, fiber, calcium and B-complex vitamin is also residing in this natural ingredient.

  • Rich concentration of water in spinach helps to hydrate the skin. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production and improves elasticity of the skin.
  • Vitamin A exhibits antioxidant property, which helps to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Vitamin B forms a protective layer around the skin and guards it from harmful UV rays.
  • Antioxidants inhibit the growth of cancer triggering cells.
  • Assorted vitamins help to exfoliate the skin and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Spinach face mask with other ingredients can reduce acne inflammation.
  • Omega fatty acids moisture the skin and increase the levels of linoleic acid, that can treat acne.
  • Vitamin K and folates in this healthy vegetable can fade stretch marks, scars and helps to get rid of dry skin.
See also  Argan Oil Face Mask

Homemade Spinach and Honey Face Mask

Excellent thing about these DIY face mask recipes is that you can add other innate ingredients according to your skin type.

Honey is prominent for its healing and nourishing benefits; it can enhance skin’s healthy functioning and treat various skin ailments.

  1. Take 4-5 medium sized spinach leaves and chop them after washing.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of raw honey to the mask and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
  3. Limit the use of lemon juice if you’ve sensitive skin.
  4. Alternatively, you can add 1 teaspoon of almond oil.
  5. After mixing thoroughly, apply the spinach mask over prewashed face.
  6. Let it dry, place two sliced cucumber over the eye lids.
  7. After 15-20 minutes, rinse the mask with water.

Optionally, apply natural moisturizer like rosewater or jojoba oil.

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