These Tips Will Help You To Get Rid Of Ants Fast Naturally

Warm weather is the perfect time for the ants to begin their arrival in to our homes. You must be prepared to battle against those little warriors. You might use insecticides that help to kill them due to the presence of toxic and chemical substances. But, those toxic substances can cause harm to your pets too.

So, what we have to do to kill those little irritating ants without using pesticides or insecticides? Well we do have many safe alternatives which work better when compared with pesticides.

Here we have gathered some useful tips and methods to get rid of ants fast and naturally from your home.

Tips To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally

1. Cinnamon


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Cinnamon works as an excellent ant repellent in your home. The strong smell of cinnamon discourages ants from entering your house and scrounging your kitchen.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a cup of water and add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder in it. Mix it well and soak a cotton ball in it and wipe down the areas where the ants may enter and dwell.
  • Repeat it once in a day regularly until all the ants are gone.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil


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Peppermint essential oil acts as perfect natural insect repellent due to its strong smell and many properties. It even disrupts its smelling capabilities so they cannot detect food sources.

What You Need To Do

Add 5-10 drops of peppermint essential oil in a glass of water and fill the spray bottle with this mixture. Spray this solution on the areas where ants are present.

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Repeat doing this twice in a day for preventing ants completely.

3. White Vinegar


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White vinegar is also known for its strong smell to prevent ants from your surrounding and in your kitchen. The smell masks their scent trials and distracts their direction to reach its destination.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water and fill spray bottle with this solution.
  • Spray this solution on the areas where you see ants and at the entry points and wipe away all the ants using a tissue paper after one hour.
  • Repeat it once in a day to remove them completely.

4. Lemon Juice


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The acidic nature in lemon juice will mask the scent trials of ants and leave your room and kitchen ant free.

What You Need To Do

  • Spray little amount of lemon juice on the entry points of your home.
  • Alternatively add few drops of lemon essential oil in cup of water and mix them well. Fill the spray bottle with this solution and spray it on the places where you see plenty of ants.
  • Repeat it once in a day.

5. Cayenne Pepper


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Cayenne pepper also works as perfect ant repellent due to its strong nature. It destroys the chemical signals that ants rely to navigate towards food and other places.

What You Need To Do

  • Just sprinkle pinch of cayenne pepper on the areas where you see ants.
  • Alternatively mix equal parts of cayenne pepper and turmeric and sprinkle them on access points to form unpleasant barrier for ants.
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6. Borax


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Borax is toxic to ants and helps you to get rid of them completely from your home.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix borax with little amount of sugar powder in 1:3 ratio and mix it with sufficient amount of water until your get syrup like thick consistency.
  • Now, apply this paste on the affected areas of your house to get rid of ants.

7. Liquid Dish Soap


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Dish soap not only helps you to clean all the dishes in your kitchen, it also acts perfect ant repellent to prevent them. It will suffocate the ants and lead them to die.

What You Have To Do

Mix equal parts of liquid soap and baking soda in a small cup and apply this mixture on the affected areas of your house.

Alternatively, one part of dish soap with 2 parts of water and put this solution in a spray bottle. Shake it thoroughly and spray it on the areas where ants are present. After few hours wipe off all the dead ants with wet cloth.

These Tips Will Help You To Get Rid Of Ants Fast Naturally

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