Heart Disease: 10 Warning Signs That Appear On Your Skin

Due to living a stressful life, it is common for an individual to ignore some of the common health problem signs, which appear on the skin. Even in the case of a heart problem or disease, a change in the skin is the first indication of a heart problem.

Here are 10 warning signs that appear on your skin, which show your heart problem:

1. Swelling In Your Feet And Lower Legs

The moment an individual notices a constant swelling in your feet and lower legs then immediately consult a doctor, as this is a clear indication that your heart is not working properly. In most cases, this swelling can extend as far as the upper legs and groin.

2. Blue And Purple Color On Your Skin

Another clear indication of your heart problem is the skin color changing into blue or purple. This shows that you have a blockage in your blood vessels or your blood is not getting enough oxygen. Without proper treatment, this lack of oxygen can lead to serious health problems.

Also Read: Natural Ways to Prevent Acidity And Heartburn

3. Blue Or Purple Net-Like Pattern On Your Skin

Many people choose to ignore this net-like pattern but in most cases; these patterns disappear whenever skin gets warm up. However, this pattern can also be a sign of a disease, which mostly occurs when arteries are blocked.

4. Yellowish-Orange Waxy Growths On Your Skin

These signs show that you have an unhealthy cholesterol level, which causes life-threatening diseases. These growths usually occur in the corner of your eyes, lines on your palms or the backs of your lower legs.

5. Clusters Of Waxy Bumps That Suddenly Appear On Your Skin

These waxy bumps highlight that you have a skyrocketing cholesterol level or diabetes problem. These bumps are the fatty deposits of cholesterol caused by high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

6. Nails Curve Downward And The Ends Of Your Fingers Are Swollen

Also Read: Avoid Heart Attack With These Easy Lifestyle Changes

For some people, these signs are natural. However, for some, this is a clear indication that you might have a heart infection, heart disease or lung problem. Therefore, it is advisable that you consult your doctor to find out if you have any medical problems.

7. Red Or Purple Lines Under Your Nails

Most people see these lines under their nails when they suffer an injury, however, if you cannot remember injuring your nail then it is beneficial to consult a doctor. These lines can be a sign of a heart problem or any other medical condition.

8. Smooth, Waxy Lumps On Your Skin

These signs display that an individual has an abnormal buildup of protein in an organ, especially in your heart. In case, the protein builds up in the heart, it gets difficult for the heart to work properly.

9. Agonizing Swellings In Your Fingers, Toes Or May Be Both

These painful lumps indicate that you might have an infection in your heart or in your blood vessels. Consult your doctor to know which medication is best for your situation, as in some cases; these lumps are removed by surgery.

10. Brownish Discoloration On Your Palms

This type of discoloration shows that you might have an infection in your heart or blood vessels. Such infection can be life-threatening, therefore, consult a doctor as soon as you notice this discoloration.

Also Read: One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You – Here are the 10 Signs

Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bedtime Will Change Your Life for Good

In the culinary and medical world, apple cider vinegar is very famous for hundreds of years. Apple cider contains water, vitamins, minerals, and traces of other acids.

Although apple cider vinegar has an overwhelming acid taste, however, drinking apple cider before bed offers many health benefits.

Some people prefer to intake cider vinegar as an alternative of apple cider vinegar due to the sour taste.

Benefits of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bedtime

May Lower Your Blood Sugar

According to medical research, consuming apple cider vinegar has the potential to slow the emptying of your stomach and hence preventing large spikes in blood sugar. Moreover, drinking apple cider vinegar before meals benefit your blood sugar levels as it increases insulin sensitivity, which can lower your blood sugar.

Also Read: How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar At Home

Could Support Weight Loss

Drinking apple cider vinegar helps in reducing fat storage, suppress appetite as well as slow digestion. Moreover, it also increases fat burning and delays the release of hunger hormones. After consuming apple cider vinegar for 12 weeks, one may notice significantly less abdominal fat.

Reduces Oral Health

Apple cider vinegar has the potential to reduce the bacteria in your mouth, which causes bad breath. Drink one tablespoon with eight ounces of water and a slice of lemon before bedtime reduces the mouth bacteria and the bad breath early in the morning.

Soothes The Hiccups Problem

Apple cider vinegar stimulates the nerves in your throat that causes hiccups and resolves the problem very effectively within minutes. All you need to do is to drink a teaspoon of undiluted apple cider vinegar.

Sinus Relief

In case, you are suffering from a stuffy nose then intake a little amount of apple cider vinegar to get sinus relief. Apple cider vinegar has vitamin B, potassium, and magnesium, which helps to relax from your sinus, so you can breathe.

Also Read : 5 Tips How to Use Raw Apple Cider Vinegar for Diarrhea & Vomiting

Reduces Stomach Ache

Sleeping while you are having an upset stomach is almost not possible, therefore next time you face a problem like this, drink a cup of warm water and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, which is going to ease the discomfort.

Prevent Indigestion

Apple cider vinegar has the potential to resolve the problem of indigestion, which sometimes leads to insomnia. You simply need to take one spoon of apple cider vinegar along with a spoon of honey and mix both in the warm water.

Treats Nocturnal Leg Cramps

Lack of potassium often leads to the problem of nocturnal leg cramps; however, one can easily treat it by regularly drinking apple cider vinegar. It contains a heavy amount of potassium that restores the balance in your system and efficiently treats the problem of leg cramp.

Soothes irritated throat

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful anti-bacterial, which quickly kills the bacteria that live in the throat. In case, you suffer from a sore throat, consume a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 30 minutes intervals. Keep in mind, to drink another teaspoon an hour before bedtime.

Also Read: Side Effects Of Weight Loss With Apple Cider Vinegar

Top 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

No doubt that coconut oil has many hair and skin benefits, however, there are many health benefits from coconut oil. Coconut oil has many nutrients, which contribute to higher energy levels and a stronger metabolism. Some basic health benefits of coconut oil are heart-healthy and oral health benefits.

Coconut oil is tasteless and colorless and is available in refined and unrefined coconut oil. In both ways, coconut oil is beneficial for both health and beauty purposes.

Coconut oil also has many skin-deep uses, such as:

  • a natural skin moisturizer
  • a condition for your hair
  • use an ingredient in home-based soap scrub and lotion recipes

What are the benefits of coconut oil?

According to a study, coconut oil offers some major health benefits, both internally and externally.

1. A Boost In Good Cholesterol

According to a study, coconut oil has the components to reduce the bad cholesterol components level and give a boost to the good cholesterol components level.

2. Good For Blood Sugar And Diabetes

Coconut oil has the potential to lower the level of obesity in the body as well as battles insulin resistance – issues that often lead to type two diabetes.

Also Read: 9 Amazing Benefits Of Using Coconut Oil For Tanning

3. Helps Fight Back Against Alzheimer’s Disease

The components found in coconut oil help the mending brain in Alzheimer patients. Moreover, the components in coconut oil improve the cognitive function in the human body. 

4. Helps In Stopping Heart Disease And High Blood Pressure

Many people may not know but coconut oil is rich in saturated fats, which boosts good cholesterol to keep off heart disease, and lowers high cholesterol levels. One of the major coconut oil benefits is that it turns bad cholesterol into good cholesterol.

5. Aids In Liver Health

The special components of coconut oil also guard against any damage to the liver as well as aids in curing urinary region infection. Coconut oil has a specific value that can be directly processed by the liver into ketones.

6. Boosts Energy

Unrefined coconut oil hikes energy and stamina in the body by improving liver health, which improves the energy level in the body. However, before adding the coconut oil in your diet, consult the doctor to know your consumption level.

7. Aids With Digestion

Coconut oil used for improving food digestion as well as eliminates toxic bacteria, which increases poor digestion and stomach inflammation. Moreover, an adequate amount of coconut oil consumption helps in preventing stomach ulcers.

Also Read: How To Make Coconut Oil Deodorant

8. Treat Wounds And Burns

As good as coconut oil for hair, it is also good for the skin. Coconut oil is widely used for the treatment of wounds, burns, and dermatitis. Moreover, coconut oil also acts as a sunscreen, moisturizer, as well as reduce inflammation under the skin and promote better healing.

9. Acts As An Anti-Aging Components

When applied appropriately coconut oil has the potential to decrease fine lines and wrinkles by keeping your connective tissues strong and flexible.

10. Helps In Weight Loss

Coconut oil acts as a fat and calorie burner, which results in weight loss, especially when you use unrefined coconut oil. According to a study, some components in coconut oil reduce a body’s resting heart rate and aids in burning fat.

Also Read: Benefits Of Coconut Oil As a Supplement

10 Early Signs of Ovarian Cancer Symptoms That Women Often Ignore

Most of the time, it is difficult to diagnose ovarian cancer, especially in the early stages because most of the symptoms are similar to other health problems.

It is advisable for everyone to see a doctor, in case, you experience unexplained abdominal symptoms, which lasts for more than two to three weeks.

Early signs of ovarian cancer

As said above, recognizing the symptoms of ovarian cancer is difficult as most of them are common among people on a day-to-day basis. The symptoms, which are mostly associated with ovarian cancer usually develop in the later stages of the condition. The symptoms of ovarian cancer put pressure on the balder, uterus, and rectum, which helps in recognizing the chances of Ovarian Cancer.

Early signs of ovarian cancer

Symptoms of ovarian cancer:

  • Bloating
  • Unexplained abdominal pain
  • Lack of appetite
  • Indigestion
  • Nausea
  • The constant need to urinate more frequently
  • Unexplained pressure on the pelvis
  • Unexplained exhaustion
  • Constipation
  • Back pain

People tend to ignore some of the symptoms as people think that these symptoms might occur due to other health conditions. Therefore, they tend to delay their visit to the doctors, which leads to a serious problem.

Keep in mind, if you experience any of these symptoms for more than two or three weeks, then immediately visit the doctor.

Also Read: Cancer Symptoms First Appear In Your Hands! Here’s How You Can Spot Them

Some people who are likely to develop ovarian cancer than other people include:

  • Someone with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer
  • Someone who have Lynch syndrome
  • Never being pregnant
  • Obesity
  • Someone who consumes fertility medications
  • Most cases develop after menopause

People, who have a family history of cancer or any other medical problem, should get a medical checkup occasionally. Moreover, one also needs to be constantly in touch with their gynecologists to notice any major changes in the body. To avoid such situations, a regular medical checkup is recommended by every doctor. This also helps in recognizing any health hazard beforehand and starts the treatment before the situation gets worse.

Reasons that may lessen the general risk of developing ovarian cancer include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Using oral birth control pills for at least five years
  • Taking reproductive system surgeries

Diagnosis of ovarian cancer

The first and foremost step to recognize the problem of ovarian cancer is a CT scan. Moreover, a doctor may ask some of the common and basic questions such as:

  • How long you are facing the pain
  • What kind of medications you have taken to reduce the pain
  • How often you feel the pain
  • Ask some questions on your medical history

Another test, a doctor might perform is a pelvic exam to see if the ovaries are swollen, bloated, or if there is any liquid in the abdomen. A doctor might order additional testing if:

  • If the doctor notices any abnormalities during the pelvic exam
  • Unnecessary and unexplained pain near the pelvic area
  • You and your family medical history

As the symptoms of ovarian cancer are similar to many other, less dangerous conditions, many women overlook the signs.

Therefore, as soon as you realize that you are experiencing pain more than two to three weeks; talk with a doctor as soon as possible.

Also Read: 5 Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer women should Never Ignore

Stomach Ulcers and What You Can Do About Them

Painful sores in the lining of the stomach, also known as stomach ulcers and gastric ulcers are one of the types of peptic ulcer diseases. Any ulcers affecting the stomach and small intestine are called peptic ulcers.

There are numerous stomach ulcers causes, the most important of them all is the abnormal reduction or shrinkage of the thick mucus layer that protects your stomach lining from the acidic digestive juices. As a result, the digestive acids start damaging the tissues around the lining of the stomach and cause ulcers.

It is usually easy to treat stomach ulcers, but if not given proper attention, they can become severe.

Let’s know more about the ulcers of the stomach:

What are the causes of stomach ulcers?

In addition to the reduction of the thick mucus layer, there are some other causes of stomach ulcers including:

  • An infection of a bacterium called Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori)
  • Prolonged usage of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, etc.
  • Rarely, a condition called Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is also responsible for stomach and intestinal ulcers, especially if it is not treated on time.

Stomach Ulcers Symptoms:

Depending on the duration and severity, there are various symptoms of a stomach ulcer:

Pain and burning sensation around the middle of the abdomen is the most common symptom. The pain usually gets worse when you are hungry and it may last for a few minutes and sometimes a few hours as well.

Also Read: 10 Worst Foods To Avoid On An Empty Stomach

Some other common symptoms of stomach ulcers are:

  • Mild to severe dull pain in the stomach
  • Progressive weight loss
  • Loss of appetite because of continuous pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Bloating
  • The patient feels full even after a very light meal
  • Continuous acid reflux resulting in burping
  • Burning sensation in the chest
  • Stomach ache may improve with eating, drinking, or by antacids
  • Anemia characterized by breathlessness, pale skin, and tiredness, etc.
  • In severe cases, bloody or coffee-like vomiting may also be one of the symptoms ulcers in the stomach

Diagnosis of stomach ulcers:

You may suffer from these symptoms due to some other conditions as well. So, it becomes very imperative to properly diagnose the stomach ulcers.

For proper diagnosis, your doctor may ask you for detailed medical history that should include your symptoms, duration of those symptoms, other associated problems, and if you are having some other prescription or over-the-counter medications.

Confirming or ruling out the H. Pylori infection: For this, your doctor may advise for a blood, stool, or breath test.

Other procedures and tests advised for the diagnosis of stomach ulcers are:

  • Barium Swallow: You will have to drink a thick white liquid known as barium. It coats the upper GIT tract and makes it easy for the doctor to inspect the stomach and intestine through the x-rays.
  • Endoscopy: The doctor will insert a thin, lighted tube through your mouth inside the stomach and the upper part of the intestine. The lighted tube helps the doctor to check for the ulcers, bleeding or any other abnormality of tissues.

Also Read: How to Get Relief from Stomach Ache

Treatment of Stomach Ulcers:

The treatment depends on the ulcers in stomach symptoms. Usually, the ulcers of the stomach are successfully treated with prescription medicines, but surgery may also be required in rare cases.

It’s very important to talk to your doctor as soon as possible, as delay in the treatment may cause severe problems. If you are suffering from actively bleeding ulcers, you will likely be hospitalized for proper observation and treatment.

Nonsurgical treatment:

Antibiotics and drugs named proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are usually prescribed in the acute cases of ulcers caused by H. Pylori.

Depending on the causes and severity, your doctor may recommend:
  • H2 receptor blockers.
  • Stopping the usage of NSAIDs
  • Probiotics
  • Bismuth supplement
  • Follow-up endoscopy for further investigation

Homeopathic Treatment:

Homeopathic treatment is entirely based on symptoms-similarity where the symptoms of the patients and the symptoms of medicines should be as similar as possible, but a handful of homeopathic remedies are very effective to treat the symptoms of a stomach ulcer. These are:

  • Arsenic Album
  • Kali Bichromicum
  • Mercurius Corrosives
  • Mercurius Solubillis
  • Natrum Phosphoricum
  • Nux Vomica
  • Phosphorus
  • Robinia

NOTE: Don’t take any of these medicines without consulting a qualified homeopathic doctor.

Surgical Treatment:

Usually, the stomach ulcers are cured by medicines but, if they become very complicated, surgery may be required.

Your doctor may recommend for the surgery if ulcers:

  • Don’t heal at all
  • Continue to return
  • Keep bleeding
  • Tear through the stomach
  • Causing insufficient retention of food in the stomach.

Also Read: Eat Garlic and Honey on an Empty Stomach for 7 Days and THIS Will Happen to Your Body!

Surgical procedures may include:

  • Removal of the entire ulcer
  • Removal of tissue from another part of intestines and pathing it around the ulcer site
  • Tying off a bleeding artery
  • Stoppage of the nerve supply to the stomach to control the excessive production of stomach acids.

How to avoid stomach ulcers:

It doesn’t matter what are the stomach ulcers causes, they are never good for your health. And it is not that tough to keep them at bay. You can do that by following a healthful diet. Here are a few foods you should include in your diet to keep the stomach ulcers at bay:

  • Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and radishes
  • Leafy greens like kale and spinach
  • Foods are rich in probiotics such as miso, kombucha, sauerkraut, and yogurt, etc.
  • Fruits like apples, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries, etc.
  • Olive oil
  • Honey
  • Foods are rich in glutamine like chicken, eggs, fishes, and spinach, etc.

That’s all about our discussion on the stomach ulcers. Treating them is never very tough, but it can get tough if not treated timely and properly. Hopefully, you got to know a lot about the stomach ulcers, and you will follow these advises keeping the stomach ulcers at bay. If you feel even mild symptoms of a stomach ulcer, don’t ignore and talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

Also Read: Banana Drink that will Burn Stomach Fat Immediately

How to Make Your Nails Grow Faster and Stronger?

It can be sometimes annoying if you want to grow your nails but they seem to resist that growth! Your wait for having attractive nails never ends, they grow, they chip and they break! And you’re always forced to trim them! If you are annoyed with numerous failed attempts of growing your nails, here is a ray of hope for you.

Here are a few tips on how to grow your nails faster and stronger. But, before that, let’s find out the possible reasons why your nails are not growing as they are supposed to grow. Let’s find out.

You keep biting them off:

Honey, if you have the habit of biting your nails, you need to put the “full stop” to it. This bat habit doesn’t only disturb the growth of your fingernails, it may also cause some bacterial infections to your gut.

Applying nail polish without base coat:

If you love applying nail polish, you have to get in relationship with base coat as well. Applying nail polish without base coat can also slow down the growth of your nails.

nail grow faster

Related: How to Remove Nail Polish Without Nail Polish Remover

Excess use of gel and acrylics:

If you apply gel or acrylics too often on your nails, you’re not allowing them to grow naturally. Using gel and acrylics once in a while is okay, but using them regularly affects the natural growth process of your nails.


Some people are genetically disposed to slow or in a very rare cases, even inward growth of nails. If that’s the case, it may require proper treatment.

How to Grow Your Nails Faster and Stronger:

Here we are listing a few tips that can help you to have strong and beautiful nails.

Use Lemon Juice:

Vitamin C of lemon can promote the healthy growth of nails. In addition, lemon can also get rid of yellow nail stains as it is a powerful bleaching agent.

Method to follow:
  • Mix one tbsp. lemon juice with 3 tbsp olive oil.
  • Heat the mixture for about 20 seconds.
  • Now, soak your nails in the solution for about half an hour.
  • Do it daily to ensure the healthy growth of your nails.

Related: Home Remedies For White Spots On Finger Nails

Coconut Oil:

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is packed with nutrients that give your nails the required moisture and nourishment. This ensures a strong and healthy growth of nails. Coconut oil can also treat the fungal infection of nails.

How to use coconut oil:
  • Warm-up ½ cup extra virgin oil in a bowl.
  • Massage your nails and fingers in a circular motion.
  • Repeat this method every night before sleeping.

Orange Juice:

Orange Juice

Among other factors, collagen is also responsible for strong and healthy nail growth. Vitamin C found in the orange encourages the production of collagen and ensures the proper growth of your nails.

How to do it:
  • Squeeze the juice from an orange into a clean bowl.
  • Soak your nails in the juice for 15 minutes and wash then wash them off.
  • Apply a gentle moisturizer to avoid dryness.
  • Repeat it once in a day for better growth.

Olive Oil:

Olive Oil

If you want to ensure good growth of your nails, you need to ensure you provide them with proper moisture and nourishment. Olive oil is a good source of vitamin E, which is not only great nourishment for your nails, it also improves blood circulation and hence promotes healthy nail growth.

How to use olive oil for nail growth:
  • Warm-up ½ cup olive oil and cool it down a little.
  • Massage your nails and cuticles with olive oil for five minutes.
  • Wear good quality, soft gloves and leave the oil overnight.
  • Do it every night before sleeping for better results.

These are some easy tips to ensure the proper and healthy growth of your nails. Try any of them according to your choice and make sure you also have beautiful long nails. Stop getting jealous, start following these tricks from today!

Related: This Is What Happens to Your Body 10 Hours After Applying Nail Polish

How to Lighten Dark Underarms Fast with 2 Natural Ingredients

Having dark underarms is not something serious health issue, but for some people, it can be a reason for embarrassment. If you have dark underarms, you think numerous times before wearing sleeveless tops, sports suits, bathing suits, etc. especially in public. You may start feeling underconfident about your look and appearance.

But here is an excellent solution for you! Here we are sharing with you a very natural, yet so powerful trick to improve dark underarms. The best part is, you have to use two natural ingredients for this combination – lemon juice and baking soda.

What causes dark underarms?

Before knowing more about the recipe, let’s talk about a few causes of dark underarms.

You may have dark underarms due to:
  • Regular shaving of your armpits.
  • Continuous usage of deodorants and antiperspirants.
  • Accumulation of dead cells around the armpits.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Certain bacterial infections.
  • Acanthosis Nigricans – An abnormal thickness, roughness, and darkness of skin
  • Medical conditions like Smoker’s melanosis, melasma and Addison’s disease, etc.

Related: 7 Natural Ways to Lighten Dark Underarms

Why Use Lemon Juice and Baking Soda?

Both lemon juice and baking soda are known for their powerful bleaching properties. But it’s not only about bleaching. Here are a few more strong reasons, why you should use lemon and baking soda for dark underarms.

How to Lighten Dark Underarms Fast with 2 Natural Ingredients

Skin benefits of Lemon Juice:

  • Exfoliates the skin: Lemon is packed with vitamin C and ascorbic acid that make it a very powerful natural skin exfoliator.
  • Stimulates Collagen: Due to the presence of vitamin C, lemon can stimulate collagen (responsible for your skin’s natural color).
  • Powerful natural cleanser: Lemon is one of the most powerful natural skin cleansers, and can combat almost all types of abnormal skin darkness.
  • An excellent moisturizer: Skin dryness can also cause darkness around your armpits. Lemon can combat that by keeping your skin moisturized.
  • Lemon is packed with antiseptic and antibacterial properties: Due to these qualities, lemon can improve almost all types of skin infections responsible for the darkness of skin.

Related: How to Use Baking Soda to Whiten Underarms

Skin Benefits of Baking Soda:

  • Maintains the pH level of the skin: Hyperpigmentation can increase your skin’s pH level. Thanks to the amphoteric properties, baking soda can maintain the skin’s pH level and improves the darkness of armpits.
  • Natural Deodorant: Using commercial deodorants for very long can also make your underarms dark. What’s the solution? You can use baking soda as a natural deodorant. It will make sure better health and the color of your skin.

How to Use Lemon Juice and Baking Soda for Dark Underarms?

  • Add 2 tbsp lemon juice with one tbsp baking soda
  • Mix both the ingredients well to get a smooth paste
  • Apply gently around the armpits and leave for about twenty minutes
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry with a soft towel
  • Repeat this for a couple of weeks and see the result
  • Apply a gentle moisturizer because both baking soda and lemon juice are acidic in nature.

That’s the powerful recipe for dark underarms guys. Try it at least once if you are feeling embarrassed due to dark armpits. You will feel the difference within a couple of weeks, and you will get back your confidence and self-esteem.

Related: Apple Cider Vinegar for Dark Underarms – 5 DIY Methods

Colgate And Vaseline To Get Rid of Dark Spots on Skin

Your skin is the finest clothing you can ever wear. When it comes to representing your physicality, skin plays a very critical role. Every skin color and every skin type are beautiful and unique in different ways.

Skin is not only about defining your physical appearance; it is a vital sheath that protects your body from dozens of harmful external stimuli. Factors like prolonged exposure to certain external stimuli, hormonal imbalances, adolescence, puberty, particular health conditions, medicinal usages, etc.

can cause various skin problems. And dark skin spots are one of the most common of them.

In this article, we are talking about a very effective combination that can help you to eradicate the abnormal darkness of the skin. The best thing about this combination is, it is safe for almost all types of skin, and is very easy to prepare.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are talking about the combination of two of the most common products you can find in almost every Indian home- Colgate and Vaseline!

You must be familiar with both of these products, as both are part of our life for so many years now. Let’s find out why these two products are used to prepare the dark spots remedy.

Colgate And Vaseline To Get Rid of Dark Spots on Skin

Why Use Colgate and Vaseline for Dark Spots:


You might be surprised by the skin benefits of Colgate, as its primary action is on your teeth and it gets rid of most of the dental problems. But according to recent studies, Colgate can be effective in the case of dark spots and pimples, especially if they’re caused by the heat. Ingredients of Colgate including calcium carbonate and zinc can work positively on your skin.


Who doesn’t know about this magical petroleum jelly? It seems we all grown up using Vaseline for different skin problems. It can singlehandedly combat dozens of skin problems.

  • Vaseline can quickly heal scrapes and burns (two of the major causes of skin darkness.
  • It keeps your skin moisturized and avoid darkness due to skin dryness.
  • Vaseline avoids skin rashes that sometimes convert into dark spots.
  • It prevents harmful skin strains from hair dye or nail polish.

There are plenty of other benefits that make Vaseline standout among a lot of beauty products. Let’s find out how to use the combination to remove dark spots.

Related: Vaseline With 1 Vitamin E Capsule Can Change Your Skin Overnight

How to use Vaseline and Colgate to Remove Dark Spots:

What Do You need?

Simple, easily available Vaseline petroleum jelly and Colgate

  • Use simple white Colgate toothpaste, instead of flavored or gel-based varieties.
Here is how to use:
  • Take a little amount of toothpaste in a bowl.
  • Now, add an equal amount of Vaseline.
  • Mix both the ingredients properly until they’re combined perfectly.
  • Now, apply the combination on the dark spots and spread it around.
  • Keep it on for five minutes and then wash off with plain water.

The trick is going to be very effective for dark spots. It can even help you to remove the blackheads from the skin.

Colgate can cause allergy to some people. Don’t forget to do the allergy test before using it.

Related: This Vaseline Trick Can Help You Remove Unwanted Hair

How to Use Black Seed Oil (Kalonji) For Hair Growth and Baldness?

We all suffer from hair shedding to some extent. It’s a common problem that seems almost impossible to avoid due to a lot of different factors. Unfortunately, some of us find it very difficult to get rid of this problem, and that’s when it becomes very important to be a little serious about this issue.

It’s completely okay to lose 50-100 hair strands per day, but if you lose anything more than that, you should start taking it a little seriously. Fighting the problem early can be very helpful too. It can’t only stop the problem, but can even promote the new growth.

In this write-up, we are going to highlight the amazing benefits of black seed oil, (also known as Black Cumin Oil or Nigella Sativa Oil) for hair and how it can be a powerful natural remedy for hair fall and baldness.

What is Black Seed Oil:

Seeds of Nigella Sativa, a flower from Middle East, Southwest Asia, and Eastern Europe, also commonly known as black cumin, black onion seeds, black caraway, and kalonji. Black seeds are being used for medicinal purpose for thousands of years. There are already a lot of evidences about their benefits in case of allergies, asthma, headache, diabetes, arthritis, intestinal worms, and weight loss etc.

Nowadays, these little seeds are also used in numerous beauty and hair care products. Thymoquinone, the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant compound of the oil can successfully fight bacterial and fungal infections.

Contents of thymoquinone like proteins, alkaloids, and saponins etc. can combat the hair fall and can even promote new hair growth.

There are a lot of different methods of using Kalonji for hair growth, but here are a few recipes which can do wonders in a very quick time. Let’s find out more.

Black Seed Oil recipes to combat hair fall:

Black Seed Oil Oil Hair Treatment:

Massaging your hair only with kalonji oil can boost your hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles. In addition, thanks to the essential nutrients, it can nourish your scalp to produce healthy and thick hair.

  • 2 tbsp cumin seeds oil
Steps to follow:
  • Take 2 tbsp oil in your palm and rub it for a few seconds.
  • Apply the oil properly on your hair, focusing the area affected with baldness.
  • Make sure you apply the hair perfectly through the hair roots and tips.
  • Leave the oil for about half an hour and wash with your routine shampoo.
  • Follow the procedure two to three times a week.

Related: 10 Simple Things You Can Do To Fight Hair Loss

Black Seed Oil with Olive Oil:

If you have oil hair, this is the most suitable combination for you. Olive oil is an excellent natural hair conditioner and it softens your hair and makes it smooth. Olive oil can also fight with hair problems like breakage and split ends, and can promote new growth. If combined with black seed oil, it can get rid off dandruff, making your scalp clean and smooth.

Ingredients you need:
  • 1 tbsp black seed oil
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
The process to follow:
  • Mix both the ingredients in a bowl.
  • Massage your hair thoroughly, focusing the areas affected mostly with the hair loss.
  • Cover whole scalp thoroughly with the mixture working through the roots and tips.
  • Keep the oil on your hair for half an hour and then rinse off with a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat the process three times a week.

Black Seed Oil and Coconut Oil:

The combination is suitable for those who have normal hair. Coconut oil can easily penetrate through the scalp and can nourish the hair follicles and shafts. When used with kalonji oil, it becomes a very effective remedy for hair growth.

What you need:
  • 1 tbsp black cumin oil
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
The process to follow:
  • Mix both the oils properly in a bowl and microwave them for a couple of minutes (If you don’t have a microwave, you can also use the stove).
  • Keep the mixture aside until it gets a little colder.
  • Apply the combination on your hair and work through the entire length.
  • Leave it for half an hour and then go for the bath.

Related:  Just Apply This on Your Hair And They Will Grow Nonstop

Cumin Seeds Oil and Castor Oil:

This preparation is more suitable for people having dry hair. Castor oil has always been known as a growth-booster. It is loaded with antibacterial and antifungal properties. In addition, the castor oil is also rich in proteins, minerals, vitamin E, and omega-1 and 2 fatty acids. All these qualities of castor oil make it a potent hair remedy. And when it is combined with cumin seeds oil, it can become even more effective.

You need:
  • 1½ tbsp cumin seeds oil
  • ½ tbsp castor oil
Steps to follow:
  • Combine both the oils in a small bowl.
  • Massage your scalp thoroughly, targeting the area mostly affected with baldness.
  • Leave the oil for at least 20-30 minutes and then wash off with a mild shampoo.
  • Follow these steps three times a week.

Black Seed Oil with Lemon

Rich in vitamin C, lemon improves the collagen levels in the scalp. The acidic property of lemon can also balance the pH level of scalp. Using it with black seed oil can help you to successfully combat problems like hair fall and baldness.

Ingredients You Will Need:
  • 2 tbsp black seed oil
  • Juice of one medium-sized lemon
Tips to Follow:
  • Massage your scalp thoroughly with lemon juice.
  • After 15 minutes, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  • Allow your hair to dry and then massage with kalonji oil for a few minutes.
  • Massage through the entire length of hair including roots and tips.
  • Leave the oil overnight and wash of in the morning.

These are some powerful kalonji oil recipes for hair fall and baldness. All of them are equally effective and works perfectly for people of all ages. Depending on your choices, hair type, and the availability of the ingredients, choose any of these recipes and get back your self-esteem. Good luck with your efforts to get your beautiful hair back.

Related: 5 Aloe Vera Hair Mask For Gorgeous Hair

How to Improve Your Health by Taking Care of Your Teeth

Oral health is much more than only “oral health”. If you think that oral health only covers teeth, gums, tongue, and the upper throat, etc., you are living with a myth. It is much more than your mouth. Your oral health is directly or indirectly linked with almost every vital organ of your body. If you are not maintaining good oral hygiene, or you’re ignoring your oral problems, you may suffer from some serious illness.

Taking care of your oral health will also ensure better physical and mental health. Your mouth is the entrance of the whole of your health, and if it is healthy, there are high chances that your physical and mental health is also okay.

Here are some tips on how to improve your health by taking care of your teeth.

How to Improve Your Health by Taking Care of Your Teeth

 Brush your teeth, thoroughly, at least twice a day:

Although, morning is usually the most preferred time for brushing. But you should brush your teeth after every meal. If you can’t do that, brush them at least twice a day. Brush your teeth thoroughly ensuring that each tooth is covered.

Toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles are best for people of almost all ages. If you can get toothpaste with fluoride, that’s even better, as fluoride strengthens the teeth enamel and reduces the risk of tooth decay.

Floss your teeth at least once daily:

Tiny food particles may remain between the teeth even after brushing and can make your teeth and gums unhealthy. You should floss your teeth at least once daily to avoid such problems.

Related: How to Naturally Remove Plaque and Tartar from Teeth

 Reduce the intake of acidic drinks:

Acidic drinks are extremely harmful for your health. Regular intake of them can cause a lot of health problems, including tooth decay, swelling and sensitivity of gums, cracked or broken teeth, and periodontitis etc. In severe cases, the teeth may even get “eaten” down to the gums. So, if you are taking high amount of acidic drinks, start limiting them to ensure good oral health.

Limit Sugary Foods:

A high intake of sugary foods is harmful to your health in a lot of ways. They can cause dental plaque which changes sugars into acids. Speedy conversion of sugars into acids can cause mild to severe problems including acidity, heartburn, injuries to the internal intestinal walls, etc.

So, if you want to ensure good oral health, limit your sugar intake.

Protect your teeth from injury:

Injury to your teeth can be extremely dangerous in a lot of ways. It can be responsible for some other health issues as well. So, protect your teeth in the best possible way, especially when you playing a sport. Wearing a full-face helmet or mouthguard can be helpful.

Your teeth are only for chewing foods:

Always remember that your teeth are only for chewing food items. If you use them for removing bottle tops, cracking nuts, or opening packaging, you may have chipped or broken teeth.

Related: How To Control Wisdom Tooth Pain With Home Remedies

Don’t throw out the knocked-out tooth:

If you suffer from an injury, and your tooth is knocked out, try to keep it safely. If possible, try to place the it back in your mouth while seeking immediate medical attention. If keeping it back in mouth is not possible, wrap the tooth properly in plastic and take it while going to your dentist.

Go for a regular dental check-up:

Try to visit your dentist regularly, even if you don’t have dental problems. It will help you to take care of your teeth in a more professional manner.

Taking care of your oral health is very important in every aspect. As we have already discussed, oral health is interlinked with your overall physical and mental health. If you feel even a minor problem to your oral cavity, don’t ignore it and get proper medical attention.

Related: Best Home Remedies For Receding Gums